2,265 research outputs found
Laparoscopic Sacral Colpopexy: A Proposed Technique
This case report describes a laparoscopic sacral colpopexy using Mersilene mesh in a patient with complete vaginal vault prolapse. Mersilene mesh was placed as a hammock between the vaginal apex and the anterior surface of the sacrum, using intracorporeal needles and an extracorporeal knot tying technique. Minor modifications are made from the traditional abdominal approach, because the patient had previously undergone a pelvic lymphadenectomy and vaginal cuff radiation for a stage IB grade 1 adenocarcinoma of the endometrium
New Clox Systems for rapid and efficient gene disruption in Candida albicans
Acknowledgements: We are grateful to Janet Quinn, Lila Kastora, Joanna Potrykus, Michelle Leach, and others for sharing their experiences with the Clox cassettes. We thank Julia Kohler for her kind gift of the NAT1-flipper plasmid pJK863, Claudia Jacob for her advice with In-fusion cloning, and our colleagues in the Aberdeen Fungal Group for numerous stimulating discussions. Data Availability: The authors confirm that all data underlying the findings are fully available without restriction. The sequences of all Clox cassettes are available in GenBank: URA3-Clox (loxP-URA3-MET3p-cre-loxP): GenBank accession number KC999858. NAT1-Clox (loxP-NAT1-MET3p-cre-loxP): GenBank accession number KC999859. LAL (loxP-ARG4-loxP): GenBank accession number DQ015897. LHL (loxP-HIS1-loxP): GenBank accession number DQ015898. LUL (loxP-URA3-loxP): GenBank accession number DQ015899. Funding: This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust (www.wellcome.ac.uk): S.S., F.C.O., N.A.R.G., A.J.P.B. (080088); N.A.R.G., A.J.P.B. (097377). The authors also received support from the European Research Council [http://erc.europa.eu/]: DSC. ERB, AJPB (STRIFE Advanced Grant; C-2009-AdG-249793). The European Commission also provided funding [http://ec.europa.eu/research/fp7]: I.B., A.J.P.B. (FINSysB MC-ITN; PITN-GA-2008-214004). Also the UK Biotechnology and Biological Research Council provided support [www.bbsrc.ac.uk]: N.A.R.G., A.J.P.B. (Research Grant; BB/F00513X/1). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD
A Spin Modulated Telescope to Make Two Dimensional CMB Maps
We describe the HEMT Advanced Cosmic Microwave Explorer (HACME), a balloon
borne experiment designed to measure sub-degree scale Cosmic Microwave
Background anisotropy over hundreds of square degrees, using a unique two
dimensional scanning strategy. A spinning flat mirror that is canted relative
to its spin axis modulates the direction of beam response in a nearly
elliptical path on the sky. The experiment was successfully flown in February
of 1996, achieving near laboratory performance for several hours at float
altitude. A map free of instrumental systematic effects is produced for a 3.5
hour observation of 630 square degrees, resulting in a flat band power upper
limit of (l(l+1)C_l/2 pi)^0.5 < 77 microK at l = 38 (95% confidence). The
experiment design, flight operations and data, including atmospheric effects
and noise performance, are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Heart Failure with Transient Left Bundle Branch Block in the Setting of Left Coronary Fistula
Coronary arterial fistulas are rare communications between vessels or chambers of the heart. Although cardiac symptoms associated with fistulas are well described, fistulas are seldom considered in the differential diagnosis of acute myocardial ischemia. We describe the case of a 64-year-old man who presented with left shoulder pain, signs of heart failure, and a new left bundle branch block (LBBB). Cardiac catheterization revealed a small left anterior descending (LAD)-to-pulmonary artery (PA) fistula. Diuresis led to subjective improvement of the patient's symptoms and within several days the LBBB resolved. We hypothesize that the coronary fistula in this patient contributed to transient ischemia of the LAD territory through a coronary steal mechanism. We elected to observe rather than repair the fistula, as his symptoms and ECG changes resolved with treatment of his heart failure
Continuous monitoring of mining induced strain in a road pavement using fiber Bragg grating sensors
FÄ samhÀllsproblem har under de senaste Ären mött sÄ allmÀn uppmÀrksamhet som ungdomsbrottsligheten. Den polisanmÀlda ungdomsbrottsligheten har i stort sett följt brottslighetens utvecklingskurva avseende antal begÄngna brott, denna kurva visar en tydlig ökning sedan efterkrigstiden.
