1 research outputs found
Comparative Economic Analysis of Upland and Lowland Rice Production in Izzi Local Government Area of Ebonyi State.
A study on comparative economic analysis of upland and lowland rice production in Izzi Local Government Area was carried out. A total of 112 rice farmers were interviewed (56 from upland rice and 56 from lowland rice) in the study area using multistage random sampling techniques. The result of gross-margin analysis revealed that upland rice is more profitable than lowland rice as justified by 75% and 51% respectively as was calculated from gross-margin. Linear and exponential forms of the four functional form of regression analysis were chosen as the lead equation for socio-economic factors and production factors respectively. From the findings, it was established that upland rice production is more profitable than lowland rice production. The study therefore recommended the provision of capital, input subsidy, market and weather information, strengthening of farmers by disseminating information and assisting them adopt improved packages for rice production as ways to enhance rice production in the area