17 research outputs found


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    Penyesuaian sosial menjadi hal penting bagi siswa dalam berinteraksi dan berbaur dengan lingkungannya terutama dalam lingkungan sekolah. Untuk melakukan penyesuaian sosial dengan baik siswa memerlukan konsep diri yang positif dan menerima dukungan sosial dari lingkungan sekitarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara konsep diri dan dukungan sosial dengan penyesuaian sosial pada siswa MAN Siak. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 2 dan 3 MAN Siak yang berjumlah 176 siswa. Pengumpulan data menggunakan skala konsep diri, skala dukungan sosial, dan skala penyesuaian sosial. Analisis data menggunakan teknik Multiple Regression dengan bantuan SPSS 16 for windows. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan ada hubungan antara konsep diri dan dukungan sosial dengan penyesuaian sosial siswa, yang terlihat dari nilai F=48.454 dan nilai signifikasi p=0.000. Konsep diri dan dukungan sosial secara bersama-sama dapat menjelaskan tinggi rendahnya penyesuaian sosial sebesar 35,8%. Artinya ada hubungan positif antara konsep diri dan dukungan sosial dengan penyesuaian sosial. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, penyesuaian sosial dapat berjalan dengan baik jika siswa memiliki konsep diri yang positif dan mendapatkan dukungan sosial dilingkunganya. Kata kunci : Konsep diri, Dukungan sosial, Penyesuaian sosial, Siswa madrasa

    Performance Evaluation of Ammonia Refrigeration Systems in a Texturizing Plant

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    This study evaluates the performance of an ammonia refrigeration system used as a cooling medium in a texturizing plant. The analysis was conducted over a 10-day period, focusing on key performance indicators such as compressor work, condenser exhaust heat, refrigeration effect, mass flow rate, Coefficient of Performance (COP), and overall system efficiency. The data revealed that the system performed optimally on Day 5, achieving a peak efficiency of 91%, with compressor work at 304.1 kJ/kg and condenser exhaust heat at 1414.6 kJ/kg. In contrast, the lowest efficiency was recorded on Day 3, at 77%. The refrigeration effect reached its highest value of 491.3 kJ/kg on Day 3, highlighting efficient heat absorption despite lower overall system efficiency. On Day 4, the mass flow rate was 0.001049929 kg/s, with an actual COP of 1.39, while the ideal COP peaked on Day 10 at 1.69, reflecting the system’s theoretical maximum efficiency under optimal conditions. The study emphasizes the critical role of the condenser in the system’s performance. Optimizing the condenser’s operation by controlling temperature, pressure, and flow rates, alongside regular maintenance, significantly impacts system efficiency. The findings suggest that careful monitoring of operational parameters, including compressor work and refrigerant flow, can enhance the overall efficiency and reliability of ammonia refrigeration systems in industrial settings. This research provides practical insights into improving the cooling performance, reducing energy consumption, and ensuring consistent production quality in texturizing plants


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    Teknologi, informasi dan komunikasi yang berkembang begitu cepat secara langsung berdampak kompleks pada manusia termasuk di dunia pendidikan. Dunia Pendidikan saat ini turut mengambil bagian dalam memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi dan informasi guna meningkatkan kualitas Pendidikan di Indonesia khususnya. Sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas Pendidikan di Indonesia sudah selayaknya jika dimulai dari pembenahan proses pembelajaran. Hal itu karena, pembelajaran merupakan faktor penting dalam menentukan kualitas pendidikan. Perkembangan teknologi dan informasi berperan dalam perubahan terhadap proses pembelajaran di Indonesia. Jika dahulu sebagian besar pembelajaran di Indonesia menggunakan metode ceramah dimana guru menjadi sumber belajar utama bagi siswa, maka dengan adanya pemanfaatan teknologi dan informasi, siswa diharapkan mulai aktif dalam hal belajar dan sehingga guru hanya berperan sebagi fasilitator saja. Tujuan penelitianiniadalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pemanfaatan perkembangan teknologi dan informasi dalam dunia pendidikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ternyata perkembangan teknologi, informasi dan komunikasi dapat diintegrasikan dalam proses pembelajaran. Pemanfaatan teknologi, informasi dan komunikasi dapat mendorong kreativitas siswa selama pembelajaran. Selain sebagai media belajar, teknologi, informasi dan komunikasi dapat menjadi alat dan media dalam pendistribusian materi ajar serta memberikan kemudahan dalam melakukan komunikasi belajar. Sehingga secara keseluruhan pemanfaatan teknologi, informasi dan komunikasibermuara pada peningkatan kualitaspendidikan di Indonesia

    Pengaruh Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Berbasis Software Macromedia Flash terhadap Hasil Belajar Mesin Konversi Energi di Smk Negeri 1 Balikpapan

