134 research outputs found
Reconciling Mass Functions with the Star-Forming Main Sequence Via Mergers
We combine star formation along the `main sequence', quiescence, and
clustering and merging to produce an empirical model for the evolution of
individual galaxies. Main sequence star formation alone would significantly
steepen the stellar mass function towards low redshift, in sharp conflict with
observation. However, a combination of star formation and merging produces a
consistent result for correct choice of the merger rate function. As a result,
we are motivated to propose a model in which hierarchical merging is
disconnected from environmentally-independent star formation. This model can be
tested via correlation functions and would produce new constraints on
clustering and merging.Comment: MNRAS, in pres
A Highly Consistent Framework for the Evolution of the Star-Forming "Main Sequence" from z~0-6
Using a compilation of 25 studies from the literature, we investigate the
evolution of the star-forming galaxy (SFG) Main Sequence (MS) in stellar mass
and star formation rate (SFR) out to . After converting all
observations to a common set of calibrations, we find a remarkable consensus
among MS observations ( dex 1 interpublication scatter). By
fitting for time evolution of the MS in bins of constant mass, we deconvolve
the observed scatter about the MS within each observed redshift bins. After
accounting for observed scatter between different SFR indicators, we find the
width of the MS distribution is dex and remains constant over cosmic
time. Our best fits indicate the slope of the MS is likely time-dependent, with
our best fit , with the age of the Universe in Gyr. We use our fits to create
empirical evolutionary tracks in order to constrain MS galaxy star formation
histories (SFHs), finding that (1) the most accurate representations of MS SFHs
are given by delayed- models, (2) the decline in fractional stellar mass
growth for a "typical" MS galaxy today is approximately linear for most of its
lifetime, and (3) scatter about the MS can be generated by galaxies evolving
along identical evolutionary tracks assuming an initial spread in
formation times of Gyr.Comment: 59 pages, 10 tables, 12 figures, accepted to ApJS; v2, slight changes
to text, added new figure and fit
An alternate approach to measure specific star formation rates at 2<z<7
We trace the specific star formation rate (sSFR) of massive star-forming
galaxies () from to 7. Our method
is substantially different from previous analyses, as it does not rely on
direct estimates of star formation rate, but on the differential evolution of
the galaxy stellar mass function (SMF). We show the reliability of this
approach by means of semi-analytical and hydrodynamical cosmological
simulations. We then apply it to real data, using the SMFs derived in the
COSMOS and CANDELS fields. We find that the sSFR is proportional to
at , in agreement with other observations but in
tension with the steeper evolution predicted by simulations from to 2.
We investigate the impact of several sources of observational bias, which
however cannot account for this discrepancy. Although the SMF of high-redshift
galaxies is still affected by significant errors, we show that future
large-area surveys will substantially reduce them, making our method an
effective tool to probe the massive end of the main sequence of star-forming
galaxies.Comment: ApJ accepte
Exploring Photometric Redshifts as an Optimization Problem: An Ensemble MCMC and Simulated Annealing-Driven Template-Fitting Approach
Using a grid of million elements () adapted from
COSMOS photometric redshift (photo-z) searches, we investigate the general
properties of template-based photo-z likelihood surfaces. We find these
surfaces are filled with numerous local minima and large degeneracies that
generally confound rapid but "greedy" optimization schemes, even with
additional stochastic sampling methods. In order to robustly and efficiently
explore these surfaces, we develop BAD-Z [Brisk Annealing-Driven Redshifts
(Z)], which combines ensemble Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling with
simulated annealing to sample arbitrarily large, pre-generated grids in
approximately constant time. Using a mock catalog of 384,662 objects, we show
BAD-Z samples times more efficiently compared to a brute-force
counterpart while maintaining similar levels of accuracy. Our results represent
first steps toward designing template-fitting photo-z approaches limited mainly
by memory constraints rather than computation time.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures; submitted to MNRAS; comments welcom
Keck/MOSFIRE Spectroscopy of z=7-8 Galaxies: Ly Emission from a Galaxy at z=7.66
We report the results from some of the deepest Keck/Multi-Object Spectrometer
For Infra-Red Exploration data yet obtained for candidate
galaxies. Our data show one significant line detection with 6.5
significance in our combined 10 hr of integration which is independently
detected on more than one night, thus ruling out the possibility that the
detection is spurious. The asymmetric line profile and non-detection in the
optical bands strongly imply that the detected line is Ly emission from
a galaxy at (Ly, making it the fourth
spectroscopically confirmed galaxy via Ly at . This galaxy is
bright in the rest-frame ultraviolet (UV; ) with a
