3,835 research outputs found

    EDV – Italian Medieval Epigraphy in the Vernacular. Some Editorial Problems Discussed,

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    EDV (Epigraphic Database Vernacular) is a database collecting the vernacular inscriptions produced in Italy from the late Medieval to the Early Modern Age, and is a part of the EAGLE and IDEA projects. The present contribution illustrates the criteria used for the description and indexing of all inscriptions that record public script in language(s) other than Latin. The material is very varied as regards language, script, provenance, support and function. The author discusses briefly the editorial criteria that may prove most appropriate for its publication

    Pseudo-Hermiticity of an Exactly Solvable Two-Dimensional Model

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    We study a two-dimensional exactly solvable non-Hermitian PT−PT-non-symmetric quantum model with real spectrum, which is not amenable to separation of variables, by supersymmetrical methods. Here we focus attention on the property of pseudo-Hermiticity, biorthogonal expansion and pseudo-metric operator. To our knowledge this is the first time that pseudo-Hermiticity is realized explicitly for a nontrivial two-dimensional case. It is shown that the Hamiltonian of the model is not diagonalizable.Comment: 14 page

    PT-symmetric sextic potentials

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    The family of complex PT-symmetric sextic potentials is studied to show that for various cases the system is essentially quasi-solvable and possesses real, discrete energy eigenvalues. For a particular choice of parameters, we find that under supersymmetric transformations the underlying potential picks up a reflectionless part.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX with amssym, no figure

    Chameleon Cosmology Model Describing the Phantom Divide Line Crossing

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    An exact solution describing the evolution of the type Bang-to-Rip with the phantom divide line crossing is constructed in the Chameleon cosmology model, based on two independent functions of the scalar field.Comment: 9 page

    Market and Supervisory Information: Some Evidence from Italian Banks

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    There is an increasing debate on the potential use of the signals arising from financial markets as a complement to the information set available to supervisors. Following this stream of research, this paper provides for the first time some empirical evidence on Italian banks, using a unique dataset matching accounting ratios, equity-market variables and supervisory judgements. More specifically, we analyse the behaviour of four well-used equity-based indicators for the Italian banks whose shares were listed on the Milan stock exchange between 1995 and 2002 and look at the correlation across banks and across indicators, verifying what type of signal (if any) different variables are able to convey. Moreover, we investigate whether equity-based indicators provide additional information for supervisors with respect to the set of data they usually rely on, assuming the supervisory ratings as a benchmark.Bank; supervision; market discipline; early warning

    Development of an Extended Product Lifecycle Management through Service Oriented Architecture.

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    Organised by: Cranfield UniversityThe aim of this work is to define new business opportunities through the concept of Extended Product Lifecycle Management (ExtPLM), analysing its potential implementation within a Service Oriented Architecture. ExtPLM merges the concepts of Extended Product, Avatar and PLM. It aims at allowing a closer interaction between enterprises and their customers, who are integrated in all phases of the life cycle, creating new technical functionalities and services, improving both the practical (e.g. improving usage, improving safety, allowing predictive maintenance) and the emotional side (e.g. extreme customization) of the product.Mori Seiki – The Machine Tool Company; BAE Systems; S4T – Support Service Solutions: Strategy and Transitio

    Non-Linear Shallow Water Equations numerical integration on curvilinear boundary-conforming grids

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    An Upwind Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory scheme for the solution of the Shallow Water Equations on generalized curvilinear coordinate systems is proposed. The Shallow Water Equations are expressed in a contravariant formulation in which Christoffel symbols are avoided. The equations are solved by using a high-resolution finite-volume method incorporated with an exact Riemann Solver. A procedure developed in order to correct errors related to the difficulties of numerically satisfying the metric identities on generalized boundary-conforming grids is presented; this procedure allows the numerical scheme to satisfy the freestream preservation property on highly-distorted grids. The capacity of the proposed model is verified against test cases present in literature. The results obtained are compared with analytical solutions and alternative numerical solutions
