530 research outputs found

    Neutrino Scattering at High Energies

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    The construction of a high energy (~100 GeV), sign-selected neutrino beam opens exciting opportunities to search for beyond-standard-model physics as well as to make valuable QCD measurements. Such a beam can be produced at the Tevatron or, potentially, at the CERN SPS+. The resulting physics would be unique and complementary to the present neutrino program. Here we use neutrino-electron scattering as an example

    How to Hunt a Wild Neutrino

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    Of all of the particles which make up matter, the neutrino is the most mysterious. Remnants of the big bang, neutrinos are everywhere -- up in your attic, out in the cornfields, deep in the farthest galaxies. Catching them has always been a problem. But recently we have discovered one of their tricks. They can change their spots -- from one type into another! This talk will discuss neutrinos, how to catch them, and in the context of the research at Fermilab

    Issues in evaluating tax and payment arrangements for publicly owned minerals

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    Many developing countries are still heavily dependent on mineral extraction to generate fiscal revenue and to earn foreign exchange. When minerals form a significant proportion of the country's asset base it is particularly important to have a framework to evaluate the adequacy of compensation schemes. Are these countries collecting enough in return for depleting their reserves? Are these countries carrying too much of the risk? This paper describes work in progress in developing such a framework. In many mineral dependent countries, the government holds the mineral rights and enters into compensation agreements with public or private firms that will extract the resources. Given the high degree of risk and uncertainty associated with mineral development, determining tax/payment arrangements is further complicated by the need to develop risk-sharing schemes between government and the resource extractors. This paper reviews these issues briefly and concludes that when objectives are not perfectly correlated it is preferable to use multiple instruments and to match each instrument to an objectives.Economic Theory&Research,Environmental Economics&Policies,Health Economics&Finance,Banks&Banking Reform,Insurance&Risk Mitigation

    The CosmicWatch Desktop Muon Detector: a self-contained, pocket sized particle detector

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    The CosmicWatch Desktop Muon Detector is a self-contained, hand-held cosmic ray muon detector that is valuable for astro/particle physics research applications and outreach. The material cost of each detector is under $100 and it takes a novice student approximately four hours to build their first detector. The detectors are powered via a USB connection and the data can either be recorded directly to a computer or to a microSD card. Arduino- and Python-based software is provided to operate the detector and an online application to plot the data in real-time. In this paper, we describe the various design features, evaluate the performance, and illustrate the detectors capabilities by providing several example measurements.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Atmospheric Tau Neutrinos in a Multi-kiloton Liquid Argon Detector

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    An ultra-large Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber-based neutrino detector will have the uncommon ability to detect atmospheric tau neutrino events. This paper discusses the most promising modes for identifying charged current tau neutrino interactions, and shows that, with simple kinematic cuts, ~30 tau neutrinos can be isolated in a 100 kt*yr exposure, with greater than 4 sigma significance. This sample is sufficient to perform flux-averaged total cross-section and cross-section shape parameterization measurements -- the first steps toward using tau neutrinos to search for physics beyond the Standard Model.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    The LSND and MiniBooNE Oscillation Searches at High Δm2\Delta m^2

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    This paper reviews the results of the LSND and MiniBooNE experiments. The primary goal of each experiment was to effect sensitive searches for neutrino oscillations in the mass region with Δm2∼1\Delta m^2 \sim 1 eV2^2. The two experiments are complementary, and so the comparison of results can bring additional information with respect to models with sterile neutrinos. Both experiments obtained evidence for νˉμ→νˉe\bar \nu_\mu \rightarrow \bar \nu_e oscillations, and MiniBooNE also observed a νμ→νe\nu_\mu \rightarrow \nu_e excess. In this paper, we review the design, analysis, and results from these experiments. We then consider the results within the global context of sterile neutrino oscillation models. The final data sets require a more extended model than the simple single sterile neutrino model imagined at the time that LSND drew to a close and MiniBooNE began. We show that there are apparent incompatibilities between data sets in models with two sterile neutrinos. However, these incompatibilities may be explained with variations within the systematic error. Overall, models with two (or three) sterile neutrinos seem to succeed in fitting the global data, and they make interesting predictions for future experiments.Comment: Posted with permission from the Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science, Volume 63. \c{opyright} 2013 by Annual Reviews, http://www.annualreviews.or

    Exploring a Non-Minimal Sterile Neutrino Model Involving Decay at IceCube and Beyond

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    We study the phenomenology of neutrino decay together with neutrino oscillations in the context of eV-scale sterile neutrinos. We review the formalism of visible neutrino decay in which one of the decay products is a neutrino that potentially can be observed. We apply the formalism developed for decay to the recent sterile neutrino search performed by IceCube with TeV neutrinos. We show that for ν4\nu_4 lifetime τ4/m4≲10−16eV−1s\tau_4/m_4 \lesssim 10^{-16} {\rm eV^{-1}s}, the interpretation of the high-energy IceCube analysis can be significantly changed.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Find code at: https://github.com/arguelles/nuSQUIDSDeca

    Sterile Neutrinos: An Introduction to Experiments

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    This paper is written as one chapter in a collection of essays on neutrino physics for beginning graduate students. The text presents important experimental methods and issues for those interested in searches for sterile neutrinos. Other essays in the collection, written by other authors, will cover introduction to neutrinos in the Standard Model, a description of the theory, and discussion of details of detectors, thus these aspects are not covered here. However, beyond these points, this represents a self-contained tutorial on experimental studies of sterile neutrino oscillations, covering such issues as signals vs. limits, designing experiments, and performing and interpreting global fits to the oscillation data.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 1505855)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 1505858)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 1404209
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