9 research outputs found
Intelligent Client Selection for Federated Learning using Cellular Automata
Federated Learning (FL) has emerged as a promising solution for
privacy-enhancement and latency minimization in various real-world
applications, such as transportation, communications, and healthcare. FL
endeavors to bring Machine Learning (ML) down to the edge by harnessing data
from million of devices and IoT sensors, thus enabling rapid responses to
dynamic environments and yielding highly personalized results. However, the
increased amount of sensors across diverse applications poses challenges in
terms of communication and resource allocation, hindering the participation of
all devices in the federated process and prompting the need for effective FL
client selection. To address this issue, we propose Cellular Automaton-based
Client Selection (CA-CS), a novel client selection algorithm, which leverages
Cellular Automata (CA) as models to effectively capture spatio-temporal changes
in a fast-evolving environment. CA-CS considers the computational resources and
communication capacity of each participating client, while also accounting for
inter-client interactions between neighbors during the client selection
process, enabling intelligent client selection for online FL processes on data
streams that closely resemble real-world scenarios. In this paper, we present a
thorough evaluation of the proposed CA-CS algorithm using MNIST and CIFAR-10
datasets, while making a direct comparison against a uniformly random client
selection scheme. Our results demonstrate that CA-CS achieves comparable
accuracy to the random selection approach, while effectively avoiding
high-latency clients.Comment: 18th IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and
their Application
Chemical Wave Computing from Labware to Electrical Systems
Unconventional and, specifically, wave computing has been repeatedly studied in laboratory based experiments by utilizing chemical systems like a thin film of Belousov–Zhabotinsky (BZ) reactions. Nonetheless, the principles demonstrated by this chemical computer were mimicked by mathematical models to enhance the understanding of these systems and enable a more detailedinvestigation of their capacity. As expected, the computerized counterparts of the laboratory based experiments are faster and less expensive. A further step of acceleration in wave-based computingis the development of electrical circuits that imitate the dynamics of chemical computers. A key component of the electrical circuits is the memristor which facilitates the non-linear behavior of the chemical systems. As part of this concept, the road-map of the inspiration from wave-based computing on chemical media towards the implementation of equivalent systems on oscillating memristive circuits was studied here. For illustration reasons, the most straightforward example was demonstrated, namely the approximation of Boolean gates
Disparate habitual physical activity and dietary intake profiles of elderly men with low and elevated systemic inflammation
The development of chronic, low-grade systemic inflammation in the elderly (inflammaging) has been associated with increased incidence of chronic diseases, geriatric syndromes, and functional impairments. The aim of this study was to examine differences in habitual physical activity (PA), dietary intake patterns, and musculoskeletal performance among community-dwelling elderly men with low and elevated systemic inflammation. Nonsarcopenic older men free of chronic diseases were grouped as ‘low’ (LSI: n = 17; 68.2 ± 2.6 years; hs-CRP: 1 mg/L) systemic inflammation according to their serum levels of high-sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP). All participants were assessed for body composition via Dual Emission X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA), physical performance using the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) and handgrip strength, daily PA using accelerometry, and daily macro- and micronutrient intake. ESI was characterized by a 2-fold greater hs-CRP value than LSI (p < 0.01). The two groups were comparable in terms of body composition, but LSI displayed higher physical performance (p < 0.05), daily PA (step count/day and time at moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) were greater by 30% and 42%, respectively, p < 0.05), and daily intake of the antioxidant vitamins A (6590.7 vs. 4701.8 IU/day, p < 0.05), C (120.0 vs. 77.3 mg/day, p < 0.05), and E (10.0 vs. 7.5 mg/day, p < 0.05) compared to ESI. Moreover, daily intake of vitamin A was inversely correlated with levels of hs-CRP (r = −0.39, p = 0.035). These results provide evidence that elderly men characterized by low levels of systemic inflammation are more physically active, spend more time in MVPA, and receive higher amounts of antioxidant vitamins compared to those with increased systemic inflammation
Material design strategies for emulating neuromorphic functionalities with resistive switching memories
Nowadays, the huge power consumption and the inability of the conventional circuits to deal with real-time classification tasks have necessitated the devising of new electronic devices with inherent neuromorphic functionalities. Resistive switching memories arise as an ideal candidate due to their low footprint and small leakage current dissipation, while their intrinsic randomness is smoothly leveraged for implementing neuromorphic functionalities. In this review, valence change memories or conductive bridge memories for emulating neuromorphic characteristics are demonstrated. Moreover, the impact of the device structure and the incorporation of Pt nanoparticles is thoroughly investigated. Interestingly, our devices possess the ability to emulate various artificial synaptic functionalities, including paired-pulsed facilitation and paired-pulse depression, long-term plasticity and four different types of spike-dependent plasticity. Our approach provides valuable insights from a material design point of view towards the development of multifunctional synaptic elements that operate with low power consumption and exhibit biological-like behavior