moderately blue UV slope (), and exhibits a
rest-frame Ly equivalent width of EW(Ly) \AA. The non-detection of the 11 other 7-8
galaxies in our long 10 hr integration, reaching a median 5 sensitivity
of 28 \AA\ in the rest-frame EW(Ly), implies a 1.3 deviation
from the null hypothesis of a non-evolving distribution in the rest-frame
EW(Ly) between and 7-8. Our results are consistent with
previous studies finding a decline in Ly emission at , which may
signal the evolving neutral fraction in the intergalactic medium at the end of
the reionization epoch, although our weak evidence suggests the need for a
larger statistical sample to allow for a more robust conclusion.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, ApJ, in pres
How to Find Variable Active Galactic Nuclei with Machine Learning
Machine-learning (ML) algorithms will play a crucial role in studying the large data sets delivered by new facilities over the next decade and beyond. Here, we investigate the capabilities and limits of such methods in finding galaxies with brightness-variable active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Specifically, we focus on an unsupervised method based on self-organizing maps (SOM) that we apply to a set of nonparametric variability estimators. This technique allows us to maintain domain knowledge and systematics control while using all the advantages of ML. Using simulated light curves that match the noise properties of observations, we verify the potential of this algorithm in identifying variable light curves. We then apply our method to a sample of ~8300 WISE color-selected AGN candidates in Stripe 82, in which we have identified variable light curves by visual inspection. We find that with ML we can identify these variable classified AGN with a purity of 86% and a completeness of 66%, a performance that is comparable to that of more commonly used supervised deep-learning neural networks. The advantage of the SOM framework is that it enables not only a robust identification of variable light curves in a given data set, but it is also a tool to investigate correlations between physical parameters in multidimensional space—such as the link between AGN variability and the properties of their host galaxies. Finally, we note that our method can be applied to any time-sampled light curve (e.g., supernovae, exoplanets, pulsars, and other transient events)
The Subaru COSMOS 20: Subaru optical imaging of the HST COSMOS field with 20 filters
We present both the observations and the data reduction procedures of the Subaru COSMOS 20 project, an optical imaging survey of the HST COSMOS field, carried out by using Suprime-Cam on the Subaru Telescope with the following 20 optical filters: six broad-band (B, g′, V, r′, i′, and z′), two narrow-band (NB711 and NB816), and 12 intermediate-band filters (IA427, IA464, IA484, IA505, IA527, IA574, IA624, IA679, IA709, IA738, IA767, and IA827). Part of this project is described in Taniguchi et al. (2007, ApJS, 172, 9) and Capak et al. (2007, ApJS, 172, 99) for the six broad-band and one narrow-band (NB816) filter data. In this paper, we present details of the observations and data reduction for the remaining 13 filters (the 12 IA filters and NB711). In particular, we describe the accuracy of both the photometry and astrometry in all the filter bands. We also present the optical properties of the Suprime-Cam IA filter system in appendices
SILVERRUSH. V. Census of Lyα, [O III] λ5007, Hα, and [C II] 158 μm Line Emission with ~1000 LAEs at z = 4.9–7.0 Revealed with Subaru/HSC
We investigate Lyα, [O III] λ5007, Hα, and [C II] 158 μm emission from 1124 galaxies at z = 4.9–7.0. Our sample is composed of 1092 Lyα emitters (LAEs) at z = 4.9, 5.7, 6.6, and 7.0 identified by Subaru/Hyper-Suprime-Cam (HSC) narrowband surveys covered by Spitzer Large Area Survey with Hyper-Suprime-Cam (SPLASH) and 34 galaxies at z = 5.148–7.508 with deep ALMA [C II] 158 μm data in the literature. Fluxes of strong rest-frame optical lines of [O III] and Hα (Hβ) are constrained by significant excesses found in the SPLASH 3.6 and 4.5 μm photometry. At z = 4.9, we find that the rest-frame Hα equivalent width and the Lyα escape fraction f_(Lyα) positively correlate with the rest-frame Lyα equivalent width EW^0_( Lyα). The f_(Lyα)-EW^0_( Lyα) correlation is similarly found at z ~ 0–2, suggesting no evolution of the correlation over z ≃ 0–5. The typical ionizing photon production efficiency of LAEs is log(ξ_(ion)/[Hz erg^(−1)]) ≃ 25.5, significantly (60%–100%) higher than those of LBGs at a given UV magnitude. At z = 5.7–7.0, there exists an interesting turnover trend that the [O III]/Hα flux ratio increases in EW^0_( Lyα) ≃ 0-30 Å and then decreases out to EW^0_( Lyα) ≃ 130 Å. We also identify an anticorrelation between a ratio of [C II] luminosity to star formation rate (L [C II]/SFR) and EW^0_( Lyα) at the >99% confidence level.. We carefully investigate physical origins of the correlations with stellar-synthesis and photoionization models and find that a simple anticorrelation between EW^0_( Lyα) and metallicity explains self-consistently all of the correlations of Lyα, Hα, [O III]/Hα, and [C II] identified in our study, indicating detections of metal-poor (~0.03 Z⊙) galaxies with EW^0_( Lyα) ≃ 200 Å
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