22 research outputs found
Learning perception and planning with deep active inference
Active inference is a process theory of the brain that states that all living organisms infer actions in order to minimize their (expected) free energy. However, current experiments are limited to predefined, often discrete, state spaces. In this paper we use recent advances in deep learning to learn the state space and approximate the necessary probability distributions to engage in active inference
Bayesian policy selection using active inference
Learning to take actions based on observations is a core requirement for
artificial agents to be able to be successful and robust at their task.
Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a well-known technique for learning such
policies. However, current RL algorithms often have to deal with reward
shaping, have difficulties generalizing to other environments and are most
often sample inefficient. In this paper, we explore active inference and the
free energy principle, a normative theory from neuroscience that explains how
self-organizing biological systems operate by maintaining a model of the world
and casting action selection as an inference problem. We apply this concept to
a typical problem known to the RL community, the mountain car problem, and show
how active inference encompasses both RL and learning from demonstrations.Comment: ICLR 2019 Workshop on Structure & priors in reinforcement learnin
Towards bio-inspired unsupervised representation learning for indoor aerial navigation
Aerial navigation in GPS-denied, indoor environments, is still an open
challenge. Drones can perceive the environment from a richer set of viewpoints,
while having more stringent compute and energy constraints than other
autonomous platforms. To tackle that problem, this research displays a
biologically inspired deep-learning algorithm for simultaneous localization and
mapping (SLAM) and its application in a drone navigation system. We propose an
unsupervised representation learning method that yields low-dimensional latent
state descriptors, that mitigates the sensitivity to perceptual aliasing, and
works on power-efficient, embedded hardware. The designed algorithm is
evaluated on a dataset collected in an indoor warehouse environment, and
initial results show the feasibility for robust indoor aerial navigation
Learning generative state space models for active inference
In this paper we investigate the active inference framework as a means to enable autonomous behavior in artificial agents. Active inference is a theoretical framework underpinning the way organisms act and observe in the real world. In active inference, agents act in order to minimize their so called free energy, or prediction error. Besides being biologically plausible, active inference has been shown to solve hard exploration problems in various simulated environments. However, these simulations typically require handcrafting a generative model for the agent. Therefore we propose to use recent advances in deep artificial neural networks to learn generative state space models from scratch, using only observation-action sequences. This way we are able to scale active inference to new and challenging problem domains, whilst still building on the theoretical backing of the free energy principle. We validate our approach on the mountain car problem to illustrate that our learnt models can indeed trade-off instrumental value and ambiguity. Furthermore, we show that generative models can also be learnt using high-dimensional pixel observations, both in the OpenAI Gym car racing environment and a real-world robotic navigation task. Finally we show that active inference based policies are an order of magnitude more sample efficient than Deep Q Networks on RL tasks
A learning gap between neuroscience and reinforcement learning
Historically, artificial intelligence has drawn much inspiration from
neuroscience to fuel advances in the field. However, current progress in
reinforcement learning is largely focused on benchmark problems that fail to
capture many of the aspects that are of interest in neuroscience today. We
illustrate this point by extending a T-maze task from neuroscience for use with
reinforcement learning algorithms, and show that state-of-the-art algorithms
are not capable of solving this problem. Finally, we point out where insights
from neuroscience could help explain some of the issues encountered
Active vision for robot manipulators using the free energy principle
Occlusions, restricted field of view and limited resolution all constrain a robot's ability to sense its environment from a single observation. In these cases, the robot first needs to actively query multiple observations and accumulate information before it can complete a task. In this paper, we cast this problem of active vision as active inference, which states that an intelligent agent maintains a generative model of its environment and acts in order to minimize its surprise, or expected free energy according to this model. We apply this to an object-reaching task for a 7-DOF robotic manipulator with an in-hand camera to scan the workspace. A novel generative model using deep neural networks is proposed that is able to fuse multiple views into an abstract representation and is trained from data by minimizing variational free energy. We validate our approach experimentally for a reaching task in simulation in which a robotic agent starts without any knowledge about its workspace. Each step, the next view pose is chosen by evaluating the expected free energy. We find that by minimizing the expected free energy, exploratory behavior emerges when the target object to reach is not in view, and the end effector is moved to the correct reach position once the target is located. Similar to an owl scavenging for prey, the robot naturally prefers higher ground for exploring, approaching its target once located
Deep generative models for navigation using active inference
De wereld interpreteren om te kunnen beslissen wat te doen, is vanzelfsprekend voor mensen en is ook iets dat we al vanaf geboorte leren. Maar, voor robots blijft het een grote uitdaging om zowel te leren observeren als om te leren welke acties te nemen in de wereld. Recent groeide de populariteit van een procestheorie van de hersenen genaamd Active Inference, waarin acties en observaties beschouwd worden als twee zijden van dezelfde munt. In dit raamwerk vormen de hersenen een bepaalde geloofstoestand van de wereld om te kunnen afleiden welke acties te nemen met als doel hun verrassing en onzekerheid over de wereld te minimaliseren. In dit proefschrift wordt een nieuwe manier gepresenteerd om active inference modellen te leren uit data afkomstig uit de echte wereld door middel van recente ontwikkelingen in deep learning en generatieve modelering. Verder wordt er aangetoond dat zo een geleerd model toepasbaar is om robotica problemen op te lossen zoals navigatie en anomalie detectie
Generalized Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (G-SLAM) as unification framework for natural and artificial intelligences : towards reverse engineering the hippocampal/entorhinal system and principles of high-level cognition
Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) represents a fundamental problem for autonomous embodied systems, for which the hippocampal/entorhinal system (H/E-S) has been optimized over the course of evolution. We have developed a biologically-inspired SLAM architecture based on latent variable generative modeling within the Free Energy Principle and Active Inference (FEP-AI) framework, which affords flexible navigation and planning in mobile robots. We have primarily focused on attempting to reverse engineer H/E-S "design" properties, but here we consider ways in which SLAM principles from robotics may help us better understand nervous systems and emergent minds. After reviewing LatentSLAM and notable features of this control architecture, we consider how the H/E-S may realize these functional properties not only for physical navigation, but also with respect to high-level cognition understood as generalized simultaneous localization and mapping (G-SLAM). We focus on loop-closure, graph-relaxation, and node duplication as particularly impactful architectural features, suggesting these computational phenomena may contribute to understanding cognitive insight (as proto-causal-inference), accommodation (as integration into existing schemas), and assimilation (as category formation). All these operations can similarly be describable in terms of structure/category learning on multiple levels of abstraction. However, here we adopt an ecological rationality perspective, framing H/E-S functions as orchestrating SLAM processes within both concrete and abstract hypothesis spaces. In this navigation/search process, adaptive cognitive equilibration between assimilation and accommodation involves balancing tradeoffs between exploration and exploitation; this dynamic equilibrium may be near optimally realized in FEP-AI, wherein control systems governed by expected free energy objective functions naturally balance model simplicity and accuracy. With respect to structure learning, such a balance would involve constructing models and categories that are neither too inclusive nor exclusive. We propose these (generalized) SLAM phenomena may represent some of the most impactful sources of variation in cognition both within and between individuals, suggesting that modulators of H/E-S functioning may potentially illuminate their adaptive significances as fundamental cybernetic control parameters. Finally, we discuss how understanding H/E-S contributions to G-SLAM may provide a unifying framework for high-level cognition and its potential realization in artificial intelligences