69 research outputs found
Fano resonance in discrete lattice models: controlling lineshapes with impurities
The possibility of controlling Fano lineshapes in the electronic transmission
is addressed in terms of a simple discrete model within a tight binding
framework, in which a finite sized ordered chain is coupled from one side to an
infinite linear chain (the `backbone') at one lattice point. It is found that,
the profile of Fano resonance is strongly influenced by the presence of
impurity atoms in the backbone. We specifically discuss the case with just two
substitutional impurities sitting in the otherwise ordered backbone. Precise
analytical formulae relating the locations of these impurities to the size of
the side coupled chain have been presented. The nature of the transmission
spectrum and the reversal of the pole-zero structures in the Fano resonance are
discussed with the help of these formulae.Comment: 8 pages, 5 eps figure
Controlled delocalization of electronic states in a multi-strand quasiperiodic lattice
Finite strips, composed of a periodic stacking of infinite quasiperiodic
Fibonacci chains, have been investigated in terms of their electronic
properties. The system is described by a tight binding Hamiltonian. The
eigenvalue spectrum of such a multi-strand quasiperiodic network is found to be
sensitive on the mutual values of the intra-strand and inter-strand tunnel
hoppings, whose distribution displays a unique three-subband self-similar
pattern in a parameter subspace. In addition, it is observed that special
numerical correlations between the nearest and the next-nearest neighbor
hopping integrals can render a substantial part of the energy spectrum
absolutely continuous. Extended, Bloch like functions populate the above
continuous zones, signalling a complete delocalization of single particle
states even in such a non-translationally invariant system, and more
importantly, a phenomenon that can be engineered by tuning the relative
strengths of the hopping parameters. A commutation relation between the
potential and the hopping matrices enables us to work out the precise
correlation which helps to engineer the extended eigenfunctions and determine
the band positions at will.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure
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