261 research outputs found

    Penyelidikan Epidemiologi Klb Difteri di Kecamatan Tanjung Bumi Kabupaten Bangkalan Tahun 2013

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    Difteri merupakan penyakit pernapasan atas yang disebabkan oleh Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Kasus difteri di Kabupaten Bangkalan cenderung meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Jumlah kasus 2009 sebanyak 4 dengan 1 kematian dan meningkat secara signifikan pada tahun 2010 sebanyak 26 kasus dengan 2 kematian dan pada tahun 2011 sebanyak 35 kasus dengan 4 kematian dan pada tahun 2012 sebanyak 69 kasus dengan 4 kematian. Pada tahun 2013, Kabupaten Bangkalan merupakan daerah kasus tertinggi di Propinsi Jawa Timur. Tujuan Penyelidikan Epidemiologi ini adalah mengetahui besar masalah KLB Difteri dan faktor risiko yang mempengaruhinya. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah mencari kasus suspect, probable dan konfirmasi laboratorium serta melakukan penanggulangan KLB. Pengumpulan data dilakukan langsung di lapangan dengan cara observasi atau pemeriksaan terhadap kontak. Hasilnya adalah Pola sebaran kasus difteri adalah mengelompok dan 74% terjadi pada kelompok umur >15 tahun dan 63% tidak pernah mendapatkan imunisasi. sedangkan Kejadian difteri usia<15 tahun yang mendapatkan imunisasi lengkap dan sub pin hanya 40%, dan semua laporan kasus yang diterima oleh Dinas Kesehatan Tingkat II sebesar 58% berasal dari rumah sakit. Kesimpulannya status imunisasi merupakan faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya KLB Difteri

    Determination of Captopril in Rat Plasma by LC-MS/MS in Presence of Apigenin

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    To determine and validate of captopril in presence of apigenin by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) in rat plasma. The captopril and apigenin were extracted from rat plasma by protein precipitation with acetonitrile. Sample containing captopril and apigenin were analyzed by using LC-MS/MS with C18 column Acquity® (100 mm×2�1 mm), 1.7 �m particles size column at 40 �C. The gradient system of mobile phase composition was a mixture of 0.1% formic acid and acetonitrile (60; 40 v/v), with flow rate 0.3 ml/second. Mass detection was performed on Waters Xevo Triple Quadrupole equipped with an electrospray ionization (ESI) source in positive ion mode in the multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) modes. Captopril was detected at m/z 415 > 216�16, apigenin was detected at m/z 271�13 > 153�07 and propranolol an internal standard was detected at m/z 260 > 183�17. Results: The method was validated according to EMEA guidelines which showed good reproducibility and linearity of 0.9992, the LLOQ were 10 ng/ml for captopril. The precision (%CV) value of Within-run and between-run analysis is 3.90–10.90% and 3.77–8.13% whereas the accuracy (%diff) of captopril was less than 20%. Stability studies revealed that captopril has been stable for 6 hours at room temperature, three freeze-thaw cycles, and at least 120 days at −40 �C. Conclusion: The developed LC-MS/MS method is valid to evaluate captopril in present of apigenin in vitro and meet the requirement of linearity, accuracy, selectivity, precision, matrix effect, and stability according to EMEA 2011

    Pelaksanaan Fungsi Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD) dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Desa Lubuk Betung Kecamatan Rokan IV Koto Kabupaten Rokan Hulu Provinsi Riau

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    The low capacity of officials BPD is one of the obstacles to the process of understanding the functions held that what is expected by the villagers less goes well, in other words what is expected by the community with the existing situation does not go hand in hand. Village Consultative Body in the village of Lubuk Betung Rokan IV Koto District of Rokan Hulu has not shown that the maximum performance results. This study aims to investigate the implementation of the Village Consultative Body functions in the village of Lubuk Betung and to determine various factors inhibiting the implementation of these functions. The factors inhibiting the implementation of BPD functions are: (1) the factors of employee performance, (2) the factors of cooperation, and (3) training factors. Therefore, the presence of various factors inhibiting the function execution Village Consultative Body (BPD), resulting in the execution of the function can not go well as expected. The theory used is the theory widjaja who said that the Village Consultative Body is an entity that works as follows: (1) establish the rules the village with the village chief, (2) accommodate and channel the aspirations of the community, and (3) supervising the implementation of regulations and decision of the chief. This study uses descriptive qualitative data collection techniques of observation and interviews. The results of this study demonstrate the implementation of the functions of BPD in mind that (1) the function establishes the rules villages have not been fully implemented properly because of a lack of cooperation between BPD with the village chief, in addition to the BPD in the village of Lubuk Betung also still fakum so that no village regulations newly created, (2) the functions and share their aspirations of society has not done well is because often misunderstanding or difference between the community and the board Village Consultative Body in and share their aspirations, and (3) the monitoring function is no supervision by members of Village Consultative Body on the course of implementation of the regulations and a decision by the village itself and the course Budget village due to lack of understanding of the BPD members of this supervisory function