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    This study aims : (1) to examine and analyze the differences in energy conversion machine learning outcomes between students who studied with the use of instructional media macromedia flash with students who study with the use of student worksheets; (2) to examine and analyze the differences in energy conversion machine learning outcomes between students who have learning motivation high and low learning motivation; and (3) to examine and analyze the interaction between the use of instructional media by using macromedia flash, worksheets, and motivation toward learning outcomes of energy conversion machines.. This research is an experimental study using a Non-Random Pre-test and Post-test Control Group with the use of factorial design study model of 2x2 design, population of tenth grade students of SMK Negeri 1 TKR in Balikpapan. Data collection techniques with methods of testing for learning outcomes and methods for learning motivation questionnaire. Analysis of the data in SPSS using two-sample t-test and ANOVA, two independent parts, test requirements normality using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, homogeneity test requirements using the Levene test. The results of the study: (1) the influence of the energy conversion machine learning outcomes between students who learn to use macromedia flash media with students who are learning to use the media student worksheets obtained F value = 0.039 to 0.843 significant. Because significant < 0.05 then H0 is rejected and H1 accepted, so in this study the energy conversion machine learning results in students learning with macromedia flash media is significantly higher than students who studied the learning media LKS; (2) differences in learning outcomes between students\u27 energy conversion machine which has a high learning motivation and low learning motivation obtained results of F = 0.570 obtained results with significant 0,453. Because significant < 0.05 then H0 is rejected and H1 accepted as a result of energy conversion of learning material to students who have a high learning motivation is significantly higher than students who have low motivation; (3) to examine and analyze the interaction between the use of instructional media by using macromedia flash, worksheets, and motivation toward learning outcomes of energy conversion machines. is obtained F value = 0.128 to 0.722 significant . Because significant < 0.05 then Ho is rejected and H1 accepted in this study so there is an interaction between the use of instructional media by using macromedia flash, worksheets, and motivation toward learning outcomes of energy conversion machines. Keywords : Macromedia flash , student worksheets, motivation to learn, and learning outcome

    Analysis of Physical Education, Sports and Health teacher Strategies in Learning FMS During the Covid Pandemic 19

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    The purpose of this study is to find an overview of how the learning strategies and barriers for Physical Education, Sports and Health teachers providing fundamental movement material during the Covid 19 pandemic. This research includes quantitative descriptive analysis. This research used survey method with close-ended question as the instrument distributed on google form. Respondents in this study were primary school PJOK teachers, in which about 49 people. Data were analyzed using percentage calculations. The conclusions of this study indicate that fundamental movement learning is carried out online by utilizing various kinds of teaching materials such as books, PowerPoint slides, videos, and handouts. The most widely used media is the WhatsApp group. The learning method used by PJOK teachers is the assignment method. The learning strategies carried out generally give students the task of imitating movements, repeating movements, and recording activities. In general, PJOK teachers do not experience obstacles in conducting online learning


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    ABSTRACT This study aims : (1) to examine and analyze the differences in energy conversion machine learning outcomes between students who studied with the use of instructional media macromedia flash with students who study with the use of student worksheets; (2) to examine and analyze the differences in energy conversion machine learning outcomes between students who have learning motivation high and low learning motivation; and (3) to examine and analyze the interaction between the use of instructional media by using macromedia flash, worksheets, and motivation toward learning outcomes of energy conversion machines.. This research is an experimental study using a Non-Random Pre-test and Post-test Control Group with the use of factorial design study model of 2x2 design, population of tenth grade students of SMK Negeri 1 TKR in Balikpapan. Data collection techniques with methods of testing for learning outcomes and methods for learning motivation questionnaire. Analysis of the data in SPSS using two-sample t-test and ANOVA, two independent parts, test requirements normality using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, homogeneity test requirements using the Levene test. The results of the study: (1) the influence of the energy conversion machine learning outcomes between students who learn to use macromedia flash media with students who are learning to use the media student worksheets obtained F value = 0.039 to 0.843 significant. Because significant < 0.05 then H0 is rejected and H1 accepted, so in this study the energy conversion machine learning results in students learning with macromedia flash media is significantly higher than students who studied the learning media LKS; (2) differences in learning outcomes between students' energy conversion machine which has a high learning motivation and low learning motivation obtained results of F = 0.570 obtained results with significant 0,453. Because significant < 0.05 then H0 is rejected and H1 accepted as a result of energy conversion of learning material to students who have a high learning motivation is significantly higher than students who have low motivation; (3) to examine and analyze the interaction between the use of instructional media by using macromedia flash, worksheets, and motivation toward learning outcomes of energy conversion machines. is obtained F value = 0.128 to 0.722 significant . Because significant < 0.05 then Ho is rejected and H1 accepted in this study so there is an interaction between the use of instructional media by using macromedia flash, worksheets, and motivation toward learning outcomes of energy conversion machines. Keywords : Macromedia flash , student worksheets, motivation to learn, and learning outcome

    Blog Mini Penghasilan Makasimal : Mendulang uang dengan sedikit Artikel

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    Dengan media permainan bebentengan dalam pembelajaran mencerminkan perubahan keterampilan gerak dasar lari, selain itu dapat membantu mendorong perubahan ketingkat perkembangan anak didik ke arah yang lebih dengan selalau memperhatikan perbedaan karakteristik setiap anak didik yang erat hubungannya dengan permainan sehingga pembelajaran tetap nampak. Tujuan permainan bebentengan dalam pembelajaran yaitu utuk memeperoleh kemudahan bagi siswa dalam melakukan materi ajar dan gerak dasar yaitu terdapat dalam permainan bebentengan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yaitu suatu bentuk kajian yang bersifat reflektif untuk memahami, meningkatkan kemahiran belajar memperbaiki kondisi proses pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan dari temuan-temuan pada setiap siklus, pada data awal hanya 3 atau 13% siswa yang tuntas di siklus I menjadi 9 siswa yang tuntas atau 40% dan pada siklus II menjadi 16 atau 72% siswa yang tuntas. Sedangkan pada siklus III ketercapaian meningkat menjadi 20 orang yang tuntas atau 90% , itu menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran kemampuan gerak dasar lari melalui media permainan bebentengan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menguasai gerak dasar lari