1,067 research outputs found

    Chameleon Cosmology Model Describing the Phantom Divide Line Crossing

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    An exact solution describing the evolution of the type Bang-to-Rip with the phantom divide line crossing is constructed in the Chameleon cosmology model, based on two independent functions of the scalar field.Comment: 9 page

    PT-symmetric sextic potentials

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    The family of complex PT-symmetric sextic potentials is studied to show that for various cases the system is essentially quasi-solvable and possesses real, discrete energy eigenvalues. For a particular choice of parameters, we find that under supersymmetric transformations the underlying potential picks up a reflectionless part.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX with amssym, no figure

    Three-Dimensional Solutions of Supersymmetrical Intertwining Relations and Pairs of Isospectral Hamiltonians

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    The general solution of SUSY intertwining relations for three-dimensional Schr\"odinger operators is built using the class of second order supercharges with nondegenerate constant metric. This solution includes several models with arbitrary parameters. We are interested only in quantum systems which are not amenable to separation of variables, i.e. can not be reduced to lower dimensional problems. All constructed Hamiltonians are partially integrable - each of them commutes with a symmetry operator of fourth order in momenta. The same models can be considered also for complex values of parameters leading to a class of non-Hermitian isospectral Hamiltonians.Comment: 14 page

    Pseudo-Hermiticity of an Exactly Solvable Two-Dimensional Model

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    We study a two-dimensional exactly solvable non-Hermitian PT−PT-non-symmetric quantum model with real spectrum, which is not amenable to separation of variables, by supersymmetrical methods. Here we focus attention on the property of pseudo-Hermiticity, biorthogonal expansion and pseudo-metric operator. To our knowledge this is the first time that pseudo-Hermiticity is realized explicitly for a nontrivial two-dimensional case. It is shown that the Hamiltonian of the model is not diagonalizable.Comment: 14 page
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