201 research outputs found
Protecting the Right to Exist as a People: Intellectual Property as a Means to Protect Traditional Knowledge and Indigenous Culture
The dominant Western culture has created a legal system premised upon an individualistic
and commercial foundation for intellectual property rights (IPR). This system necessarily
excludes the protection of traditional knowledge and other components of Indigenous
cultures, as well as concepts of communal responsibility for the keeping and transfer of
such ideas and knowledge. These concepts are foundational to Indigenous knowledge
systems in Alaska, as well as throughout the world. Today, a focus on this issue is critical to
the preservation of indigenous cultures and their ways of knowing. We examine where
national and international intellectual property rights systems are in addressing
Indigenous cultural and intellectual property rights (Indigenous CIPR). We also examine
opportunities for expansion of such rights in Alaska and around the world.Ye
Intercultural competence for non-Japanese language teachers in Japan: A case study approach.
This paper is structured into three primary sections. The first, which comprises a case study of one specific school, is by far the longest. The second section consists of a discussion of selected theories of intercultural competence. The third of these three sections is the one in which a direct effort is made to bridge the theory of the second section to the practice that was examined in the study. Two points about the content of these last two sections need to be articulated from the outset: Firstly, the word "other" will be used in the same sense that Edward Said uses it in Orientalism(Said,1978). Secondly, the terms " cross-cultural effectiveness" and "intercultural competence" will be used synonymously. Since the educational practice being studied in this paper is specific to one particular school, the question of generalizability is a pertinent ones. Is it possible to generalize the data informally collected at one private language school to Japanese language education as a whole? While it is most certainly not scientifically, or quantitatively, possible to do so, Japan is widely considered to be relatively homogenous society (Fanjoy, 1999). Given this cultural homogeneity, an attempt will be made to reveal how the culturally-ordained mindset of Japanese employees in the case study school is at least partially reflective of, and in keeping with, that of other Japanese educators. From this researcher's perspective, however, making generalizations based on a single case study is a purely speculative endeavor, one which cannot be considered as authenticated in the field.Article信州大学人文社会科学研究 1: 146-163(2007)departmental bulletin pape
Cultural Sensitivity in English Language Teaching Materials
This expository paper will begin by uncovering and examining some lesser known, Western journal articles, ones that deal specifically with the issue of cultural sensitivity in language classrooms. This opening discussion will attempt to reveal that cultural sensitivity in teaching materials is by no means an issue limited solely to the Western world. After this, the discussion will focus on Edward Said's widely-known Culture and Imperialism. Said's monograph will be used as a springboard to examine the larger issue of colonialism, and imperialism, in classrooms. Lastly, the extended conclusion will reiterate, as well as expand upon, the practical implications of the initial analysis for the benefit of Japan-based foreign language educators. Accordingly, the final paragraphs of this paper will examine one of the most widely used intercultural simulations,Bafa Bafa.Article信州大学人文社会科学研究 2: 136-149(2008)departmental bulletin pape
Data collection and analysis differences in two educational research projects
Article信州大学人文社会科学研究 4: 105-118(2010)departmental bulletin pape
A Case Study of Japanese Tertiary Students' Intercultural Sensitivity and Foreign Language Proficiency: An Abridged Literature Review
Article信州大学人文社会科学研究 8: 26-40(2014)departmental bulletin pape
The Interface of Intercultural Communication and Foreign Language Education
Article信州大学人文社会科学研究 3: 102-112(2009)departmental bulletin pape
Pedagogical and Intercultural Implications of Fritz Lang's Metropolis
Article信州大学人文社会科学研究 6: 50-61(2012)departmental bulletin pape
A Case Study of One Sample of Japanese Tertiary Students’ Intercultural Sensitivity and Their Foreign Language Proficiency
Article信州大学人文社会科学研究 4: 230-244(2011)departmental bulletin pape
The Confluence of Intercultural Communication and Education Research : An Excavation of The Residents' Mole Show
Article信州大学人文社会科学研究 7: 108-121(2013)departmental bulletin pape
Analyzing Pete Townshend’s “The Boy Who Heard Music” with the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity
Although the literary arts and popular culture do not always occupy the limelight in discussions on intercultural education, few educational stakeholders would dispute that they do hold a compelling interest for many tertiary foreign language learners. Accordingly, there is no shortage of research illustrating the robust connections between popular culture and motivational strategies for foreign language learners. Given this abundance of research on motivation, this article will instead concern itself with an intercultural analysis of the representation of both etic and emic demographic groups within the currently unpublished novel, “The Boy Who Heard Music” (2005- 2006), authored by a British writer, composer and musician, Pete Townshend. Bennett’s Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity will comprise the principal theoretical construct underpinning this analysis. In short, the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity is a six-stage framework for explaining the reactions of people to cultural difference. Stage one (the “denial of cultural difference” stage) is the least culturally sensitive stage, while stage six (the “integration of culturaldifference” stage) is the most culturally sensitive one
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