Wave cellular automata for computing applications
There is a continuous urge for higher efficiency in conventional computing systems, driven by an ever-growing demand for these systems’ complexity to be able to match the one of convoluted and challenging problems. However, this type of problems has formulated the benchmarks for unconventional computing systems to validate their emerging applicability and prove their effectiveness. Towards this path, Cellular Automata (CAs) have been established as a promising mathematical tool for simulating physical processes and demonstrated a favourable methodology for effectively implementing computations in hardware by taking advantage of their inherent parallelism. Representing CAs with oscillating memristive networks could further enhance the performance of these systems, by incorporating the rich dynamics evident in memristors and their strong memory and computing features. In this work, a wave generator circuit has been designed with low-voltage fabricated CBRAM devices, that is able to act as a Wave Cellular Automaton (WCA). These wave generation units are located on a grid with adjusting multi-directional interconnections between neighbors. In addition to that, the ability to reconFigure the amount of such units that influence each other, facilitates the propagation of voltage signals through the grid following wave propagation features. An example of this computational domain is presented with the realization of complex logic gates on the grid of WCAs.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Unconventional memristive nanodevices
© 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.One of the most enticing candidates for next-generation computing systems is the memristor. Memristor-based novel architectures have demonstrated considerable promise in replacing or augmenting traditional computing platforms based on the Von Neumann architecture, which faces many issues in the big-data era, as well as in newly developed neuromorphic tasks. Although the current classical computing architecture is unlikely to be abandoned in the foreseeable future, the growing trend of neuromorphic, quantum, and bio-inspired computing schemes calls for more specialized beyond Von Neumann platforms. Memristors showcase multiple advantages in terms of small area footprint, energy efficiency, high endurance, bio-compatibility, and their inherent synaptic and neuromorphic behavior. The topic of this work is to present the memristive devices that meet the requirements for the implementation of the novel beyond Von Neumann applications and examine their switching mechanism and material selection, as well as to conduct a performance comparison between the fabricated devices paving the way for future computing applications.Postprint (author's final draft
Unconventional computing with memristive nanocircuits
Computing demands are growing rapidly as bigdata and artificial intelligence applications become increasingly tasking. Bio-inspired and quantum-based techniques are proving to be quite promising for the development of novel circuits and systems. These systems can contribute to the resolution of a wider variety of problems while also providing improvements to existing techniques. As the von Neumann architecture’s expected performance, which has been dominant for the past several decades, is now hindered by physical limitations, novel computing architectures, assisted by novel materials and circuit devices, are starting to emerge and provide promising results. The topic of this work is to examine the memory and computing capabilities of emergent memristor-based nanocircuits and demonstrate their advantages compared to their classical counterparts.Postprint (author's final draft
Compact thermo-diffusion based physical memristor model
© 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The threshold switching effect is critical in memristor devices for a range of applications, from crossbar design reliability to simulating neuromorphic features using artificial neural networks. The rich inherit dynamics of a metallic conductive filament (CF) formation are thought to be linked to this characteristic. Simulating these dynamics is necessary to develop an accurate memristor model. In this work we present a compact memristor model that utilizes the drift, diffusion and thermo-diffusion effects. These three effects are taken into consideration to derive the switching behavior of a memristor. The resistance of a memristor is calculated based on the evolution of a truncated cone shaped filament. The objective of this model is to achieve a realistic integration of switching mechanisms of the memristor device, while minimizing the overhead on computing resources and being compatible with circuit design tools. The model incorporates the effect of thermo-diffusion on the switching pattern, providing a different perception of the ionic transport processes, which enable the unipolar switching. SPICE simulation results provide an exact match with experimental results of Metal-Insulator-Metal (MIM) memristive devices of Ag/Si2/SiO2.07/Pt nanoparticles (NPs) configuration.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version