11 research outputs found

    Cholesterol Synthesis and Possible Modes of Action of Ptch1

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    <div><p>(A) Shown is a schematic representation of cholesterol synthesis. Boxed are lathosterol and 7-DHC, cholesterol precursors known to accumulate in lathosterolosis and SLOS patients, respectively. Mutations in or genetic loss of sterol C5-desaturase <i>(Sc5d)</i> cause stacking of lathosterol, whereas dysfunction of 7-DHC reductase <i>(Dchr7)</i> or the addition of its synthetic inhibitor AY-9944 causes accumulation of 7-DHC. The conversion of 7-DHC to vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is mediated by UV light. Statins, like pravastatin, inhibit HMG-CoA reductase, the enzyme that forms mevalonate. </p> <p>(B) Shown are three possible models for the inhibitory action of the Hh receptor Ptch1 on Smo. (1) A cell-autonomous mode of action, in which direct binding of Ptch1 inhibits Smo. (2) An intracellular inhibitory action, mediated by direct binding of Ptch1 to Smo. (3) The model in which Ptch1 pumps an inhibitory small molecule that is capable of Smo-repression intercellularly (as well as intracellularly; not shown).</p></div

    Confirmation of Functionality of Constructs and Model System Used

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    <div><p>(A) Transfection of Ptch1 expression construct in C3H/10T1/2 fibroblasts increased Ptch1 expression over basal expression, as seen on Western blot. Actin levels remained unaltered; cells were lysed 24 h post transfection.</p> <p>(B) C3H/10T1/2 cells are sensitive to Hh pathway components as indicated by Gli reporter activity when pathway components are expressed: Smo increased Hh pathway activity as determined by Gli reporter luciferase assay. Cotransfection of Ptch1 suppressed Smo-induced Gli activation. Transfection of Ptch1 in the absence of Smo overexpression did not decrease Gli activity below control levels. Shh stimulation (1 Ī¼g/ml for 6 h, 16 h post transfection) and transfection of a Gli1 expression construct showed highest reporter activity, as expected. Addition of 1 Ī¼g/ml Shh-blocking antibody 5E1 reduced Shh-mediated activation of Gli reporter activity. The Ptch1-insensitive mutant SmoM2 showed a high basal activity that could not be diminished by cotransfecting Ptch1, as expected. Cells were transfected and lysed after 24 h. Values shown are relative light unit (RLU) values corrected for an internal CMV Renilla standard, expressed as percent increase relative to vector (pcDNA 3.1ā€“) transfection or control stimulation. Depicted is the mean Ā± SEM. ( <i>n</i> = 4; *, <i>p</i> < 0.05; **, <i>p</i> < 0.01). </p> <p>(C) Shh concentration in medium is below the detection limit (5 ng/ml) of Western blotting. Medium was spiked with decreasing concentrations of recombinant Shh, and blotted along with a 4Ɨ concentrated medium sample obtained from C3H/10T1/2 fibroblasts (incubated for 16 h at a volume-to-surface ratio identical to the mix-and-match and medium transfer experiments).</p></div

    Effects of Vitamin D3 on Developing Zebrafish Embryos

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    <div><p>(A) Fertilized zebrafish eggs were dechorionated and placed in buffer containing 1.2 mg/ml sonicated vitamin D3, starting the continuous incubation between the 32- and 64-cell stages. At the different developmental stages (as indicated), the embryos were analysed, revealing persistent somite malformations, a ventrally curved body, poorly developed myoseptum, an aberrant extension of the yolk tube, a prominent dorsal midbrain, and a reduced trunk. The wild-type Engrailed staining (4D9) of muscle pioneers and surrounding cells in control-treated animals was not observed upon vitamin D3 treatment. ISH for <i>ptc1</i> mRNA showed a strongly reduced signal in vitamin D3ā€“treated animals compared with controls. Staining with the F59 antibody revealed that slow muscle fibres were disturbed in number and orientation in the treated animals. </p> <p>(B) At 18 hpf, embryos were photographed in detail and somite angles were determined (as shown in top panel). The measurement was taken of an individual somite between dorsal and ventral portions of the vertical myoseptum for corresponding somites between the wild-type and vitamin D3ā€“treated embryos. Shown are the mean angles (Ā±SEM; <i>n</i> = 3) of wild-type control- and vitamin D3ā€“treated embryos. </p> <p>C) Detail of 4-dpf embryo. Note the slightly enlarged pericardial cavity in vitamin D3ā€“treated animals. The orientation of all images is a lateral view, anterior to the left.</p></div

