2,181 research outputs found
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Strategic Experimentation with Exponential Bandits
This paper studies a game of strategic experimentation with two-armed bandits whose risky arm might yield a payoff only after some exponentially distributed random time. Because of free-riding, there is an inefficiently low level of experimentation in any equilibrium where the players use stationary Markovian strategies with posterior beliefs as the state variable. After characterizing the unique symmetric Markovian equilibrium of the game, which is in mixed strategies, we construct a variety of pure-strategy equilibria. There is no equilibrium where all players use simple cut-off strategies. Equilibria where players switch finitely often between the roles of experimenter and free-rider all lead to the same pattern of information acquisition; the efficiency of these equilibria depends on the way players share the burden of experimentation among them. In equilibria where players switch roles infinitely often, they can acquire an approximately efficient amount of information, but the rate at which it is acquired still remains inefficient; moreover, the expected payoff of an experimenter exhibits the novel feature that it rises as players become more pessimistic. Finally, over the range of beliefs where players use both arms a positive fraction of the time, the symmetric equilibrium is dominated by any asymmetric one in terms of aggregate payoffs
Some Asymptotic Results in Discounted Repeated Games of One-Sided Incomplete Information
The paper analyzes the Nash equilibria of two-person discounted repeated games with one-sided incomplete information and known own payo®s. If the informed player is arbitrarily patient relative to the uninformed player, then the characterization for the informed player's payoffs is essentially the same as that in the undiscounted case. This implies that even small amounts of incomplete information can lead to a discontinuous change in the equilibrium payoff set. For the case of equal discount factors, however, and under an assumption that strictly individually rational payoffs exist, a result akin to the Folk Theorem holds when a complete information game is perturbed by a small amount of incomplete information.Reputation, Folk Theorem, repeated games, incomplete information.
Some Asymptotic Results in Discounted Repeated Games of One-Sided Incomplete Information
The paper analyzes the Nash equilibria of two-person discounted repeated games with one-sided incomplete information and known own payoffs. If the informed player is arbitrarily patient relative to the uninformed player, then the characterization for the informed player's payoffs is essentially the same as that in the undiscounted case. This implies that even small amounts of incomplete information can lead to a discontinuous change in the equilibrium payoff set. For the case of equal discount factors, however, and under an assumption that strictly individually rational payoffs exist, a result akin to the Folk Theorem holds when a complete information game is perturbed by a small amount of incomplete information.reputation, Folk Theorem, repeated games, incomplete information
Disappearing Private Reputations in Long-Run Relationships
For games of public reputation with uncertainty over types and imperfect public monitoring, Cripps, Mailath, and Samuelson (2004) showed that an informed player facing short-lived uninformed opponents cannot maintain a permanent reputation for playing a strategy that is not part of an equilibrium of the game without uncertainty over types. This paper extends that result to games in which the uninformed player is long-lived and has private beliefs, so that the informed player’s reputation is private. We also show that the rate at which reputations disappear is uniform across equilibria and that reputations disappear in sufficiently long discounted finitely-repeated games.Reputation, Imperfect Monitoring, Repeated Games, Commitment, Private Beliefs
Capital market risk and the dynamics of the income distribution
This paper introduces a dynamic model of the wealth distribution with aggregate risk in the capital market; the model combines credit rationing and portfolio selection decisions. In a closed economy the long-run behaviour of wealth is independent of the initial income distribution when there is aggregate uncertainty, although further restrictions are necessary when there is no aggregate uncertainty. There can be credit rationing at the long-run equilibrium. In poor economies aggregate risk in the capital market slows growth, whereas in richer economies a risky capital market is good for income growth
Strategic Experimentation: The Case of the Poisson Bandits
This paper studies a game of strategic experimentation in which the players learn from the experiments of others as well as their own. We first establish the efficient benchmark where the players co-ordinate in order to maximise joint expected payoffs, and then show that, because of free-riding, the strategic problem leads to inefficiently low levels of experimentation in any equilibrium when the players use stationary Markovian strategies. Efficiency can be approximately retrieved provided that the players adopt strategies which slow down the rate at which information is acquired; this is achieved by their taking periodic breaks from experimenting, which get progressively longer. In the public information case (actions and experimental outcomes are both observable), we exhibit a class of non-stationary equilibria in which the -efficient amount of experimentation is performed, but only in infinite time. In the private information case (only actions are observable, not outcomes), the breaks have two additional effects: not only do they enable the players to finesse the inference problem, but also they serve to signal their experimental outcome to the other player. We describe an equilibrium with similar non-stationary strategies in which the -efficient amount of experimentation is again performed in infinite time, but with a faster rate of information acquisition. The equilibrium rate of information acquisition is slower in the former case because the short-run temptation to free-ride on information acquisition is greater when information is public.
Strategic Experimentation with Exponential Bandits
This paper studies a game of strategic experimentation with two-armed bandits whose risky arm might yield a payoff only after some exponentially distributed random time. Because of free-riding, there is an inefficiently low level of experimentation in any equilibrium where the players use stationary Markovian strategies with posterior beliefs as the state variable. After characterizing the unique symmetric Markovian equilibrium of the game, which is in mixed strategies, we construct a variety of pure-strategy equilibria. There is no equilibrium where all players use simple cut-off strategies. Equilibria where players switch finitely often between the roles of experimenter and free-rider all lead to the same pattern of information acquisition; the efficiency of these equilibria depends on the way players share the burden of experimentation among them. In equilibria where players switch roles infinitely often, they can acquire an approximately efficient amount of information, but the rate at which it is acquired still remains inefficient; moreover, the expected payoff of an experimenter exhibits the novel feature that it rises as players become more pessimistic. Finally, over the range of beliefs where players use both arms a positive fraction of the time, the symmetric equilibrium is dominated by any asymmetric one in terms of aggregate payoffs.Strategic Experimentation ; Two-Armed Bandit ; Exponential Distribution ; Bayesian Learning ; Markov Perfect Equilibrium ; Public Goods
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