5 research outputs found

    Al-Wasathiyah fî al-Iqtishâd al-Islâmî: Ârâ’u ‘ulamâ Jam’iyati “Nahdlatul Ulama” Bi Jawa al-Syarqiyah haula “al-Taraddud” bi Sya’ini Fatâwa al-Fawâid al-Mashrîfiyah

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    Recently, there has been a massive innovation of online loans and good purchases using pay later with installment schemes. The phenomenon inevitably brings into controversies among the public recalling the old discussion about bank interest. Although Islamic scholars have formulated religious edict (fatwa) about bank interest, some look unfirm, such as that of NU (Nahdlatul Ulama’). This writing aims to portray the seemingly unfirm attitude of the organization relying on the assumption that it actually aims to campaign Islamic economic moderation a la NU. This is qualitative research using the phenomenological approach with the interview as the data compilation method. The opinion of 8 Kiais from the East Java NU insiders became the research subjects. The result shows how the dispute of bank interest has been becoming a continuously debatable topic. Among the three opinions about the bank interest, namely haram, halal, and shubhat, most informants choose the moderate one by neither considering it halal nor haram, including categorizing it as a part of riba type. This intersubjective opinion resonates with organizational opinion which reflects tolerance of the Indonesian monetary reality, such as Islamic banking and conventional banks which are respectively used by Indonesians. This sort of contestation takes a form of formalist and substantial moderation for bridging extreme opinions about the bank's interest

    In Search of Ummah Welfare Model: The Revitalisation of Sharia Economic Law in Indonesia

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    Sharia economic law in Indonesia has been revitalised through legal unification and codification to improve national economic development. In this context, the Sharia economy has become a guideline in every transaction. Therefore, people must understand the Islamic economic concept to create maslahah (goodness) in every aspect of life. Sharia economic law is not a new system, as it has been implemented since the era of the Prophet. However, there is a need for adjustment in the implementation of the Sharia economic law from time to time to enable it responding the current development. This study employs qualitative inquiry, using library research to analyse Sharia economic law's history and legal development. Legal documents used include state laws and regulations, the regulations of the Bank of Indonesia, the fatwa of DSN-MUI, and others. This paper argues that the revitalisation of the Sharia economic law in Indonesia is in line with the efforts made by the predominantly Muslim population to conserve and develop the system. This includes non-legalised and legalised implementation of the Sharia economic system, such as Sharia banking. Furthermore, the system does not contradict the value of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution’s pillars of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Sharia economic law, prioritising moral and religious principles, has proven to create maslahah and become a solution to the economic crisis. This was shown by the survival of Sharia banks during the 1998 economic crisis, maintaining the Sharia-standardised contract to create justice in society


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    This study aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis related to the role of Islamic psychology in overcoming anxiety (Anxiety) and improving mental health among women. Bibliometric analysis techniques were used to explore all publications indexed in the Scopus database and the data obtained were analyzed using excel, R-studio and VOS viewer. This research method involves searching and analyzing scientific articles related to Islamic psychology such as, keywords, number of publications per year, main data information, number of citations, productive researchers, and place of publication related to this research, to provide an understanding of the development and impact of research in this field. The results of the bibliometric analysis show that the role of Islamic psychology in overcoming (Anxiety) and improving women's mental health has been the subject of increasing research in recent years as well as a significant increase in the number of publications in this field. the limitations of this study are only taking datasets or meta data on publications indexed on Scopus. Other national and international databases were not taken into account in this study. This study presents a brief overview of the literature accessible to researchers and provides recommendations for future research

    Intellectual Attitudes Toward Islam Nusantara and Their Religious Ideas

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    Secondary literature examines the legitimacy of Islam Nusantara, taking into account Islamic legal maxims and institutional rejection, often stemming from religious reasons. This research aims to comprehend participants’ attitudes towards Islam Nusantara (IN) and their religious justifications, including their understanding of religious authority and the application of Islamic Law. This is crucial for elucidating the primary factors behind varying IN attitudes, whether driven by religious considerations or other factors. We argue that religious differences are not the primary determinants of IN attitudes, as evidenced by participants’ discussions regarding religious authority and the application of Islamic Law. While a minority of conservative participants endorse the formalization of Sharia based on textual religious authority, the majority, including some who express reservations about IN, perceive Sharia as a set of values. They advocate for contextual interpretations that align with IN’s values but stop short of full endorsement. In a broader context, this study uncovers the intricate interplay between religious ideas and socio-political attitudes within diverse Muslim groups. It enhances our understanding of the dynamic relationship between religion, society, and diverse interpretations

    جبر الأحاديث المرسلة بتعدد طرق أحاديث كتاب فضائل القرآن في مصنف عبد الرزاق نموذجا

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    Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk menguatkan hadis mursal dengan syawāhid dan mutāba‘āt. Yang dimaksud dengan al-jabr dan al-tarqiyah di sini adalah mendatangkan jalur periwayatan lain untuk hadis mursal yang hukumnya lebih kuat. Para ulama hadis sepakat bahwa hadis dhaif, yang kelemahannya ringan, seperti sū’ ḥifz perawi, atau  terputusnya sanad, seperti hadis mursal yang hilang seorang perawi sesudah sahabat, atau hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh perawi yang tidak diketahui ‘adālahnya dapat di naikkan derajatnya menjadi hasan li ghairihi. Alasan memilih kitab Faḍāil Qurān adalah karena banyak sekali hadis-hadis yang berhubungan dengan topik tersebut adalah dhaif, terlebih lagi dari kumpulan hadis Muṣannif ‘Abd al-Razzāq yang tidak mensyaratkan keshahihan dalam hadis- hadis kompilasinya. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis akan mendatangkan jalur periwayatan lain dari hadis mursal yang mursal juga dari jalur lain. Hal ini karena, hadis mursal sendiri saling menguatkan jika diriwayatkan dari jalur selain jalur mursil. Penulis juga akan mendatangkan riwayat yang bersambung dari jalur mursil, guna mengetahui perawi yang jatuh sesudah sahabat, adakah ia sahabat saja, atau sahabat dan tabiin. Sebagaimana penulis juga akan mendatangkan jalur periwayatan lain yang bersambung atau periwayatan sahabat lain. Dengan bantuan syawāhid dan mutāba‘āt ini, penulis akan menentukan mana saja hadis yang dapat naik derajat kepada hasan li ghairihi dan yang tetap mursal, karena terlalu parah kedhaifannya atau ketidak tersediaan syawāhid yang kuat