47 research outputs found
Developing navigational services for people with Down's Syndrome
The ability to commute and travel alone is an important skill that enables people to be more independent, and integrated with society. People with Down's Syndrome often experience low social integration, and low degree of independence. As part of the European Commission funded POSEIDON project, we want to explore how context-aware, and assistive technology can enable users with Down's Syndrome be more independent, including the ability to commute alone to a place of interest. In this paper, we report on our current progress in developing navigational services within the context of the POSEIDON project. We carried out a semi-structured qualitative evaluation of an early version of our navigational services with 6 individuals with Down's Syndrome, and report on our findings
Train vs. play: Evaluating the effects of gamified and non-gamified wheelchair skills training using virtual reality
This study compares the influence of a gamified and a non-gamified virtual reality (VR) environment on wheelchair skills training. In specific, the study explores the integration of gamification elements and their influence on wheelchair driving performance in VR-based training. Twenty-two non-disabled participants volunteered for the study, of whom eleven undertook the gamified VR training, and eleven engaged in the non-gamified VR training. To measure the efficacy of the VR-based wheelchair skills training, we captured the heart rate (HR), number of joystick movements, completion time, and number of collisions. In addition, an adapted version of the Wheelchair Skills Training Program Questionnaire (WSTP-Q), the Igroup Presence Questionnaire (IPQ), and the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ) questionnaires were administered after the VR training. The results showed no differences in wheelchair driving performance, the level of involvement, or the ratings of presence between the two environments. In contrast, the perceived cybersickness was statistically higher for the group of participants who trained in the non-gamified VR environment. Remarkably, heightened cybersickness symptoms aligned with increased HR, suggesting physiological connections. As such, while direct gamification effects on the efficacy of VR-based wheelchair skills training were not statistically significant, its potential to amplify user engagement and reduce cybersickness is evident
The user-centred intelligent environments development process as a guide to co-create smart technology for people with special needs
We report on the lessons learnt during the application of a methodology to develop Intelligent Environments. One important feature of the methodology is that of being strongly user-centred and we report on how that interaction with users took place and how it continuously shaped our project aspirations and outcomes. The methodology was applied to a project which aimed at helping people with Downs Syndrome and those with similar conditions and needs, to be more included in society. The project was developed by amconsortium of commercial, academic, and end-user supporting organizations. We explain what type of stakeholders engaging activities were considered, how these were distributed along the lifetime of the project and their impact
Assessing real world imagery in virtual environments for people with cognitive disabilities
People with cognitive disabilities are often socially excluded. We propose a system based on Virtual and Augmented Reality that has the potential to act as an educational and support tool in everyday tasks for people with cognitive disabilities. Our solution consists of two components: the first that enables users to train for several essential quotidian activities and the second that is meant to offer real time guidance feedback for immediate support. In order to illustrate the functionality of our proposed system, we chose to train and support navigation skills. Thus, we conducted a preliminary study on people with Down Syndrome (DS) based on a navigation task. Our experiment was aimed at evaluating the visual and spatial perception of people with DS when interacting with different elements of our system. We provide a preliminary evaluation that illustrates how people with DS perceive different landmarks and types of visual feedback, in static images and videos. Although we focused our study on people with DS, people with different cognitive disabilities could also benefit from the features of our solution. This analysis is mandatory in the design of a virtual intelligent system with several functionalities that aims at helping disabled people in developing basic knowledge in every day tasks
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On the influence of individual differences in cross-modal Mulsemedia QoE
Quality of Experience (QoE) is inextricably linked to the human side of the multimedia experience. Whilst there has been a considerable amount of research undertaken to explore the various dimensions of QoE, one facet which been relatively unexplored is the role of individual differences in determining an individual’s QoE. Whereas this is certainly true of multimedia applications, when it comes to mulsemedia (multiple media engaging three or more human senses) this is even more so, given its emerging and novel nature. Accordingly, in this paper we report the results of a study which investigated the role that individual differences (such as age, gender, education, and smell sensitivity) have on QoE, when mulsemedia incorporating olfactory and haptic stimuli is experienced in cross-modal environments. Our results reveal that whilst users had a satisfying overall mulsemedia experience the specific use of cross modally matched odours did not result in significantly higher QoE levels than when a control scent (rosemary) was employed. However, aspects of QoE are impacted upon by all individual differences dimensions considered in our study
Co-creation of smart technology with (and for) people with special needs
