520 research outputs found

    Lone parent obligations: supporting the journey into work

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    Tellus4 evaluation

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    An Archaeological Survey of The Proposed HEB/Kroger Development Collin County, Texas

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    Plans are in place for development of an approximately 29.52-acre tract of land in northwestern McKinney, Collin County, Texas. The tract is located southwest of the US 380/Lake Forest Drive intersection, and sits on the northern extent of the Wilson Creek floodplain and the adjacent upland. An intermittent stream flows through the site, and contains Waters of the U.S., which fall under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. KBA EnviroScience, Ltd., which is handling the project’s environmental permitting, contracted AR Consultants, Inc. to survey this jurisdictional area. Survey of this approximately 2.08-acre study area was conducted June 23, 2016. No cultural resources were found on or below the surface. Based on these results, AR Consultants, Inc. recommends that further cultural resources within the jurisdictional area are unwarranted, and request that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Texas Historical Commission concur with this assessment. However, if cultural resources are uncovered during construction, AR Consultants, Inc. recommends that work should cease and that Texas Historical Commission archaeologists be consulted to assess the find prior to construction resuming

    Rockwall To Royse City Pipeline Route Rockwall County, Texas

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    North Texas Municipal Water District is proposing to construct a 3.05- mile-long pipeline and a storage tank area (measuring up to 4.7 acres) in Rockwall County, Texas. The combination of permanent and temporary easements varies along the route but they are never wider than 70 ft combined. AR Consultants, Inc. (ARC) was contracted to survey the route and conducted the survey March 17 and 26, 2015. No prehistoric archaeological sites were found during the survey. This follows the predictions made prior to field work which were based on the project area’s location in the upper reaches of the Camp Creek Watershed. One historic farmstead site (41RW30) was recorded. This site consists of a well/cistern at a location of a mapped structure on maps dating to the 1920s through the 1970s. However, no structure remains and the only intact feature is the well/cistern. Additionally, the artifacts recovered are indicative of an early to mid-20th century residence and the site lacks overall integrity. Given the results of this survey, AR Consultants, Inc. recommends that further cultural resource investigations are unnecessary for this project, and requests that the Texas Historical Commission concur with this recommendation
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