    Analysis of Vitamin D3 as a Specific Smo Antagonist

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    <div><p>(A) Shown are the Gli reporter inhibitions by 7-DHC, AY-9944, a Dhcr7 inhibitor, vitamin D3, and a combination of the latter two. Also shown is the inhibition that can be conferred by the well-known Smo antagonist cyclopamine and the previously observed effects for Ptch1 transfectant conditioned medium as well as Ptch1 cotransfection (data taken from <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.0040232#pbio-0040232-g004" target="_blank">Figure 4</a>B and <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.0040232#pbio-0040232-g002" target="_blank">Figure 2</a>B, respectively). Cells were stimulated with the various compounds for 6 h (16 h past transfection), except for the cotransfection, which was lysed after 24 h ( <i>n</i> ā‰„ 4). </p> <p>(B) A range of concentrations of vitamin D3 was tested for inhibition of Gli reporter activity (also in SmoM2-transfected cells), MTT viability assay, and N-terminal repressor form Gli3 levels. Cells were stimulated with vitamin D3 for 6 h before lysis. For the reporter assays, RLU values were corrected for an internal CMV Renilla standard and expressed as percent difference to control stimulated cells ( <i>n</i> = 4). The MTT assays shown were raw absorption data expressed as percent difference to control stimulated ( <i>n</i> = 8); MTT agent was added for 3 h. N-terminal repressor form Gli3 was determined by quantifying ECL signal from Western blot and corrected for Ī²-actin ( <i>n</i> = 3). Depicted is the mean Ā± SEM. </p> <p>(C) Gli specificity of the inhibitory effect of 10 Ī¼M vitamin D3 was assayed by using a panel of luciferase reporter constructs, one of which was a mGli reporter (mGli-LUC). Cells were stimulated for 6 h with vitamin D3, and the luciferase activity was assayed; values were calculated from RLU values corrected for an internal CMV Renilla standard and expressed as percent difference to control stimulated cells ( <i>n</i> ā‰„ 4). Depicted is the mean Ā± SEM. </p> <p>(D) Different cell types share the inhibitory response to vitamin D3 on Gli activity. C3H/10T1/2 and MDA-MD-231 cells were used earlier in the mix-and-match and medium transfer experiments. <i>Ptch1<sup>ā€“/ā€“</sup></i> MEFs served as a control for any possible effects of vitamin D3 on Ptch1 function. Cells were stimulated for 6 h, and the luciferase activity was assayed,; values are RLU values corrected for an internal CMV Renilla standard and expressed as percent difference to control stimulated cells ( <i>n</i> = 4). Depicted is the mean Ā± SEM. </p> <p>(E) Proposed mechanism of vitamin D3 action. First panel: in the presence of Hh, Ptch1 is inactive and does not inhibit Smo. The Hh pathway is active, and Gli activity can be measured in a reporter assay. Second panel: in the absence of Hh, Ptch1 is active and uses vitamin D3 to inhibit Smo. The pathway is inactive, and low Gli activity is measured. Third panel: in the presence of Hh as well as exogenous D3, Smo is inhibited independently of Ptch1, and Hh can no longer elicit a Gli response.</p> <p>(F) Confluent Shh-LIGHT II stable Gli reporter transfectants were stimulated with 10 Ī¼M vitamin D3 and/or 200 ng/ml Shh overnight in the presence of 0.5% FCS. Luciferase activity was assayed; values are RLU values corrected for an internal CMV Renilla standard and expressed as percent difference to control stimulated cells (0 Ī¼M vitamin D3; 0 ng/ml Shh). In the presence of vitamin D3, Shh is no longer able to induce reporter activity. <i>n</i> = 4; depicted is the mean Ā± SEM. </p></div

    Differentially Modulated Ptch1 Action in <i>Dhcr7 <sup>ā€“/ā€“</sup></i> and <i>Sc5d <sup>ā€“/ā€“</sup></i> MEFs