We report on the lessons learnt during the application of a methodology to develop Intelligent Environments. This methodology was applied to a project which aimed at helping people with Down’s Syndrome and those with similar conditions and needs, to be more included in society. The project is developed by a consortium of commercial, academic, and enduser supporting organizations. One important feature of the methodology is that of being strongly user-centred and we report on how that interaction with users took place and how it continuously shaped the projec
Mulsemedia in Telecommunication and Networking Education: A Novel Teaching Approach that Improves the Learning Process
The advent and increased use of new technologies, such as innovative mulsemedia and multi-modal content distribution mechanisms, have brought new challenges and diverse opportunities for technology enhanced learning (TEL). NEWTON is a Horizon 2020 European project that revolutionizes the educational process through innovative TEL methodologies and tools, integrated in a pan-European STEM-related learning network platform. This article focuses on one of these novel TEL methodologies (i.e., mulsemedia) and presents how NEWTON enables mulsemedia- enhanced teaching and learning of STEM subjects, with a particular focus on telecommunication and networking related modules. The article also discusses the very promising results of NEWTON case studies carried out with engineering students across two different universities in Spain and Ireland, respectively. The case studies focused on analyzing the impact on the learning process of the mulsemedia-enhanced teaching in the context of telecommunication and networking modules. The main conclusion of the article is that mulsemedia-enhanced education significantly increases students' learning experience and improves their knowledge gain
A standardised and cost-effective VR approach for powered wheelchair training
Mastering wheelchair driving skills is essential for the safety of wheelchair users (WUs), yet the acquisition of these skills can be challenging, and training resources can be costly or not available. Technologies such as virtual reality (VR) have grown in popularity as they can provide a motivating training environment without the risks found in real-life training. However, these approaches often deploy navigation controllers which are different from the ones WUs utilise, and do not use a standardised approach in assessing the acquisition of skills. We propose a VR training system based on the wheelchair skills training program (WSTP) and utilizing a sensor device that can be retrofitted to any joystick and communicates wirelessly with a Head-Mounted Display. In this paper, we present a first-validation study with fourteen able-bodied participants, split between a VR test group and a non-VR control group. To determine the acquisition of skills, participants complete tasks in real-life before and after the VR training, where completion time and length of joystick movements are measured. We also assess our system using heart rate measurements, the WSTP questionnaire, the simulator sickness questionnaire and the igroup presence questionnaire. We found that the VR training facilitates the acquisition of skills for more challenging tasks; thus, our system has the potential of being used for training skills of powered wheelchair users, with the benefit of conducting the training in safely and in a low-cost setup
Train vs. Play: Evaluating the Effects of Gamified and Non-Gamified Wheelchair Skills Training Using Virtual Reality
This study compares the influence of a gamified and a non-gamified virtual reality (VR) environment on wheelchair skills training. In specific, the study explores the integration of gamification elements and their influence on wheelchair driving performance in VR-based training. Twenty-two non-disabled participants volunteered for the study, of whom eleven undertook the gamified VR training, and eleven engaged in the non-gamified VR training. To measure the efficacy of the VR-based wheelchair skills training, we captured the heart rate (HR), number of joystick movements, completion time, and number of collisions. In addition, an adapted version of the Wheelchair Skills Training Program Questionnaire (WSTP-Q), the Igroup Presence Questionnaire (IPQ), and the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ) questionnaires were administered after the VR training. The results showed no differences in wheelchair driving performance, the level of involvement, or the ratings of presence between the two environments. In contrast, the perceived cybersickness was statistically higher for the group of participants who trained in the non-gamified VR environment. Remarkably, heightened cybersickness symptoms aligned with increased HR, suggesting physiological connections. As such, while direct gamification effects on the efficacy of VR-based wheelchair skills training were not statistically significant, its potential to amplify user engagement and reduce cybersickness is evident
Remote Rhythms: Audience-informed insights for designing remote music performances
This paper examines the design of technology for remote music performances, from the perspective of their audiences. In this process, we involved a total of 104 participants across the different stages of our project. Initially, we collected qualitative data from remote audiences using several methods, including surveys, interviews, and observations. Through the thematic analysis of this data, we identified four design dimensions consisting of 17 key elements that illustrate what audiences value in remote music spaces. We applied these insights in a participatory design workshop with diverse stakeholders, contributing to the development of speculative design ideas in this field. The paper concludes by presenting key design insights for future technology advancements in remote music performances. The research contributes to the evolving design space of remote music performances, offering valuable perspectives for researchers, designers, and industry stakeholders