    Polygamy in Papua Traditional Marriage Reviewed from Marriage Laws

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    This paper aims to examine and analyze the juridical problems in the implementation of polygamy in Papuan traditional marriages which are established according to customary law. This research was conducted on Papuan customary communities in Sentani, Central Sentani District (Hobong Village) and West Sentani District (Doyo Village). The data were collected by means of interviews, and the data were analyzed through qualitative analysis. The results showed that the implementation of polygamy marriage in indigenous Papuan/Sentani communities carried out by Ondoafi / Ondofolo who as leaders in customary communities is not in accordance with the provisions in Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage. The Marriage Law is based on monogamy, but still provides concessions for those whose religions allow them to practice polygamy with fairly strict conditions. The requirements for polygamy in the Marriage Laws are set aside by Ondofolo who practices polygamy, the consent of the first wife is not required. By setting aside the requirements in the Marriage Laws for polygamy, there will be a negative impact on the polygamous marriage, namely that the marriage is not recorded or is illegitimate, resulting in children born in the marriage to become illegitimate children. The disharmony between customary law and national law (Marriage Laws) in terms of polygamous marriage among indigenous Papuans results in no sense of justice in the household. Lack of socialization regarding the Marriage Laws as a National Law to indigenous Papuans has resulted in a lack of legal awareness and resulting in minimal legal compliance. Keywords: Papuan Traditional Marriage - Marriage Law. DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/103-09 Publication date: November 30th 202

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Minuman Berkarbonasi untuk Menghambat Kemunduran Mutu Ikan Gurami (Osphronemus Gouramy) pada Suhu Kamar

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    This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Technology of Processing,Chemical Fisheries and Fishery Microbiology Faculty of Fisheries and MarineSciences University of Riau, in October 2011. The research objective was todetermine the effect of addition carbonated water on freshness quality of Carpstored at room temperature. Carp weighing ± 200 grams each was obtained from afish market in Pekanbaru. The fish was grouped into 2 groups. First group wassoaked in 10% carbonated water and another group was soaked in 3.2%carbonated water +3.2% sugar +5.8% natrium. After soaking for 30 minutes, thefish was stored at room temperature for 12 hours. Fish quality was evaluated forsensory atribute, pH, TPC and TVB. The results showed that the fish added with10% carbonated water had a longer shelf life than those soaked in 3.2%

    Identifikasi Bakteri Aeromonas Hydrophila Dengan Uji Mikrobiologi Pada Ikan Lele Dumbo (Clarias Gariepinus) Yang Dibudidayakan Di Kecamatan Baitussalam Kabupaten Aceh Besar

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    The purpose of this study was to identify and evaluate the prevalence of Aeromonas hydrophila bacteria that attack African catfish to in Aceh Besar district with the microbiological test. This study was conducted on March 2016. Samples were collected from the District recorded have African catfish fish in Aceh Besar district, namely the Baitussalam District. Observations conducted in the laboratory of Bacteria Quarantine Fish Quality Control and Safety of Fishery Class 1 Aceh. This study used a descriptive analytic and the conventional method where the sampling was done by a stratified random sampling method. Further, bacteria was isolated, the morphological of bacteria were observeted, pure cultures included Gram staining, catalase test, test oxidase, biochemical tests include tests Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSIA), test Lysine Iron Agar (LIA), test citrate, test urea, test Oxidation / fermentative (O/F), Methyl Red test Vogue Proskuer (MRVP), carbohydrate fermentation test, test Motility Indol Ornithine (MIO)and the reading of the identification results were conducted.The result showed that three samples of African catfishfrom concrete pond, were positive infected with 100% prevalance attacked byAeromonas hydrophila. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi serta menghitung nilai prevalensi bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila yang menyerang ikan lele dumbo yang dibudidayakan di Kabupaten Aceh Besar dengan uji mikrobiologi. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Bulan Maret 2016. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada Kecamatan Baitussalam Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Pengamatan bakteri dilakukan di Laboratorium Bakteri Karantina Ikan Pengendalian Mutu dan Keamanan Hasil Perikanan Kelas 1 Aceh. Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif analitik dan metode konvensional dimana pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode pengambilan acak terstratifikasi. Selanjutnya dilakukan isolasi bakteri, pengamatan morfologi, kultur murni meliputi uji Gram, uji katalase, uji oksidase, uji biokimia meliputi uji Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSIA), uji Lysine Iron Agar (LIA), uji sitrat, uji urea, uji Oksidasi/Fermentatif (O/F), uji Methyl Red Vogue Proskuer (MRVP), uji fermentasi karbohidrat, uji Motility Indol Ornithin (MIO), dan pembacaan hasil identifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 3 sampel ikan lele dumbo dari kolam beton positif terinfeksi bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila dengan prevalensi yang menyerang ikan lele dumbo kolam beton 100%
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