18 research outputs found

    Impact Assessment and Evaluation Group (IAEG) : 1996 Progress Report

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    The report briefly reviews the IAEG charter, its broad strategy, the progress it has made during its 10 months of operation and an outline of its workplan. This report complements the verbal presentation made at ICW96

    Comments of the Impact Assessment and Evaluation Group on the CGIAR System Review Report

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    The response of the Impact Assessment and Evaluation Group (IAEG) to the third CGIAR system review. The IAEG basically accepts the review recommendation that that it should be linked with TAC.Agenda document, CGIAR International Centers Week 1998

    IAEG - Factors Affecting the Adoption and Impact of CGIAR Innovations: Executive Summaries of Individual Case Studies

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    Summaries of the nine case studies conducted under the IAEG-sponsored project 'Factors Affecting the Adoption and Impact of CGIAR Innovations.' This document was presented at CGIAR International Centers Week 1998. Companion documents with subtitles A Project Overview and A Synthesis of Findings are provided separately

    Evaluation of the Impact of Integrated Pest Management Research at the International Agricultural Research Centres

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    An evaluation of the impact of integrated pest management (IPM) research at IARCs commissioned by the Impact Assessment and Evaluation Group (IAEG) and prepared by Hermann Waibel with Diemuth Pemsl of Hannover University. The study was completed in September 1999. The document also includes an excerpt from the summary of proceedings of the CGIAR 1999 Mid Term Meeting where the evaluation results were presented, and a foreword by IAEG Chairman Hans Gregersen.The study was based on analysis of existing documentation and findings. It considered centers' self-assessments of impact, the impressions of their clients and partners, the quantity and types of materials published, and the quality and validity of existing studies of rates of return. Dr. Waibel assessed the efficiency and effectiveness of IPM work at the centers, and linked those results to an overall assessment of impacts associated with IPM activities. He pointed out that the goal of IPM research should not be high returns to that component, but rather to optimize returns to the entire crop-management system.The study finds long term rates of return on investment in IPM to likely reside in the 15-40 percent range. It also notes that while the technological paradigm remains dominant at the centers, emphasis is shifting toward management, thus the social science aspect, and means to reduce the lag between research and adoption. Agenda document, CGIAR International Centers Week 1999

    Environmental Impacts of the CGIAR: An Initial Assessment

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    Preliminary evaluation of the environmental impact of research undertaken by the CGIAR and its partners. The evaluation was conducted by a two member panel consisting of Michael Nelson and Mywish Maredia, and was completed in October 1999. The study was commissioned by the Impact Assessment and Evaluation Group (IAEG) which became TAC's Standing Panel on Impact Assessment (SPIA) before it was published. The document also contains an excerpt from the summary of proceedings of the CGIAR 1999 Mid Term Meeting where the evaluation results were presented, and a foreword by IAEG Chairman Hans Gregersen.This study may be considered the first phase of a longer term effort, and considers unplanned and unaccounted for environmental costs and benefits attributable to past research. It focuses on evaluating changes in the use, management and conservation of land resources, which the panel believed are likely have effects orders of magnitude greater than any other positive impacts of CGIAR research.Given the shortage of reliable data, the method used was analysis of different scenarios, rather than economic models. The authors concluded that a very large amount of land, in excess of that available, would have been required to equal the increased production of seven mandate crops and permanent pasture attributed to CGIAR research. The study concluded by listing issues for further empirical assessment, questions on next steps, and recommendations on further activity. In view of the large costs involved, it suggested that the CGIAR provide guidance on the depth and breadth of evaluation of environmental impact it desired

    Factors Affecting the Adoption and Impact of CGIAR Innovations: A Project Overview

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    An initial report on a large scale project mounted by IAEG to determine whether international agricultural development research is having the intended effects. It reports on ten integrated case studies.The document gives the evolution of thinking in the IAEG since its founding, and lays out the case study strategy and methodology being employed. An appendix described the issues to be addressed in all the studies, as a basis for synthesis of results.This material was prepared for distribution at the CGIAR International Centers Week in October 1997, but in fact reached members by mail after the meeting

    IAEG - Factors Affecting the Adoption and Impact of CGIAR Innovations: A Synthesis of Findings

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    Summation of the findings of the IAEG-sponsored project 'Factors Affecting the Adoption and Impact of CGIAR Innovations' presented at CGIAR International Centers Week 1998. Companion documents containing a project overview and executive summaries of nine case studies are provided separately. The document reviews the characteristics of technological innovations with high rates of adoption and impact, and the practices these characteristics suggested for successful project planning

    CGIAR Impact Assessment and Evaluation Group : Report on First Meeting, December 1995

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    The CGIAR IAEG held its inaugural meeting in Los Angeles on December 20-21, 1995

    Report of the Impact Assessment and Evaluation Group to TAC 77

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    Report of the IMPACT Assessment and Evaluation Group (IAEG) to TAC 77, a meeting where merger of IAEG and TAC were discussed. The report describes the progress of various IAEG projects, including the impact of germplasm improvement on food production, integrated pest management research, poverty alleviation, and the impact of CGIAR innovations on the environment.The report also describes the initiation of a study, in collaboration with the NARS Secretariat and ISNAR, of CGIAR impact on the scientific capacity of the NARS, and other work. It covers the origins and history of the IAEG, and its current modus operandi