296 research outputs found
Interaction of CO with an Au monatomic chain at different strains: electronic structure and ballistic transport
We study the energetics, the electronic structure, and the ballistic
transport of an infinite Au monatomic chain with an adsorbed CO molecule. We
find that the bridge adsorption site is energetically favored with respect to
the atop site, both at the equilibrium Au-Au spacing of the chain and at larger
spacings. Instead, a substitutional configuration requires a very elongated
Au-Au bond, well above the rupture distance of the pristine Au chain. The
electronic structure properties can be described by the Blyholder model, which
involves the formation of bonding/antibonding pairs of 5{\sigma} and 2{\pi}*
states through the hybridization between molecular levels of CO and metallic
states of the chain. In the atop geometry, we find an almost vanishing
conductance due to the 5{\sigma} antibonding states giving rise to a Fano-like
destructive interference close to the Fermi energy. In the bridge geometry,
instead, the same states are shifted to higher energies and the conductance
reduction with respect to pristine Au chain is much smaller. We also examine
the effects of strain on the ballistic transport, finding opposite behaviors
for the atop and bridge conductances. Only the bridge geometry shows a strain
dependence compatible with the experimental conductance traces
Lattice dynamics effects on the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy: application to MnBi
Using a first-principles fully relativistic scheme based on ultrasoft
pseudopotentials and density functional perturbation theory, we study the
magnetocrystalline anisotropy free energy of the ferromagnetic binary compound
MnBi. We find that differences in the phonon dispersions due to the different
orientations of the magnetization (in-plane and perpendicular to the plane)
give a difference between the vibrational free energies of the high-temperature
and low-temperature phases. This vibrational contribution to the
magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy (MAE) constant, , is non-negligible.
When the energy contribution to the MAE is calculated by the PBEsol exchange
and correlation functional, the addition of the phonon contribution allows to
get a K and a spin-reorientation transition temperature in
reasonable agreement with experiments.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 2 table
Electric fields with ultrasoft pseudo-potentials: applications to benzene and anthracene
We present density functional perturbation theory for electric field
perturbations and ultra-soft pseudopotentials. Applications to benzene and
anthracene molecules and surfaces are reported as examples. We point out
several issues concerning the evaluation of the polarizability of molecules and
slabs with periodic boundary conditions.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, to appear in J. Chem. Phy
Effect of stretching on the ballistic conductance of Au nanocontacts in presence of CO: a density functional study
CO adsorption on an Au monatomic chain is studied within density functional
theory in nanocontact geometries as a function of the contact stretching. We
compare the bridge and atop adsorption sites of CO, finding that the bridge
site is energetically favored at all strains studied here. Atop adsorption
gives rise to an almost complete suppression of the ballistic conductance of
the nanocontact, while adsorption at the bridge site results in a conductance
value close to 0.6 G0, in agreement with previous experimental data. We show
that only the bridge site can qualitatively account for the evolution of the
conductance as a function of the contact stretching observed in the
experimental conductance traces. The numerical discrepancy between the
theoretical and experimental conductance slopes is rationalized through a
simple model for the elastic response of the metallic leads. We also verify
that our conductance values are not affected by the specific choice of the
nanocontact geometry by comparing two different atomistic models for the tips
Ab-initio calculations for the beta-tin diamond transition in Silicon: comparing theories with experiments
We investigate the pressure-induced metal-insulator transition from diamond
to beta-tin in bulk Silicon, using quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) and density
functional theory (DFT) approaches. We show that it is possible to efficiently
describe many-body effects, using a variational wave function with an optimized
Jastrow factor and a Slater determinant. Variational results are obtained with
a small computational cost and are further improved by performing diffusion
Monte Carlo calculations and an explicit optimization of molecular orbitals in
the determinant. Finite temperature corrections and zero point motion effects
are included by calculating phonon dispersions in both phases at the DFT level.
Our results indicate that the theoretical QMC (DFT) transition pressure is
significantly larger (smaller) than the accepted experimental value. We discuss
the limitation of DFT approaches due to the choice of the exchange and
correlation functionals and the difficulty to determine consistent
pseudopotentials within the QMC framework, a limitation that may significantly
affect the accuracy of the technique.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, submitted to the Physical Review B on October 2
First-Principles Wannier Functions of Silicon and Gallium Arsenide
We present a self-consistent, real-space calculation of the Wannier functions
of Si and GaAs within density functional theory. We minimize the total energy
functional with respect to orbitals which behave as Wannier functions under
crystal translations and, at the minimum, are orthogonal. The Wannier functions
are used to calculate the total energy, lattice constant, bulk modulus, and the
frequency of the zone-center TO phonon of the two semiconductors with the
accuracy required nowadays in ab-initio calculations. Furthermore, the centers
of the Wannier functions are used to compute the macroscopic polarization of Si
and GaAs in zero electric field. The effective charges of GaAs, obtained by
finite differentiation of the polarization, agree with the results of linear
response theory.Comment: 12 pages, 2 PostScript figures, RevTeX, to appear in Physical Review
Magnetic phenomena, spin-orbit effects, and Landauer conductance in Pt nanowire contacts
Platinum monatomic nanowires were predicted to spontaneously develop
magnetism, involving a sizable orbital moment via spin orbit coupling, and a
colossal magnetic anisotropy. We present here a fully-relativistic (spin-orbit
coupling included) pseudo-potential density functional calculation of
electronic and magnetic properties, and of Landauer ballistic conductance of Pt
model nanocontacts consisting of short nanowire segments suspended between Pt
leads or tips, reprented by bulk planes. Even if short, and despite the
nonmagnetic Pt leads, the nanocontact is found to be locally magnetic with
magnetization strictly parallel to its axis. Especially under strain, the
energy barrier to flip the overall spin direction is predicted to be tens of
meV high, and thus the corresponding blocking temperatures large, suggesting
the use of static Landauer ballistic electrical conductance calculations. We
carry out such calculations, to find that inclusion of spin-orbit coupling and
of magnetism lowers the ballistic conductance by about % relative to
the nonmagnetic case, yielding (), in good agreement
with break junction results. The spin filtering properties of this highly
unusual spontaneously magnetic nanocontact are also analysed.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
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