84 research outputs found

    Proving More Observational Equivalences with ProVerif

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    This paper presents an extension of the automatic protocol verifier ProVerif in order to prove more observational equivalences. ProVerif can prove observational equivalence between processes that have the same structure but differ by the messages they contain. In order to extend the class of equivalences that ProVerif handles, we extend the language of terms by defining more functions (destructors) by rewrite rules. In particular, we allow rewrite rules with inequalities as side-conditions, so that we can express tests ''if then else'' inside terms. Finally, we provide an automatic procedure that translates a process into an equivalent process that performs as many actions as possible in- side terms, to allow ProVerif to prove the desired equivalence. These extensions have been implemented in ProVerif and allow us to au- tomatically prove anonymity in the private authentication protocol by Abadi and Fournet

    Composing security protocols: from confidentiality to privacy

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    Security protocols are used in many of our daily-life applications, and our privacy largely depends on their design. Formal verification techniques have proved their usefulness to analyse these protocols, but they become so complex that modular techniques have to be developed. We propose several results to safely compose security protocols. We consider arbitrary primitives modeled using an equational theory, and a rich process algebra close to the applied pi calculus. Relying on these composition results, we derive some security properties on a protocol from the security analysis performed on each of its sub-protocols individually. We consider parallel composition and the case of key-exchange protocols. Our results apply to deal with confidentiality but also privacy-type properties (e.g. anonymity) expressed using a notion of equivalence. We illustrate the usefulness of our composition results on protocols from the 3G phone application and electronic passport

    DTKI: a new formalized PKI with no trusted parties

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    The security of public key validation protocols for web-based applications has recently attracted attention because of weaknesses in the certificate authority model, and consequent attacks. Recent proposals using public logs have succeeded in making certificate management more transparent and verifiable. However, those proposals involve a fixed set of authorities. This means an oligopoly is created. Another problem with current log-based system is their heavy reliance on trusted parties that monitor the logs. We propose a distributed transparent key infrastructure (DTKI), which greatly reduces the oligopoly of service providers and allows verification of the behaviour of trusted parties. In addition, this paper formalises the public log data structure and provides a formal analysis of the security that DTKI guarantees.Comment: 19 page

    Verifying Privacy-Type Properties in a Modular Way

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    Formal methods have proved their usefulness for analysing the security of protocols. In this setting, privacy-type security properties (e.g. vote-privacy, anonymity, unlink ability) that play an important role in many modern applications are formalised using a notion of equivalence. In this paper, we study the notion of trace equivalence and we show how to establish such an equivalence relation in a modular way. It is well-known that composition works well when the processes do not share secrets. However, there is no result allowing us to compose processes that rely on some shared secrets such as long term keys. We show that composition works even when the processes share secrets provided that they satisfy some reasonable conditions. Our composition result allows us to prove various equivalence-based properties in a modular way, and works in a quite general setting. In particular, we consider arbitrary cryptographic primitives and processes that use non-trivial else branches. As an example, we consider the ICAO e-passport standard, and we show how the privacy guarantees of the whole application can be derived from the privacy guarantees of its sub-protocols

    Trace Equivalence Decision: Negative Tests and Non-determinism

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    We consider security properties of cryptographic protocols that can be modeled using the notion of trace equivalence. The notion of equivalence is crucial when specifying privacy-type properties, like anonymity, vote-privacy, and unlinkability. In this paper, we give a calculus that is close to the applied pi calculus and that allows one to capture most existing protocols that rely on classical cryptographic primitives. First, we propose a symbolic semantics for our calculus relying on constraint systems to represent infinite sets of possible traces, and we reduce the decidability of trace equivalence to deciding a notion of symbolic equivalence between sets of constraint systems. Second, we develop an algorithm allowing us to decide whether two sets of constraint systems are in symbolic equivalence or not. Altogether, this yields the first decidability result of trace equivalence for a general class of processes that may involve else branches and/or private channels (for a bounded number of sessions)

    Secure Refinements of Communication Channels

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    It is a common practice to design a protocol (say Q) assuming some secure channels. Then the secure channels are implemented using any standard protocol, e.g. TLS. In this paper, we study when such a practice is indeed secure. We provide a characterization of both confidential and authenticated channels. As an application, we study several protocols of the literature including TLS and BAC protocols. Thanks to our result, we can consider a larger number of sessions when analyzing complex protocols resulting from explicit implementation of the secure channels of some more abstract protocol Q

    Automatic verification of cryptographic protocols: privacy-type properties

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    Many tools have been developed to automatically verify security properties on cryptographic protocols. But until recently, most tools focused on trace properties (or reachability properties) such as authentication and secrecy. However, many security properties cannot be expressed as trace properties, but can be written as equivalence properties. Privacy, unlinkability, and strong secrecy are typical examples of equivalence properties. Intuitively, two protocols P, Q are equivalent if an adversary can not distinguish P from Q by interacting with these processes. In the literature, several notions of equivalence were studied, e.g. trace equivalence or a stronger one, observational equivalence. However, it is often very difficult to prove by hand any of these equivalences, hence the need for efficient and automatic tools. We first worked on a approach that rely on constraint solving techniques and that is well suited for bounded number of sessions. We provided a new algorithm for deciding the trace equivalence between processes that may contain negative tests and non-determinism. We applied our results on concrete examples such as anonymity of the Private Authentication protocol and the E-passport protocol. We also investigated composition results. More precisely, we focused on parallel composition under shared secrets. We showed that under certain conditions on the protocols, the privacy type properties is preserved under parallel composition under shared secrets. We applied our result on the e-passport protocol. At last this work presents an extension of the automatic protocol verifier ProVerif in order to prove more observational equivalences. This extension have been implemented in ProVerif and allow us to automatically prove anonymity in the private authentication protoco

    DeepSec: Deciding Equivalence Properties for Security Protocols -- Improved theory and practice

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    Automated verification has become an essential part in the security evaluation of cryptographic protocols. In this context privacy-type properties are often modelled by indistinguishability statements, expressed as behavioural equivalences in a process calculus. In this paper we contribute both to the theory and practice of this verification problem. We establish new complexity results for static equivalence, trace equivalence and labelled bisimilarity and provide a decision procedure for these equivalences in the case of a bounded number of protocol sessions. Our procedure is the first to decide trace equivalence and labelled bisimilarity exactly for a large variety of cryptographic primitives -- those that can be represented by a subterm convergent destructor rewrite system. We also implemented the procedure in a new tool, DeepSec. We showed through extensive experiments that it is significantly more efficient than other similar tools, while at the same time raises the scope of the protocols that can be analysed.Comment: 104 page

    Exploiting Symmetries When Proving Equivalence Properties for Security Protocols

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    International audienceVerification of privacy-type properties for cryptographic protocols in an active adversarial environment, modelled as a behavioural equivalence in concurrent-process calculi, exhibits a high computational complexity. While undecidable in general, for some classes of common cryptographic primitives the problem is coNEXP-complete when the number of honest participants is bounded.In this paper we develop optimisation techniques for verifying equivalences, exploiting symmetries between the two processes under study. We demonstrate that they provide a significant (several orders of magnitude) speed-up in practice, thus increasing the size of the protocols that can be analysed fully automatically
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