Detta Àr en komparativ uppsats som Àr inriktad pÄ ungdomsbrottsligheten i tvÄ av Malmö stadsdelar dÀr vi undersöker antalet polisanmÀlda ungdomar till socialtjÀnsten mellan Ären 2007-2009. Vi har studerat vilka brott ungdomarna var anmÀlda, analyserat brottstrender och i den mÄn det var möjligt granskat hur könsfördelningen har sett ut. Vi har undersökt vilka insatser som tillÀmpas frÄn socialtjÀnstens hÄll för att motverka ungdomsbrottslighet samt förhindra fortsatt brottslighet hos redan polisanmÀlda ungdomar samt granska hur socialsekreterare vid vÄra undersökningsverksamheter upplever och uppfattar ungdomsbrottsligheten. VÄra resultat har delvis stÀllts i relation till hur ungdomsbrottsligheten enligt tidigare forskning och redan befintlig statistik ser ut i Sverige.
Vi har i uppsatsen anvÀnt oss av kvalitativ och kvantitativ datainsamlingsmetod samt stÀllt analysavsnitt och diskussionsavsnitt i relation till tidigare forskning och den av Travis Hirschis konstruerade teorin om sociala band.
Studiens resultat visar bland annat att antalet polisanmÀlningar till socialtjÀnsterna har ökat, att killar begÄr fler brott Àn tjejer, att brottstyperna skiljer sig Ät beroende pÄ kön samt att ett mindre antal ungdomar ansvarar för en stor del av socialtjÀnsternas inkomna polisanmÀlningar
Anomalous Exponent of the Spin Correlation Function of a Quantum Hall Edge
The charge and spin correlation functions of partially spin-polarized edge
electrons of a quantum Hall bar are studied using effective Hamiltonian and
bosonization techniques. In the presence of the Coulomb interaction between the
edges with opposite chirality we find a different crossover behavior in spin
and charge correlation functions. The crossover of the spin correlation
function in the Coulomb dominated regime is characterized by an anomalous
exponent, which originates from the finite value of the effective interaction
for the spin degree of freedom in the long wavelength limit. The anomalous
exponent may be determined by measuring nuclear spin relaxation rates in a
narrow quantum Hall bar or in a quantum wire in strong magnetic fields.Comment: 4 pages, Revtex file, no figures. To appear in Physical Revews B,
Rapid communication
Sex-specific fundamental and formant frequency patterns in a cross-sectional study
An extensive developmental acoustic study of the speech patterns of children and adults was reported by Lee and colleagues [Lee et al., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 105, 1455-1468 (1999)]. This paper presents a reexamination of selected fundamental frequency and formant frequency data presented in their report for 10 monophthongs by investigating sex-specific and developmental patterns using two different approaches. The first of these includes the investigation of age- and sex-specific formant frequency patterns in the monophthongs. The second, the investigation of fundamental frequency and formant frequency data using the critical band rate (bark) scale and a number of acoustic-phonetic dimensions of the monophthongs from an age- and sex-specific perspective. These acoustic-phonetic dimensions include: vowel spaces and distances from speaker centroids; frequency differences between the formant frequencies of males and females; vowel openness/closeness and frontness/backness; the degree of vocal effort; and formant frequency ranges. Both approaches reveal both age- and sex-specific development patterns which also appear to be dependent on whether vowels are peripheral or non-peripheral. The developmental emergence of these sex-specific differences are discussed with reference to anatomical, physiological, sociophonetic and culturally determined factors. Some directions for further investigation into the age-linked sex differences in speech across the lifespan are also proposed
Ecosystem resistance in the face of climate change: a case study from the freshwater marshes of the Florida Everglades