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    <div><p>(A) Basal Gli reporter activity measured in MEFs either deficient for Sc5d or Dhcr7 shows that the stacking of 7-DHC (in the <i>Dhcr7<sup>ā€“/ā€“</sup></i> MEFs) lowers Gli activity in the mutant cells compared with lathosterol stacking in the <i>Sc5d<sup>ā€“/ā€“</sup></i> MEFs. Transfer of the conditioned media to reporter cells (indicated as ā€œMEFs as medium donorsā€) shows that the inhibitory potential of the <i>Dhcr7<sup>ā€“/ā€“</sup></i> MEFs is medium-borne. Media were incubated on donor MEFs for 16 h and transferred to reporter cells for 6 to 8 h. ( <i>n</i> ā‰„ 4; *, <i>p</i> < 0.05; ***, <i>p</i> < 0.005). </p> <p>(B) Medium transfer of Ptch1, Ptch1 siRNA, or control-transfected <i>Sc5d<sup>ā€“/ā€“</sup></i> and <i>Dhcr7<sup>ā€“/ā€“</sup></i> MEFs shows that cells stacking lathosterol but lacking 7-DHC ( <i>Sc5d<sup>ā€“/ā€“</sup></i> MEFs) are not able to translate different Ptch1 levels to an inhibitory action on reporter cells. The <i>Dhcr7<sup>ā€“/ā€“</sup></i> cells were able to properly convey an inhibitory signal when transfected with Ptch1 or, inversely, show a diminished inhibitory potential upon <i>Ptch1</i> siRNA transfection. UVB treatment of Ptch1 transfectant medium (2 h) amplified the inhibitory action. Media incubations and statistics are as in (A). </p></div

    Ptch1 Secretes Smo-Inhibitory 3Ī²-Hydroxysteroids

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    <div><p>(A) The left panel shows a schematic representation of the medium transfer experiments, in which medium was incubated on (transfected) donor cells and subsequently transferred to reporter cells. Right panel: intercellular Smo inhibition by Ptch1 is carried by the medium. Medium conditioned by control-, Ptch1-, or Ptch1 siRNA-transfected (C3H/10T1/2, solid bars, and MDA-MB-231, hatched bars) cells was transferred to Gli reporter cells. The same inhibitory action for Ptch1 was found as in the mix-and-match experiments. Neither 5E1 blocking antibody nor recombinant Shh addition to the reporter cells could diminish the inhibitory potential of the conditioned media. Medium conditioned on wild-type <i>(Ptch1<sup>+/+</sup>) </i> MEFs showed a pronounced inhibitory effect on reporter cells as compared with <i>Ptch1</i> knockout <i>(Ptch1<sup>ā€“/ā€“</sup>) </i> MEF-conditioned medium. Gli activity in reporter cells transfected with SmoM2 was not inhibited by <i>Ptch1<sup>+/+</sup></i> MEF-conditioned medium. In the absence of serum, Ptch1 transfectant conditioned medium did not contain the inhibitory activity. Incubation times are as in <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.0040232#pbio-0040232-g003" target="_blank">Figure 3</a>B. Values shown are RLU values corrected for an internal CMV Renilla standard and expressed as percent difference to control-transfected donor cells. Depicted is the mean Ā± SEM. ( <i>n</i> ā‰„ 4; *, <i>p</i> < 0.05; **, <i>p</i> < 0.01; medium Ptch1-transfected compared with medium Ptch1 siRNA-transfected). </p> <p>(B) Vector, Ptch1, and Ptch1 siRNA transfectant-conditioned media investigated with FPLC-coupled CHOD-PAP analysis shows loading of 3Ī²-hydroxysteroids on lipoproteins by control cells. Medium conditioned by Ptch1-transfected cells shows a strong increase in 3Ī²-hydroxysteroids, mainly in the LDL fraction. Ptch1 siRNA transfection abolishes 3Ī²-hydroxysteroid loading on LDL. The inset shows the lipid standard FCS containing VLDL, LDL, and HDL. Medium was incubated on cells for 16 h. Shown are typical profiles.</p> <p>(C) Shown is quantification of the LDL peaks, expressed as mM. LDL-C shows the Ptch1-induced increase, a reduction by HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor pravastatin treatment, and the abolition by Ptch1 siRNA transfection of 3Ī²-hydroxysteroid loading on LDL ( <i>n</i> = 3; *, <i>p</i> < 0.05; **, <i>p</i> < 0.01). </p> <p>(D) Pravastatin-inhibited Ptch1 action on Smo-driven Gli reporter activity, whereas the addition of the cholesterol precursor mevalonate enhanced this inhibition. Cells were transfected, and, after 16 h, pravastatin or mevalonate was added for 6 to 8 h. Depicted is the mean Ā± SEM. ( <i>n</i> = 4; *, <i>p</i> < 0.05; **, <i>p</i> < 0.01). </p> <p>(E) Hh-induced endocytosis is not inhibited by 1 mM pravastatin ( <i>n</i> = 24; ***, <i>p</i> < 0.005). Cells were stimulated with 1 Ī¼g/ml Shh for 1 h, and preincubated with 1 mM pravastatin or control for 6 h. </p></div

