178 research outputs found
Cosmology and perturbations in massive gravity
We study perturbations around some cosmological backgrounds in the dRGT
theory of massive gravity. We develop a general formalism to calculate the
perturbations around any background. We derive the Lagrangian for fluctuations
in the small scale limit, and for the open FRW solution we repeat the analysis
around the full background. We find that the perturbations display similar
properties: the longitudinal modes of the massive graviton are instantaneous at
quadratic level, but they acquire a time-kinetic term at cubic order.Comment: 17 pages. v2: references added, minor changes to match PRD published
Non-Gaussianity after BICEP2
We analyze primordial non-Gaussianity in single field inflationary models
when the tensor/scalar ratio is large. Our results show that detectable levels
of non-Gaussianity are still possible in the simplest class of
models described by the effective theory of inflation. However, the shape is
very tightly constrained, making a sharp prediction that could be confirmed or
falsified by a future detection of non-Gaussianity.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. References and minor clarifications added.
Version published in Phys. Rev. Let
Anisotropies in Non-Thermal Distortions of Cosmic Light from Photon-Axion Conversion
Ultralight axions which couple sufficiently strongly to photons can leave
imprints on the sky at diverse frequencies by mixing with cosmic light in the
presence of background magnetic fields. We explore such direction dependent
grey-body distortions of the CMB spectrum, enhanced by resonant conditions in
the IGM plasma. We also find that if such axions are produced in the early
universe and represent a subdominant dark radiation component today, they could
convert into X-rays in supervoids, and brighten them at X-ray frequencies.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur
Dark Matter Astrophysics
These lectures are intended to provide a brief pedagogical review of dark
matter for the newcomer to the subject. We begin with a discussion of the
astrophysical evidence for dark matter. The standard weakly-interacting massive
particle (WIMP) scenario--the motivation, particle models, and detection
techniques--is then reviewed. We provide a brief sampling of some recent
variations to the standard WIMP scenario as well as some alternatives (axions
and sterile neutrinos). Exercises are provided for the reader.Comment: Based on lectures given by MK at the Villa Olmo School on "The Dark
Side of the Universe," 14--18 May 2007 and by KS at the XIX Heidelberg
Physics Graduate Days, 8--12 October 2007. 33 pages, 15 figure
Strongly Coupled Quintessence
We present a family of consistent quantum field theories of monodromy
quintessence in strong coupling, which can serve as benchmarks in modeling dark
energy different from cosmological constant. These theories have discrete gauge
symmetries which can protect them from quantum field theory and quantum gravity
corrections, both perturbative and nonperturbative. The strong coupling
effects, at scales \ga {\rm mm}^{-1}, flatten the potential and activate
operators with higher powers of derivatives. The predicted equation of state is
close to, but not exactly equal to , thus being within reach of the (near!)
future programs to explore the nature of dark energy.Comment: 10 pages LaTe
Bounds on Dark Matter annihilations from 21 cm data
The observation of an absorption feature in the 21 cm spectrum at redshift
implies bounds on Dark Matter annihilations for a broad range of
masses, given that significant heating of the intergalactic medium would have
erased such feature. The resulting bounds on the DM annihilation cross sections
are comparable to the strongest ones from all other observables.Comment: 8 pages. v2: improved treatment of energy depositio
Neutrino flavour as a test of the explosion mechanism of core-collapse supernovae
We study the ratio of neutrino-proton elastic scattering to inverse beta
decay event counts, measurable in a scintillation detector like JUNO, as a key
observable for identifying the explosion mechanism of a galactic core-collapse
supernova. If the supernova is not powered by the core but rather, e.g., by
collapse-induced thermonuclear explosion, then a prolonged period of
accretion-dominated neutrino luminosity is predicted. Using 1D numerical
simulations, we show that the distinct resulting flavour composition of the
neutrino burst can be tested in JUNO with high significance, overcoming
theoretical uncertainties in the progenitor star profile and equation of state.Comment: 28 pages, 18 figure
Dark Energy and Non-Gaussianity Through the Large Scale Structure
In the last twenty years, cosmology has become a precision science. Since the COBE era, a wealth of data, along with advances in theoretical interpretation and numerical analysis, provided us with a convincing model of the content and evolution of our Universe. It is now generally
accepted that an early period of inflation produced a nearly homogeneous flat Universe, with small inhomogeneities (of quantum origin!) which can be seen as temperature anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background (CMB), and which grow by gravitational instability to form the large scale structure (LSS) of the Universe
Large-scale anomalies from primordial dissipation
We analyze an inflationary model in which part of the power in density
perturbations arises due to particle production. The amount of particle
production is modulated by an auxiliary field. Given an initial gradient for
the auxiliary field, this model produces a hemispherical power asymmetry and a
suppression of power at low multipoles similar to those observed by WMAP and
Planck in the CMB temperature. It also predicts an additive contribution to
with support only at very small that is aligned with the
direction of the power asymmetry and has a definite sign, as well as small
oscillations in the power spectrum at all .Comment: 1+15 pages, 7 figure
Inflation from Flux Cascades
When electric-type flux threads compact extra dimensions, a quantum
nucleation event can break a flux line and initiate a cascade that unwinds many
units of flux. Here, we present a novel mechanism for inflation based on this
phenomenon. From the 4D point of view, the cascade begins with the formation of
a bubble containing an open Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmology, but the
vacuum energy inside the bubble is initially only slightly reduced, and
subsequently decreases gradually throughout the cascade. If the initial flux
number Q_0 ~ O(100), during the cascade the universe can undergo N ~ 60 efolds
of inflationary expansion with gradually decreasing Hubble constant, producing
a nearly scale-invariant spectrum of adiabatic density perturbations with
amplitude and tilt consistent with observation, and a potentially observable
level of non-Gaussianity and tensor modes. The power spectrum has a small
oscillatory component that does not decay away during inflation, with a period
set approximately by the light-crossing time of the compact dimension(s). Since
the ingredients are fluxes threading compact dimensions, this mechanism fits
naturally into the string landscape, but does not appear to suffer from the eta
problem or require fine-tuning (beyond the usual anthropic requirement of small
vacuum energy after reheating).Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur
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