178 research outputs found

    D-branes in group manifolds and flux stabilization

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    We consider D-branes in group manifolds, from the point of view of open strings and using the Born-Infeld action on the brane worldvolume. D-branes correspond to certain integral (twined) conjugacy classes. We explain the integrality condition on the conjugacy classes in both approaches. In the Born-Infeld description, the D-brane worldvolume is stabilized against shrinking by a subtle interplay of quantized U(1) fluxes and the non-triviality of the B-field.Comment: 6 pages. Invited talk at the 9th Marcel Grossmann meeting, Rome, July 200

    Equivariance In Higher Geometry

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    We study (pre-)sheaves in bicategories on geometric categories: smooth manifolds, manifolds with a Lie group action and Lie groupoids. We present three main results: we describe equivariant descent, we generalize the plus construction to our setting and show that the plus construction yields a 2-stackification for 2-prestacks. Finally we show that, for a 2-stack, the pullback functor along a Morita-equivalence of Lie groupoids is an equivalence of bicategories. Our results have direct applications to gerbes and 2-vector bundles. For instance, they allow to construct equivariant gerbes from local data and can be used to simplify the description of the local data. We illustrate the usefulness of our results in a systematic discussion of holonomies for unoriented surfaces.Comment: 42 pages, minor correction

    Hopf algebras and finite tensor categories in conformal field theory

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    In conformal field theory the understanding of correlation functions can be divided into two distinct conceptual levels: The analytic properties of the correlators endow the representation categories of the underlying chiral symmetry algebras with additional structure, which in suitable cases is the one of a finite tensor category. The problem of specifying the correlators can then be encoded in algebraic structure internal to those categories. After reviewing results for conformal field theories for which these representation categories are semisimple, we explain what is known about representation categories of chiral symmetry algebras that are not semisimple. We focus on generalizations of the Verlinde formula, for which certain finite-dimensional complex Hopf algebras are used as a tool, and on the structural importance of the presence of a Hopf algebra internal to finite tensor categories.Comment: 46 pages, several figures. v2: missing text added after (4.5), references added, and a few minor changes. v3: typos corrected, bibliography update

    Modular categories from finite crossed modules

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    It is known that finite crossed modules provide premodular tensor categories. These categories are in fact modularizable. We construct the modularization and show that it is equivalent to the module category of a finite Drinfeld double.Comment: 21 pages, typos correcte

    A note on permutation twist defects in topological bilayer phases

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    We present a mathematical derivation of some of the most important physical quantities arising in topological bilayer systems with permutation twist defects as introduced by Barkeshli et al. in cond-mat/1208.4834. A crucial tool is the theory of permutation equivariant modular functors developed by Barmeier et al. in math.CT/0812.0986 and math.QA/1004.1825.Comment: 18 pages, some figure