1,405 research outputs found
Distributed Event Localization via Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
This paper addresses the problem of distributed event localization using
noisy range measurements with respect to sensors with known positions. Event
localization is fundamental in many wireless sensor network applications such
as homeland security, law enforcement, and environmental studies. However, most
existing distributed algorithms require the target event to be within the
convex hull of the deployed sensors. Based on the alternating direction method
of multipliers (ADMM), we propose two scalable distributed algorithms named
GS-ADMM and J-ADMM which do not require the target event to be within the
convex hull of the deployed sensors. More specifically, the two algorithms can
be implemented in a scenario in which the entire sensor network is divided into
several clusters with cluster heads collecting measurements within each cluster
and exchanging intermediate computation information to achieve localization
consistency (consensus) across all clusters. This scenario is important in many
applications such as homeland security and law enforcement. Simulation results
confirm effectiveness of the proposed algorithms.Comment: accepted to IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computin
A Simple, Efficient, High-order Accurate Sliding-Mesh Interface Approach to the Spectral Difference Method on Coupled Rotating and Stationary Domains
This paper presents a simple, efficient, and high-order accurate sliding-mesh
interface approach to the spectral difference (SD) method. We demonstrate the
approach by solving the two-dimensional compressible Navier-Stokes equations on
quadrilateral grids. This approach is an extension of the straight mortar
method originally designed for stationary domains by Kopriva, it employs curved
dynamic mortars on sliding-mesh interfaces to couple rotating and stationary
domains. On the nonconforming sliding-mesh interfaces, the related variables
are first projected from cell faces to mortars to compute common fluxes, and
then the common fluxes are projected back from the mortars to the cell faces to
ensure conservation. To verify the spatial order of accuracy of the
sliding-mesh spectral difference (SSD) method, both inviscid and viscous flow
cases are tested. It is shown that the SSD method preserves the high-order
accuracy of the SD method. Meanwhile, the SSD method is found to be very
efficient in terms of computational cost. This novel sliding-mesh interface
method is very suitable for parallel processing with domain decomposition. It
can be applied to a wide range of problems, such as the aerodynamics of
rotorcraft, wind turbines, and oscillating wing wind power generators, etc
Dynamical spin-density waves in a spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate
Synthetic spin-orbit (SO) coupling, an important ingredient for quantum
simulation of many exotic condensed matter physics, has recently attracted
considerable attention. The static and dynamic properties of a SO coupled
Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) have been extensively studied in both theory and
experiment. Here we numerically investigate the generation and propagation of a
\textit{dynamical} spin-density wave (SDW) in a SO coupled BEC using a fast
moving Gaussian-shaped barrier. We find that the SDW wavelength is sensitive to
the barrier's velocity while varies slightly with the barrier's peak potential
or width. We qualitatively explain the generation of SDW by considering a
rectangular barrier in a one dimensional system. Our results may motivate
future experimental and theoretical investigations of rich dynamics in the SO
coupled BEC induced by a moving barrier.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure
1D topological chains with Majorana fermions in 2D non-topological optical lattices
The recent experimental realization of 1D equal Rashba-Dresselhaus spin-orbit
coupling (ERD-SOC) for cold atoms provide a disorder-free platform for the
implementation and observation of Majorana fermions (MFs), similar to the well
studied solid state nanowire/superconductor heterostructures. However, the
corresponding 1D chains of cold atoms possess strong quantum fluctuation, which
may destroy the superfluids and MFs. In this Letter, we show that such 1D
topological chains with MFs may be on demand generated in a 2D non-topological
optical lattice with 1D ERD-SOC by modifying local potentials on target
locations using experimentally already implemented atomic gas microscopes or
patterned (e.g., double or triple well) optical lattices. All ingredients in
our scheme have been experimentally realized and the combination of them may
pave the way for the experimental observation of MFs in a clean system.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure
FFLO or Majorana superfluids: The fate of fermionic cold atoms in spin-orbit coupled optical lattices
The recent experimental realization of spin-orbit coupling (SOC) for
ultra-cold atoms opens a completely new avenue for exploring new quantum
matter. In experiments, the SOC is implemented simultaneously with a Zeeman
field. Such spin-orbit coupled Fermi gases are predicted to support Majorana
fermions with non-Abelian exchange statistics in one dimension (1D). However,
as shown in recent theory and experiments for 1D spin-imbalanced Fermi gases,
the Zeeman field can lead to the long-sought Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov
(FFLO) superfluids with non-zero momentum Cooper pairings, in contrast to the
zero momentum pairing in Majorana superfluids. Therefore a natural question to
ask is which phase, FFLO or Majorana superfluids, will survive in spin-orbit
coupled Fermi gases in the presence of a large Zeeman field. In this paper, we
address this question by studying the mean field quantum phases of 1D