    Cullin box domain promotes induction of <i>hes1</i> gene <i>in vitro</i>.

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    <p>nTera-d1 cells were co-transfected with <i>hes1-luciferase</i> (<i>hes1</i>) or <i>hes1-luciferase</i> lacking the conserved CSL-binding site (<i>hes1-RBPdel</i>) and <i>myc-tag</i> (MT) as a control, or myc-tagged <i>d-asb11</i> full length (MT-Asb11) or myc-tagged <i>asb11<sup>cul</sup></i> (MT-Asb11<sup>cul</sup>) cDNA. Hes1-dependent Notch activity was analyzed by luciferase measurement.</p

    Cullin box is essential for DeltaA degradation and for maintaining a cell proliferating state <i>in vivo</i>.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Zebrafish embryos were injected with Myc-tagged <i>deltaA</i> (MT-DeltaA) and <i>d-asb11</i> (Asb11) or <i>asb11<sup>cul</sup></i> (Asb11<sup>cul</sup>) mRNA at one-cell stage. (<i>lower panel)</i> Lysates of 12 hpf embryos were analyzed by immunoblotting for the presence of DeltaA. (higher panel) Graph quantifies 2 individual experiments, each with 30 injected embryos/group. (<b>B</b>), Fluorescent whole-mount antibody labeling of wild type (WT) and <i>asb11<sup>cul</sup></i> embryos at 24 hpf for the mitotic marker anti-phosphohistone-3 (PH 3) antibody (<i>green</i>) and the neuronal marker Hu(C). Graph shows the number of positive cells per area (5 somites from beginning of yolk extension) of 5 embryos for each genotype.</p

    <i>her4::gfp</i> transactivation and premature differentiation of neural cells in <i>asb11<sup>cul</sup></i>.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>), the <i>her4::gfp</i> reporter was co-injected with <i>myc-tag</i> (MT) mRNA as a control, myc-tagged <i>d-asb11</i> full length (MT-Asb11) or myc-tagged <i>asb11<sup>cul</sup></i> (MT-Asb11<sup>cul</sup>) mRNA in zebrafish embryos. Injected embryos were treated with (+) (nā€Š=ā€Š25) or without (āˆ’) (nā€Š=ā€Š25) DAPT, from 1.5 hpf. At 14 hpf, embryos were analyzed for <i>her4</i> transactivation based on the intensity of the GFP signal. Positive embryos were counted and percentages of embryos presenting weak (blue), medium (green) or strong (red) signal were given. (<b>B</b>), Wild type (<i>left panel</i>) and mutant (<i>middle panel</i>) embryos at 12 hpf were analyzed for WISH using probe against <i>ngn1</i>. (<i>right</i>) Graph quantifies expression of <i>ngn1</i> using qPCR. (<b>C</b>) Wild type (<i>left panel</i>) and mutant (<i>right panel</i>) polster of embryos at 16 hpf were analyzed for WISH using probe against <i>islet1</i>.</p

    <i>asb11<sup>cul</sup></i> presented altered expression of Delta-Notch pathway components.

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    <p>Wild type (<i>left panel</i>) and mutant (<i>middle panel</i>) embryos at 12 hpf were analyzed for WISH using probes against <i>her1</i>, <b>A</b>; <i>her4</i>, <b>B</b>; <i>her5</i>, <b>C</b>; <i>notch3</i>, <b>D</b>; <i>deltaD</i>, <b>E</b>; <i>and deltaA</i>, <b>F</b>. (<b>G</b>), Higher magnification shows detailed analysis of <i>deltaA</i> expression. (<i>left</i>) Graphs quantify the mRNA expression levels.</p