1,723 research outputs found

    KELT-3b: A Hot Jupiter Transiting a V=9.8 Late-F Star

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    We report the discovery of KELT-3b, a moderately inflated transiting hot Jupiter with a mass of 1.477 (-0.067, +0.066) M_J, and radius of 1.345 +/- 0.072 R_J, with an orbital period of 2.7033904 +/- 0.000010 days. The host star, KELT-3, is a V=9.8 late F star with M_* = 1.278 (-0.061, +0.063) M_sun, R_* = 1.472 (-0.067, +0.065) R_sun, T_eff = 6306 (-49, +50) K, log(g) = 4.209 (-0.031, +0.033), and [Fe/H] = 0.044 (-0.082, +0.080), and has a likely proper motion companion. KELT-3b is the third transiting exoplanet discovered by the KELT survey, and is orbiting one of the 20 brightest known transiting planet host stars, making it a promising candidate for detailed characterization studies. Although we infer that KELT-3 is significantly evolved, a preliminary analysis of the stellar and orbital evolution of the system suggests that the planet has likely always received a level of incident flux above the empirically-identified threshold for radius inflation suggested by Demory & Seager (2011).Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, accepted to Ap

    Characterising the economic Proterozoic Glyde Package of the greater McArthur Basin, northern Australia

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    Available online 24 May 2023The greater McArthur Basin is an informal term for a Palaeo-to-Mesoproterozoic sedimentary system that consists of terranes from the McArthur Basin, Birrindudu Basin, and the Tomkinson Province. These spatially distant basins are interpreted to connect in the subsurface based on geophysical, lithological, and geochronological evidence. The coeval sedimentary units of the greater McArthur Basin were subdivided into non-genetic depositional ‘packages’ bookended by regional unconformities. In ascending order, these packages are the: Redbank, Goyder, Glyde, Favenc, and Wilton Packages. The ca. 1660–1610 Ma Glyde Package is the focus of this study and includes the economically important Barney Creek Formation, found in the McArthur Basin sensu stricto. The Barney Creek Formation hosts the world-class, sediment-hosted, Zn-Pb-Ag McArthur River deposit. Importantly, it is also a key petroleum source rock and unconventional hydrocarbon reservoir, containing Australia’s geologically oldest oil and gas discoveries and forming a part of the McArthur Petroleum Supersystem. Consequently, identifying chronostratigraphically similar units elsewhere in the greater McArthur Basin is important for explorers in finding analogous economic resources. In situ Rb–Sr geochronological results of the Barney Creek Formation shales sourced from borehole LV09001 yielded ages of 1634 ± 59 Ma and 1635 ± 67 Ma. Shale samples from Fraynes Formation in borehole Manbulloo S1 were dated at 1630 ± 57 Ma and 1636 ± 42 Ma using the same approach. These ages are in good agreement with U–Pb ages of tuffaceous layers from the same units, suggesting that they represent their early burial histories and not secondary, post-depositional events. These results indicate that the Fraynes Formation and the Barney Creek Formation are direct chronostratigraphic equivalents, with ages within analytical error of each other. In addition to the geochronological similarities, the δ13Ccarb, 87Sr/86Sr, and δ88/86Sr isotopic constraints from both units also display parallel geochemical fingerprints up-section. These include a positive δ13Ccarb excursion of ∼2.0 ‰, a trend towards more crustal-dominated 87Sr/86Sr ratios, and a negative δ88/86Sr excursion of ∼-0.25 ‰. These findings further support the application of isotopic chemostratigraphy as a powerful tool to correlate distal carbonaceous rocks in the basin system. Importantly, these geochemical fingerprints also show that the McArthur Group and the Limbunya Group experienced similar changes in palaeoenvironments during the evolution of the basin system. However, trace element data collated in this study indicates that they may have recorded different, heterogeneous palaeoredox histories. Geochemical models based on redox-sensitive trace elements V and Mo suggest that the Fraynes Formation sustained a much more euxinic water column as opposed to the Barney Creek Formation. These differences may have implications for the accumulation and preservation of base metals and hydrocarbons within the sediment.Darwinaji Subarkah, Alan S. Collins Juraj Farkaš, Morgan L. Blades, Sarah E. Gilbert, Amber J.M. Jarrett, Maxwell M. Bullen, William Giulian

    KELT-6b: A P~7.9 d Hot Saturn Transiting a Metal-Poor Star with a Long-Period Companion

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    We report the discovery of KELT-6b, a mildly-inflated Saturn-mass planet transiting a metal-poor host. The initial transit signal was identified in KELT-North survey data, and the planetary nature of the occulter was established using a combination of follow-up photometry, high-resolution imaging, high-resolution spectroscopy, and precise radial velocity measurements. The fiducial model from a global analysis including constraints from isochrones indicates that the V=10.38 host star (BD+31 2447) is a mildly evolved, late-F star with T_eff=6102 \pm 43 K, log(g_*)=4.07_{-0.07}^{+0.04} and [Fe/H]=-0.28 \pm 0.04, with an inferred mass M_*=1.09 \pm 0.04 M_sun and radius R_star=1.58_{-0.09}^{+0.16} R_sun. The planetary companion has mass M_P=0.43 \pm 0.05 M_J, radius R_P=1.19_{-0.08}^{+0.13} R_J, surface gravity log(g_P)=2.86_{-0.08}^{+0.06}, and density rho_P=0.31_{-0.08}^{+0.07} g~cm^{-3}. The planet is on an orbit with semimajor axis a=0.079 \pm 0.001 AU and eccentricity e=0.22_{-0.10}^{+0.12}, which is roughly consistent with circular, and has ephemeris of T_c(BJD_TDB)=2456347.79679 \pm 0.00036 and P=7.845631 \pm 0.000046 d. Equally plausible fits that employ empirical constraints on the host star parameters rather than isochrones yield a larger planet mass and radius by ~4-7%. KELT-6b has surface gravity and incident flux similar to HD209458b, but orbits a host that is more metal poor than HD209458 by ~0.3 dex. Thus, the KELT-6 system offers an opportunity to perform a comparative measurement of two similar planets in similar environments around stars of very different metallicities. The precise radial velocity data also reveal an acceleration indicative of a longer-period third body in the system, although the companion is not detected in Keck adaptive optics images.Comment: Published in AJ, 17 pages, 15 figures, 6 table

