13 research outputs found
Dragonfly - The New Music Ensemble
The New Music Ensemble
Dragonfly - Aliana Chambliss
Sebastián Huydts — Director
Donial Afshar—Electric Guitar
Monty Anderson—Melodica
Evy Avila—Alto Saxophone
Connor Bohn—Clarinet
Aliana Chambliss—Synths/Vocals
Val Daleske—French Horn
Ayu Eini—Violin
Jake Gearhart—Viola
Jeremiah Groff—Violoncello
Zijun He- Piano
Joseph Kedzuch—Trumpet
Aidan Kelly- Violoncello
Holden Magee- Trumpet
Fernando Montoya- Trombone/Tuba
Henry Parmenter—Violin
Katelin Reinert—Melodica
Nico Santa Ana- Electric Bass
Niclas Schroeder—Percussion/Timpani
Sebastian Splinter—Melodica (GA)
Joshua Trimarco—Violoncello
Connor Koppa—Trumpet
Meihui Piao—Contrabass
Brea West— Flute/Alto Saxophonehttps://digitalcommons.colum.edu/blackalbummixtape/1012/thumbnail.jp
Nina Cried Power
The Pop Rock Ensemble: Showcase
Director: Nicholas Tremulis
Nina Cried Power
Kacie Brown-vocals Jeremy Donofrio-bass Claire Featherston-vocals Hank Garrett-guitar Anna Henson-vocals Aaron Jachim-vocals Amos Koyama-guitar Bradford Michela-Vocals William Penne-drums Shefali Sharma-vocals Ryan Winters-vocals Yuxin Zhang-keyboardshttps://digitalcommons.colum.edu/blackalbummixtape/1005/thumbnail.jp
Wake Up Everybody
Gene Mcfadden
John Whitehead
Victor Leon Carstarphen
Cassandra O’Neal
This song is an appeal for people to wake up, engage, and make a difference. The lyrics talk about hatred, war, and poverty, challenges that have been with us since the beginning of time.
Hip Hop Ensemble:
Mal Freyvogel
Ken Howard
Mary James
Shreemayee Ramesh
Sage Roffman
Janae Spradley
Meagan St.Aubain
Cyruson Cho
Andres Rios
lan Bradford - guitar
Marcel Lockhart - drums
Benjamin Pease - guitar
Riley Woods - bass
Yuxin Zhan - keyboardshttps://digitalcommons.colum.edu/blackalbummixtape/1007/thumbnail.jp
Be Thankful For What You Got
The R&B Ensemble: Showcase
Cassandra O’Neal - Director
Be Thankful For What You Got- Curtis Mayfield/
Lucky Daye
Kacie Brown
Rani Bynum
Danielle Crim
Bea Fuadin
Belmaris Garcia Gomez
Sabrina George
Celeste Guman
Elijah Jagours
Instrumentalists -
Isaac Meier - keys
Marcel Lockhart - drums
Jayson Verrett - guitar
Tim Wenzl – basshttps://digitalcommons.colum.edu/blackalbummixtape/1009/thumbnail.jp
Sugar Crash - The Fog
RPE group 1 - Sugar Crash – The Fog
Director- M.s Coller and Nick Tremulis
Students and instrumentation
Shefali Sharma vocals
Joy Ciancanelli vocals
Amos Koyama- guitar and bass
Jackson Lee-guitar
Khalif Alston – drums
Yuxin Zhang-piano
Song title- Fog
Composer- Sugar Crash
Statement- Fog Is about self-identity and expression, finding out who you are and not letting others stop you.https://digitalcommons.colum.edu/blackalbummixtape/1014/thumbnail.jp
The American Roots Ensemble
Director: Nicholas Tremulis
Imagine – John Lennon
Khalif Alston-drums, keyboards Spencer Ball-vocals Nicholas Basken-keyboards Oliver Bishop-guitar Abbey Ellerglick-vocals Claire Hanam-vocals Holden Magee-vocals, trumpet Kyle Powers-vocal Ethan Reinbach-vocals,drums Libby Rousseau-bass Zach Steele-guitar Matthew Swetnam-keyboardshttps://digitalcommons.colum.edu/blackalbummixtape/1006/thumbnail.jp
Gospel Band
Ensemble Director:
Cassandra O’Neal
Lead vocals:
Alicia Chestang
Danielle Crim
Skyla Blumenscheid
Rani Bynum
Joshua Emmanuel
Mal Freyvogel
Mauricio Guerrero
Caleb Hester
Lekayla Hill
Huiyao Huo
Brynne London
Micah Mixon
Eunkyung Kim
Khalif Alston- keys
Hyeong Woo Jung- guitar
Marcel Lockhart- drums
Tim Wenzl- bass
Marcellus Williams- keyshttps://digitalcommons.colum.edu/blackalbummixtape/1008/thumbnail.jp
For Eunice - Bread On Fork
For Eunice - Bread On Fork
Director: Typhanie Coller & Nick Tremulis
Members: Bea Fuadin - Vocals Mary James - Vocals Stephen Ryan - Guitar Matt McGrath - Bass Sam Nesin - Guitar William Penne - Drums James Gotshall - Producer
Song Title: For Eunice
Composer: Bread On Fork
Lyrics: Mary James
I wrote this song after I watched a documentary about Nina Simone. I learned that Nina’s name at birth was Eunice Waymon. I was inspired by all of the injustices of 2020 and how I felt like I was Eunice. I saw what was going on, I was scared about what that meant for me, and my black experience and I immediately went to jump to action and didn’t allow myself to grieve. If Eunice had been given permission to cry and be vulnerable, her life may have been less tumultuous, and her activism may have not come at the cost of her mental health. If someone had just given me permission to cry and be vulnerable sometimes, I would be better now. This is a love song not only to Eunice but to little black girls everywhere. This song tells them that with all of the pain and sadness going on in the world, they don’t have to be so strong all the time. Eunice should have been allowed to cry, I should have been allowed to cry, they are allowed to cry. - Mary Jameshttps://digitalcommons.colum.edu/blackalbummixtape/1013/thumbnail.jp
The Motions by Liptoss
Recording & Performance Ensemble – Liptoss
The Motions
Director: Typhanie Coller and Nick Tremulis
Students: Ashlyn Sisco - Vocals
Anna Henson - Vocals
Jeremy Donofrio - Guitar
Jake Denny - Guitar
Tim Wenzl - Bass
Matthew Swetnam - Piano
Mark Berg - Keyboard
Elliot Colegrove - Drums
Composer: Liptoss
Statement: The Motions is a piece that Liptoss collaborated on to make a statement on mental health in our society and amongst our peers. Because of the current state of our world and our desire to keep up, we find ourselves constantly falling behind; going through the motions. We hope this song provides its listeners with a sense of togetherness and unity within the chaos of society.https://digitalcommons.colum.edu/blackalbummixtape/1011/thumbnail.jp
Ritmo Color Y Sabor
The Latin Ensemble
Donald Neale, Director
Ritmo Color y Sabor – Eva Aylion
Isabella Anabalon – Vocals
Ivy- Jolie Camacho
Juliana Canuta – Keyboard and Vocals
Belmaris Garcia- Gomez – Vocals
Cameron Henry - Percussion
Samantha Herrera - Vocals
Matthew Higueros – Percussion
Christopher Ihrig - Guitar
Fernando Montoya - Trombone
Nicole Nicolalde – Vocals
Carlos Perales - Percussion
Ramon Rodriguez – Trombone and Vocals
Miles Wilson - Trumpet
Michael Wlodek – Percussionhttps://digitalcommons.colum.edu/blackalbummixtape/1010/thumbnail.jp