6 research outputs found
Additional file 2 of Exploring the role and mechanism of Fuzi decoction in the treatment of osteoporosis by integrating network pharmacology and experimental verification
Additional file 2. The targets of the herbs
Additional file 4 of Exploring the role and mechanism of Fuzi decoction in the treatment of osteoporosis by integrating network pharmacology and experimental verification
Additional file 4. The common targets between FZD and osteoporosis
Additional file 6 of Exploring the role and mechanism of Fuzi decoction in the treatment of osteoporosis by integrating network pharmacology and experimental verification
Additional file 6. The details of both the NF−kappa B signaling pathway and the reactive oxygen species
Additional file 5 of Exploring the role and mechanism of Fuzi decoction in the treatment of osteoporosis by integrating network pharmacology and experimental verification
Additional file 5. The pathways associated with the common targets
Additional file 1 of Exploring the role and mechanism of Fuzi decoction in the treatment of osteoporosis by integrating network pharmacology and experimental verification
Additional file 1. The active components of FZD