(quasi-1D) spin-orbit coupled fermionic cold atom optical lattices.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, results for quasi-1D lattices were adde
Quantum phases of Bose-Einstein condensates with synthetic spin - orbital-angular-momentum coupling
The experimental realization of emergent spin-orbit coupling through
laser-induced Raman transitions in ultracold atoms paves the way for exploring
novel superfluid physics and simulating exotic many-body phenomena. A recent
proposal with the use of Laguerre-Gaussian lasers enables another fundamental
type of coupling between spin and orbital angular momentum (SOAM) in ultracold
atoms. We hereby study quantum phases of a realistic Bose-Einstein condensate
(BEC) with this synthetic SOAM coupling in a disk-shaped geometry, respecting
radial inhomogeneity of the Raman coupling. We find that the experimental
system naturally resides in a strongly interacting regime in which the phase
diagram significantly deviates from the single-particle picture. The interplay
between SOAM coupling and interaction leads to rich structures in spin-resolved
position and momentum distributions, including a stripe phase and various types
of immiscible states. Our results would provide a guide for an experimental
investigation of SOAM-coupled BECs.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure
Quantify Entanglement for Multipartite Quantum States
In this paper, we consider the problem of how to quantify entanglement for
any multipartite quantum states. For bipartite pure states partial entropy is a
good entanglement measure. By using partial entropy, we firstly introduce the
Combinatorial Entropy of Fully entangled states (CEF) which can be used to
quantify entanglement for any fully entangled pure states. In order to quantify
entanglement for any multipartite states we also need another concept the
Entanglement Combination (EC) which can be used to completely describe the
entanglement between any parties of the given quantum states. Combining CEF
with EC, we define the Combinatorial Entropy (CE) for any multipartite pure
states and present some nice properties which indicate CE is a good
entanglement measure. Finally, we point out the feasibility of extending these
three concepts to mixed quantum states.Comment: 5 page
Large Sets of Orthogonal Sequences Suitable for Applications in CDMA Systems
In this paper, we employ the so-called semi-bent functions to achieve
significant improvements over currently known methods regarding the number of
orthogonal sequences per cell that can be assigned to a regular tessellation of
hexagonal cells, typical for certain code-division multiple-access (CDMA)
systems. Our initial design method generates a large family of orthogonal sets
of sequences derived from vectorial semi-bent functions. A modification of the
original approach is proposed to avoid a hard combinatorial problem of
allocating several such orthogonal sets to a single cell of a regular hexagonal
network, while preserving the orthogonality to adjacent cells. This
modification increases the number of users per cell by starting from shorter
codewords and then extending the length of these codewords to the desired
length. The specification and assignment of these orthogonal sets to a regular
tessellation of hexagonal cells have been solved regardless of the parity and
size of (where is the length of the codewords). In particular, when
the re-use distance is the number of users per cell is for
almost all , which is twice as many as can be obtained by the best known
methods.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables. IEEE Transactions on Information
Theory,vol.62, no.6, 201
Privacy-preserving Decentralized Optimization via Decomposition
This paper considers the problem of privacy-preservation in decentralized
optimization, in which agents cooperatively minimize a global objective
function that is the sum of local objective functions. We assume that each
local objective function is private and only known to an individual agent. To
cooperatively solve the problem, most existing decentralized optimization
approaches require participating agents to exchange and disclose estimates to
neighboring agents. However, this results in leakage of private information
about local objective functions, which is undesirable when adversaries exist
and try to steal information from participating agents. To address this issue,
we propose a privacy-preserving decentralized optimization approach based on
proximal Jacobian ADMM via function decomposition. Numerical simulations
confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach.Comment: submitted to American control conferenc
ADMM Based Privacy-preserving Decentralized Optimization
Privacy preservation is addressed for decentralized optimization, where
agents cooperatively minimize the sum of convex functions private to these
individual agents. In most existing decentralized optimization approaches,
participating agents exchange and disclose states explicitly, which may not be
desirable when the states contain sensitive information of individual agents.
The problem is more acute when adversaries exist which try to steal information
from other participating agents. To address this issue, we propose a
privacy-preserving decentralized optimization approach based on ADMM and
partially homomorphic cryptography. To our knowledge, this is the first time
that cryptographic techniques are incorporated in a fully decentralized setting
to enable privacy preservation in decentralized optimization in the absence of
any third party or aggregator. To facilitate the incorporation of encryption in
a fully decentralized manner, we introduce a new ADMM which allows time-varying
penalty matrices and rigorously prove that it has a convergence rate of
. Numerical and experimental results confirm the effectiveness and low
computational complexity of the proposed approach.Comment: accepted to IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Securit
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