Shaped by the hydrology of the Kissimmee-Okeechobee-Everglades watershed, the Florida Everglades is composed of a conglomerate of wetland ecosystems that have varying capacities to sequester and store carbon. Hydrology, which is a product of the regionâs precipitation and temperature patterns combined with water management policy, drives community composition and productivity. As shifts in both precipitation and air temperature are expected over the next 100 years as a consequence of climate change, CO2 dynamics in the greater Everglades are expected to change. To reduce uncertainties associated with climate change and to explore how projected changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration and climate can alter current CO2 exchange rates in Everglades freshwater marsh ecosystems, we simulated fluxes of carbon among the atmosphere, vegetation, and soil using the DAYCENT model. We explored the effects of low, moderate, and high scenarios for atmospheric CO2 (550, 850, and 950 ppm), mean annual air temperature (ĂŸ1, ĂŸ2.5, and ĂŸ4.28C) and precipitation (2, ĂŸ7, and ĂŸ14%), as predicted by the IPCC for the year 2100 for the region, on CO2 exchange rates in short- and long-hydroperiod wetland ecosystems. Under 100 years of current climate and atmospheric CO2 concentration, Everglades freshwater marsh ecosystems were estimated to be CO2-neutral. As atmospheric CO2 concentration increased and under climate change projections, there were slight shifts in the start and length of the wet season (1 to ĂŸ7 days) and a small enhancement in the sink capacity (by 169 to 573 g C m2 century1 ) occurred at both short- and longhydroperiod ecosystems compared to CO2 dynamics under the current climate regime. Over 100 years, rising temperatures increased net CO2 exchange rates (ĂŸ1 to 13 g C m2 century1 ) and shifts in precipitation patterns altered cumulative net carbon uptake by ĂŸ13 to 46 g C m2 century1 . While changes in ecosystem structure, species composition, and disturbance regimes were beyond the scope of this research, results do indicate that climate change will produce small changes in CO2 dynamics in Everglades freshwater marsh ecosystems and suggest that the hydrologic regime and oligotrophic conditions of Everglades freshwater marshes lowers the ecosystem sensitivity to climate change. Key word
Applications of Two-Body Dirac Equations to the Meson Spectrum with Three versus Two Covariant Interactions, SU(3) Mixing, and Comparison to a Quasipotential Approach
In a previous paper Crater and Van Alstine applied the Two Body Dirac
equations of constraint dynamics to the meson quark-antiquark bound states
using a relativistic extention of the Adler-Piran potential and compared their
spectral results to those from other approaches, ones which also considered
meson spectroscopy as a whole and not in parts. In this paper we explore in
more detail the differences and similarities in an important subset of those
approaches, the quasipotential approach. In the earlier paper, the
transformation properties of the quark-antiquark potentials were limited to a
scalar and an electromagnetic-like four vector, with the former accounting for
the confining aspects of the overall potential, and the latter the short range
portion. A part of that work consisted of developing a way in which the static
Adler-Piran potential was apportioned between those two different types of
potentials in addition to covariantization. Here we make a change in this
apportionment that leads to a substantial improvement in the resultant
spectroscopy by including a time-like confining vector potential over and above
the scalar confining one and the electromagnetic-like vector potential. Our fit
includes 19 more mesons than the earlier results and we modify the scalar
portion of the potential in such a way that allows this formalism to account
for the isoscalar mesons {\eta} and {\eta}' not included in the previous work.
Continuing the comparisons made in the previous paper with other approaches to
meson spectroscopy we examine in this paper the quasipotential approach of
Ebert, Faustov, and Galkin for a comparison with our formalism and spectral
results.Comment: Revisions of earlier versio
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