390 research outputs found

    Universally Optimal Noisy Quantum Walks on Complex Networks

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    Transport properties play a crucial role in several fields of science, as biology, chemistry, sociology, information science, and physics. The behavior of many dynamical processes running over complex networks is known to be closely related to the geometry of the underlying topology, but this connection becomes even harder to understand when quantum effects come into play. Here, we exploit the Kossakoski-Lindblad formalism of quantum stochastic walks to investigate the capability to quickly and robustly transmit energy (or information) between two distant points in very large complex structures, remarkably assisted by external noise and quantum features as coherence. An optimal mixing of classical and quantum transport is, very surprisingly, quite universal for a large class of complex networks. This widespread behaviour turns out to be also extremely robust with respect to geometry changes. These results might pave the way for designing optimal bio-inspired geometries of efficient transport nanostructures that can be used for solar energy and also quantum information and communication technologies.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Quantum Information transfer over Quantum Channels

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    Noise-robust quantum sensing via optimal multi-probe spectroscopy

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    The dynamics of quantum systems are unavoidably influenced by their environment and in turn observing a quantum system (probe) can allow one to measure its environment: Measurements and controlled manipulation of the probe such as dynamical decoupling sequences as an extension of the Ramsey interference measurement allow to spectrally resolve a noise field coupled to the probe. Here, we introduce fast and robust estimation strategies for the characterization of the spectral properties of classical and quantum dephasing environments. These strategies are based on filter function orthogonalization, optimal control filters maximizing the relevant Fisher Information and multi-qubit entanglement. We investigate and quantify the robustness of the schemes under different types of noise such as finite-precision measurements, dephasing of the probe, spectral leakage and slow temporal fluctuations of the spectrum.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figure

    Observation of noise-assisted transport in an all-optical cavity-based network

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    Recent theoretical and experimental efforts have shown the remarkable and counter-intuitive role of noise in enhancing the transport efficiency of complex systems. Here, we realize simple, scalable, and controllable optical fiber cavity networks that allow us to analyze the performance of transport networks for different conditions of interference, dephasing and disorder. In particular, we experimentally demonstrate that the transport efficiency reaches a maximum when varying the external dephasing noise, i.e. a bell-like shape behavior that had been predicted only theoretically. These optical platforms are very promising simulators of quantum transport phenomena, and could be used, in particular, to design and test optimal topologies of artificial light-harvesting structures for future solar energy technologies.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, new version accepted in PR

    How to Suppress Dark States in Quantum Networks and Bio-Engineered Structures

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    Transport across quantum networks underlies many problems, from state transfer on a spin network to energy transport in photosynthetic complexes. However, networks can contain dark subspaces that block the transportation, and various methods used to enhance transfer on quantum networks can be viewed as equivalently avoiding, modifying, or destroying the dark subspace. Here, we exploit graph theoretical tools to identify the dark subspaces and show that asymptotically almost surely they do not exist for large networks, while for small ones they can be suppressed by properly perturbing the coupling rates between the network nodes. More specifically, we apply these results to describe the recently experimentally observed and robust transport behaviour of the electronic excitation travelling on a genetically-engineered light-harvesting cylinder (M13 virus) structure. We believe that these mainly topological tools may allow us to better infer which network structures and dynamics are more favourable to enhance transfer of energy and information towards novel quantum technologies.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Classical noise assists the flow of quantum energy by `momentum rejuvenation'

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    An important challenge in quantum science is to fully understand the efficiency of energy flow in networks. Here we present a simple and intuitive explanation for the intriguing observation that optimally efficient networks are not purely quantum, but are assisted by some interaction with a `noisy' classical environment. By considering the system's dynamics in both the site-basis and the momentum-basis, we show that the effect of classical noise is to sustain a broad momentum distribution, countering the depletion of high mobility terms which occurs as energy exits from the network. This picture predicts that the optimal level of classical noise is reciprocally related to the linear dimension of the lattice; our numerical simulations verify this prediction to high accuracy for regular 1D and 2D networks over a range of sizes up to thousands of sites. This insight leads to the discovery that dramatic further improvements in performance occur when a driving field targets noise at the low mobility components

    Olami-Feder-Christensen Model on different Networks

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    We investigate numerically the Self Organized Criticality (SOC) properties of the dissipative Olami-Feder-Christensen model on small-world and scale-free networks. We find that the small-world OFC model exhibits self-organized criticality. Indeed, in this case we observe power law behavior of earthquakes size distribution with finite size scaling for the cut-off region. In the scale-free OFC model, instead, the strength of disorder hinders synchronization and does not allow to reach a critical state.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of 3rd NEXT International Conference "News Expectations and Trends in Statistical Physics" (13-18 August 2005, Kolimbari - Crete, Greece), as a special issue of the European Journal of Physics B and of the Physica A, by G. Kaniadakis, A. Carbone, M. Lissi
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