69 research outputs found
Dielectric anisotropy in polar solvents under external fields
We investigate dielectric saturation and increment in polar liquids under
external fields. We couple a previously introduced dipolar solvent model to a
uniform electric field and derive the electrostatic kernel of interacting
dipoles. This procedure allows an unambiguous definition of the liquid
dielectric permittivity embodying non-linear dielectric response and
correlation effects.We find that the presence of the external field results in
a dielectric anisotropy characterized by a two-component dielectric
permittivity tensor. The increase of the electric field amplifies the
permittivity component parallel to the field direction, i.e. dielectric
increment is observed along the field. However, the perpendicular component is
lowered below the physiological permittivity, indicating dielectric saturation
perpendicular to the field. By comparison with Molecular Dynamics simulations
from the literature, we show that the mean-field level dielectric response
theory underestimates dielectric saturation. The inclusion of dipolar
correlations at the weak-coupling level intensify the mean-field level
dielectric saturation and improves the agreement with simulation data at weak
electric fields. The correlation-corrected theory predicts as well the presence
of a metastable configuration corresponding to the antiparallel alignment of
dipoles with the field. This prediction can be verified by solvent-explicit
simulations where solvent molecules are expected to be trapped transiently in
this metastable state
Electrostatic interactions in charged nanoslits within an explicit solvent theory
Within a dipolar Poisson-Boltzmann theory including electrostatic
correlations, we consider the effect of explicit solvent structure on solvent
and ion partition confined to charged nanopores. We develop a relaxation scheme
for the solution of this highly non-linear integro-differential equation for
the electrostatic potential. The scheme is an extension of the approach
previously introduced for simple planes (S. Buyukdagli and Ralf Blossey, J.
Chem. Phys. 140, 234903 (2014)) to nanoslit geometry. We show that the reduced
dielectric response of solvent molecules at the membrane walls gives rise to an
electric field significantly stronger than the field of the classical
Poisson-Boltzmann equation. This peculiarity associated with non-local
electrostatic interactions results in turn in an interfacial counterion
adsorption layer absent in continuum theories. The observation of this enhanced
counterion affinity in the very close vicinity of the interface may have
important impacts on nanofludic transport through charged nanopores. Our
results indicate the quantitative inaccuracy of solvent implicit nanofiltration
theories in predicting the ionic selectivity of membrane nanopores
Correlation-induced DNA adsorption on like-charged membranes
The adsorption of DNA or other polyelectrolyte molecules on charged membranes
is a recurrent motif in soft matter and bionanotechnological systems. Two
typical situations encountered are the deposition of single DNA chains onto
substrates for further analysis, e.g., by force microscopy, or the pulling of
polyelectrolytes into membrane nanopores, as in sequencing applications. In
this paper, we present a theoretical analysis of such scenarios based on the
self-consistent field theory approach, which allows us to address the important
effect of charge correlations. We calculate the grand potential of a stiff
polyelectrolyte immersed in an electrolyte in contact with a negatively charged
dielectric membrane. For the sake of conciseness, we neglect conformational
polymer fluctuations and model the molecule as a rigid charged line. At
strongly charged membranes, the adsorbed counterions enhance the screening
ability of the interfacial region. In the presence of highly charged polymers
such as double-stranded DNA molecules close to the membrane, this enhanced
interfacial screening dominates the mean-field level DNA-membrane repulsion and
results in the adsorption of the DNA molecule to the surface. This picture
provides a simple explanation for the recently observed DNA binding onto
similarly charged substrates [G. L.-Caballero et al., Soft Matter 10, 2805
(2014)] and points out charge correlations as a non-negligible ingredient of
polymer-surface interactions
Towards more realistic dynamical models for DNA secondary structure
We propose a dynamical model for the secondary structure of DNA, which is
based on the finite stacking enthalpies used in thermodynamics calculations. In
this model, the two strands can separate and the bases are allowed to rotate
perpendicular to the sequence axis. We show, through molecular dynamics
simulations, that the model has the correct behaviour at the denaturation
transition.Comment: accepted for publication in Chemical Physics Letter
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