357 research outputs found
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Required Information Release
Many computer systems have a functional requirement to release information. Such requirements are an important part of a system's information security requirements. Current information-flow control techniques are able to reason about permitted information flows, but not required information flows.
In this paper, we introduce and explore the specification and enforcement of required information release in a language-based setting. We define semantic security conditions that express both what information a program is required to release, and how an observer is able to learn this information. We also consider the relationship between permitted and required information release, and define bounded release, which provides upper- and lower-bounds on the information a program releases. We show that both required information release and bounded release can be enforced using a security-type system.Engineering and Applied Science
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Asynchronous Functional Reactive Programming for GUIs
Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) mediate many of our interactions with computers. Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) is a promising approach to GUI design, providing high-level, declarative, compositional abstractions to describe user interactions and time-dependent computations. We present Elm, a practical FRP language focused on easy creation of responsive GUIs. Elm has two major features: simple declarative support for Asynchronous FRP; and purely functional graphical layout.
Asynchronous FRP allows the programmer to specify when the global ordering of event processing can be violated, and thus enables efficient concurrent execution of FRP programs; long-running computation can be executed asynchronously and not adversely affect the responsiveness of the user interface.
Layout in Elm is achieved using a purely functional declarative framework that makes it simple to create and combine text, images, and video into rich multimedia displays.
Together, Elm's two major features simplify the complicated task of creating responsive and usable GUIs.Engineering and Applied Science
Deriving Epistemic Conclusions from Agent Architecture
One of our most resilient intuitions is that causality is a precondition for information flow: where there are no causal connections, we expect there to be no flow of information. In this paper, we study this idea as it arises in the computer science notion of systems architectures, which are high level designs that describe the coarse structure of a system in terms of its high-level components and their permitted causal interactions.Engineering and Applied Science
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Precise Enforcement of Progress-Sensitive Security
Program progress (or termination) is a covert channel that may leak sensitive information. To control information leakage on this channel, semantic definitions of security should be progress sensitive and enforcement mechanisms should restrict the channel's capacity. However, most state-of-the-art language-based information-flow mechanisms are progress insensitive---allowing arbitrary information leakage through this channel---and current progress-sensitive enforcement techniques are overly restrictive.
We propose a type system and instrumented semantics that together enforce progress-sensitive security more precisely than existing approaches. Our system is permissive in that it is able to accept programs in which the termination behavior depends only on low-security (e.g., public or trusted) information. Our system is parameterized on a termination oracle, and controls the progress channel precisely, modulo the ability of the oracle to determine the termination behavior of a program based on low-security information. We have instantiated the oracle for a simple imperative language with a logical abstract interpretation that uses an SMT solver to synthesize linear rank functions.
In addition, we extend the system to permit controlled leakage through the progress channel, with the leakage bound by an explicit budget. We empirically analyze progress channels in existing Jif code. Our evaluation suggests that security-critical programs appear to satisfy progress-sensitive security.Engineering and Applied Science
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Self-Identifying Sensor Data
Public-use sensor datasets are a useful scientific resource with the unfortunate feature that their provenance is easily disconnected from their content. To address this we introduce a technique to directly associate provenance information with sensor datasets. Our technique is similar to traditional watermarking but is intended for application to unstructured datasets. Our approach is potentially imperceptible given sufficient margins of error in datasets, and is robust to a number of benign but likely transformations including truncation, rounding, bit-flipping, sampling, and reordering. We provide algorithms for both one-bit and blind mark checking. Our algorithms are probabilistic in nature and are characterized by a combinatorial analysis.Engineering and Applied Science
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Civitas: Toward a Secure Voting System
Civitas is the first electronic voting system that is coercion-resistant, universally and voter verifiable, and suitable for remote voting. This paper describes the design and implementation of Civitas. Assurance is established in the design through security proofs, and in the implementation through information-flow security analysis. Experimental results give a quantitative evaluation of the tradeoffs between time, cost, and security.Engineering and Applied Science
Declarative Policies for Capability Control
In capability-safe languages, components can access a resource only if they possess a capability for that resource. As a result, a programmer can prevent an untrusted component from accessing a sensitive resource by ensuring that the component never acquires the corresponding capability. In order to reason about which components may use a sensitive resource it is necessary to reason about how capabilities propagate through a system. This may be difficult, or, in the case of dynamically composed code, impossible to do before running the system. To counter this situation, we propose extensions to capability-safe languages that restrict the use of capabilities according to declarative policies. We introduce two independently useful semantic security policies to regulate capabilities and describe language-based mechanisms that enforce them. Access control policies restrict which components may use a capability and are enforced using higher-order contracts. Integrity policies restrict which components may influence (directly or indirectly) the use of a capability and are enforced using an information-flow type system. Finally, we describe how programmers can dynamically and soundly combine components that enforce access control or integrity policies with components that enforce different policies or even no policy at all.Engineering and Applied Science
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Static Analysis for Efficient Hybrid Information-Flow Control
Hybrid information-flow monitors use a combination of static analysis and dynamic mechanisms to provide precise strong information security guarantees. However, unlike purely static mechanisms for information security, hybrid information-flow monitors incur run-time overhead. We show how static analyses can be used to make hybrid information-flow monitors more efficient, in two ways. First, a simple static analysis can determine when it is sound for a monitor to stop tracking the security level of certain variables. This potentially reduces run-time overhead of the monitor, particularly in applications where sensitive (i.e., confidential or untrusted) data is infrequently introduced to the system. Second, we derive sufficient conditions for soundly incorporating a wide range of memory abstractions into information-flow monitors. This allows the selection of a memory abstraction that gives an appropriate tradeoff between efficiency and precision. It also facilitates the development of innovative and sound memory abstractions that use run-time security information maintained by the monitor. We present and prove our results by extending the information-flow monitor of Russo and Sabelfeld (2010). These results bring us closer to
efficient, sound, and precise enforcement of information security.Engineering and Applied Science
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Provenance: A Future History
Science, industry, and society are being revolutionized by radical new capabilities for information sharing, distributed computation, and collaboration offered by the World Wide Web. This revolution promises dramatic benefits but also poses serious risks due to the fluid nature of digital information. One important cross-cutting issue is managing and recording provenance, or metadata about the origin, context, or history of data. We posit that provenance will play a central role in emerging advanced digital infrastructures. In this paper, we outline the current state of provenance research and practice, identify hard open research problems involving provenance semantics, formal modeling, and security, and articulate a vision for the future of provenance.Engineering and Applied Science
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A More Precise Security Type System for Dynamic Security Tests
The move toward publically available services that store private information has increased the importance of tracking information flow in applications. For example, network systems that store credit-card transactions and medical records must be assured to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of this information. One way to ensure this is to use a language that supports static reasoning about information flow in the type system. While useful in practice, current type systems for checking information flow are imprecise, unnecessarily rejecting safe programs. This annoys programmers and often results in increased code complexity in order to work around these artificial limitations. In this work, we present a new type system for statically checking information flow properties of imperative programs with exceptions. Our key insight is to propagate a context of exception handlers and check exceptions at the throw point rather than propagating exceptions outward and checking them at the catch sites. We prove that our type system guarantees the standard non-interference condition and that it is strictly more permissive than the existing type system for Jif, a language that extends the Java type system to reason about information flow.Engineering and Applied Science
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