    KELT-1b: A Strongly Irradiated, Highly Inflated, Short Period, 27 Jupiter-mass Companion Transiting a mid-F Star

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    We present the discovery of KELT-1b, the first transiting low-mass companion from the wide-field Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope-North (KELT-North) survey. The V=10.7 primary is a mildly evolved, solar-metallicity, mid-F star. The companion is a low-mass brown dwarf or super-massive planet with mass of 27.23+/-0.50 MJ and radius of 1.110+0.037-0.024 RJ, on a very short period (P=1.21750007) circular orbit. KELT-1b receives a large amount of stellar insolation, with an equilibrium temperature assuming zero albedo and perfect redistribution of 2422 K. Upper limits on the secondary eclipse depth indicate that either the companion must have a non-zero albedo, or it must experience some energy redistribution. Comparison with standard evolutionary models for brown dwarfs suggests that the radius of KELT-1b is significantly inflated. Adaptive optics imaging reveals a candidate stellar companion to KELT-1, which is consistent with an M dwarf if bound. The projected spin-orbit alignment angle is consistent with zero stellar obliquity, and the vsini of the primary is consistent with tidal synchronization. Given the extreme parameters of the KELT-1 system, we expect it to provide an important testbed for theories of the emplacement and evolution of short-period companions, and theories of tidal dissipation and irradiated brown dwarf atmospheres.Comment: 30 pages, 19 figures. Submitted to Ap

    KELT-7b: A hot Jupiter transiting a bright V=8.54 rapidly rotating F-star

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    We report the discovery of KELT-7b, a transiting hot Jupiter with a mass of 1.28±0.181.28 \pm 0.18 MJ, radius of 1.530.047+0.0461.53_{-0.047}^{+0.046} RJ, and an orbital period of 2.7347749±0.00000392.7347749 \pm 0.0000039 days. The bright host star (HD33643; KELT-7) is an F-star with V=8.54V=8.54, Teff =678949+50=6789_{-49}^{+50} K, [Fe/H] =0.1390.081+0.075=0.139_{-0.081}^{+0.075}, and logg=4.149±0.019\log{g}=4.149 \pm 0.019. It has a mass of 1.5350.054+0.0661.535_{-0.054}^{+0.066} Msun, a radius of 1.7320.045+0.0431.732_{-0.045}^{+0.043} Rsun, and is the fifth most massive, fifth hottest, and the ninth brightest star known to host a transiting planet. It is also the brightest star around which KELT has discovered a transiting planet. Thus, KELT-7b is an ideal target for detailed characterization given its relatively low surface gravity, high equilibrium temperature, and bright host star. The rapid rotation of the star (73±0.573 \pm 0.5 km/s) results in a Rossiter-McLaughlin effect with an unusually large amplitude of several hundred m/s. We find that the orbit normal of the planet is likely to be well-aligned with the stellar spin axis, with a projected spin-orbit alignment of λ=9.7±5.2\lambda=9.7 \pm 5.2 degrees. This is currently the second most rapidly rotating star to have a reflex signal (and thus mass determination) due to a planetary companion measured.Comment: Accepted to The Astronomical Journa

    KELT-2Ab: A Hot Jupiter Transiting the Bright (V=8.77) Primary Star of a Binary System

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    We report the discovery of KELT-2Ab, a hot Jupiter transiting the bright (V=8.77) primary star of the HD 42176 binary system. The host is a slightly evolved late F-star likely in the very short-lived "blue-hook" stage of evolution, with \teff=6148\pm48{\rm K}, logg=4.0300.026+0.015\log{g}=4.030_{-0.026}^{+0.015} and \feh=0.034\pm0.78. The inferred stellar mass is M=1.3140.060+0.063M_*=1.314_{-0.060}^{+0.063}\msun\ and the star has a relatively large radius of R=1.8360.046+0.066R_*=1.836_{-0.046}^{+0.066}\rsun. The planet is a typical hot Jupiter with period 4.11379±0.000014.11379\pm0.00001 days and a mass of MP=1.524±0.088M_P=1.524\pm0.088\mj\ and radius of RP=1.2900.050+0.064R_P=1.290_{-0.050}^{+0.064}\rj. This is mildly inflated as compared to models of irradiated giant planets at the \sim4 Gyr age of the system. KELT-2A is the third brightest star with a transiting planet identified by ground-based transit surveys, and the ninth brightest star overall with a transiting planet. KELT-2Ab's mass and radius are unique among the subset of planets with V<9V<9 host stars, and therefore increases the diversity of bright benchmark systems. We also measure the relative motion of KELT-2A and -2B over a baseline of 38 years, robustly demonstrating for the first time that the stars are bound. This allows us to infer that KELT-2B is an early K-dwarf. We hypothesize that through the eccentric Kozai mechanism KELT-2B may have emplaced KELT-2Ab in its current orbit. This scenario is potentially testable with Rossiter-McLaughlin measurements, which should have an amplitude of \sim44 m s1^{-1}.Comment: 9 pages, 2 tables, 4 figures. A short video describing this paper is available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVS8lnkXXlE. Revised to reflect the ApJL version. Note that figure 4 is not in the ApJL versio