236 research outputs found
Renormalization Group Constraints on New Top Interactions from Electroweak Precision Data
Anomalous interactions involving the top quark contribute to some of the most
difficult observables to directly access experimentally. They can give however
a sizeable correction to very precisely measured observables at the loop level.
Using a model-independent effective Lagrangian approach, we present the leading
indirect constraints on dimension-six effective operators involving the top
quark from electroweak precision data. They represent the most stringent
constraints on these interactions, some of which may be directly testable in
future colliders.Comment: 14 pages, 1 Table, 1 Figure. Minor changes, references added. Matches
published versio
Constraints on anomalous dimensions from the positivity of the S matrix
I am thankful to Guilherme Guedes, Mario Herrero-Valea, Maria Ramos, and Jose Santiago for useful discussions. This work is supported by SRA under Grants No. PID2019–106087GB-C21 and No. PID2021-128396NB-I00, by the Junta de AndalucĂa grants No. FQM 101, No. A-FQM-211-UGR18, No. P21-00199, and No. P18-FR-4314 (FEDER), as well as by the Spanish MINECO under the RamĂłn y Cajal programme MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 with Grant No. RYC2019-027155-I and by Grant CNS2022-136024 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR.We show that the analyticity and crossing symmetry of the S matrix, together with the optical theorem, impose restrictions on the renormalization group evolution of dimension-8 operators in the Standard Model effective field theory. Moreover, in the appropriate basis of operators, the latter manifest as zeros in the anomalous dimension matrix that, to the best of our knowledge, have not been anticipated anywhere else in the literature. Our results can be trivially extended to other effective field theories.European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTRSRA PID2019–106087GB-C21, PID2021-128396NB-I00FEDERMinisterio de EconomĂa y Competitividad
CNS2022-136024, MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, RYC2019-027155-I MINECOJunta de AndalucĂa
A-FQM-211-UGR18, FQM 101, P18-FR-4314, P21-0019
Positivity restrictions on the mixing of dimension-eight SMEFT operators
We discuss the structure of the mixing among dimension-eight operators in the
SMEFT relying on the positivity of two-to-two forward scattering amplitudes. We
uncover tens of new non-trivial zeros as well as hundreds of terms with
definite sign in (a particular basis of) the corresponding anomalous dimension
matrix. We highlight that our results are not immediately apparent from the
Feynman diagrammatic perspective, nor from on-shell amplitude methods. As a
byproduct of this work, we provide positivity bounds not previously derived in
the literature, as well as explicit values of certain elements of the anomalous
dimension matrix that serve for cross-check of our results.Comment: 11 pages + appendices, 4 figures, 4 table
The Landscape of Composite Higgs Models
We classify all different composite Higgs models (CHMs) characterised by the
coset space of compact semi-simple Lie groups
and involving up to 13 Nambu-Goldstone bosons
(NGBs), together with mild phenomenological constraints. As a byproduct of this
work, we prove several simple yet, to the best of our knowledge, mostly unknown
results: (1) Under certain conditions, a given set of massless scalars can be
UV completed into a CHM in which they arise as NGBs; (2) The set of all CHMs
with a fixed number of NGBs is finite, and in particular there are 642 of them
with up to 13 massless scalars (factoring out models that differ by extra
's); (3) Any scalar representation of the Standard Model group can be
realised within a CHM; (4) Certain symmetries of the scalar sector allowed from
the IR perspective are never realised within CHMs. On top of this, we make a
simple statistical analysis of the landscape of CHMs, determining the frequency
of models with scalar singlets, doublets, triplets and other multiplets of the
custodial group as well as their multiplicity. We also count the number of
models with a symmetric coset.Comment: List of models in the ancillary file, 19 pages, 2 figures, 2 table
Confronting SUSY models with LHC data via electroweakino production
We investigate multi-lepton signals produced by ElectroWeakino (EWino) decays
in the MSSM and the TMSSM scenarios with sfermions, gluinos and non Standard
Model Higgses at the TeV scale, being the Bino electroweak-scale dark matter.
We recast the present LHC constraints on EWinos for these models and we find
that wide MSSM and TMSSM parameter regions prove to be allowed. We forecast the
number of events expected in the signal regions of the experimental
multi-lepton analyses in the next LHC runs. The correlations among these
numbers will help to determine whether future deviations in multi-lepton data
are ascribable to the EWinos, as well as the supersymmetric model they
originate from.Comment: 33 pages, 10 figures, 3 table
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