574 research outputs found

    Exploring the experiences and outcomes of advantaged and disadvantaged families

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    This report provides further evidence of the interrelationship between age, young motherhood, family type and a range of measures of socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. Maternal age and family type were found to be closely interrelated and both strongly associated with socio-economic disadvantage, with concentrated disadvantage evident in mothers under 25 and lone parents who do not live with other adults. These measures were also closely associated with health-related behaviours including likelihood of breastfeeding, attending ante-natal classes and smoking amongst mothers. Even amongst more disadvantaged groups, positive health-related behaviours were connected to relative social and economic advantage with level of maternal education featuring prominently

    CTQ 839: Candidate for the Smallest Projected Separation Binary Quasar

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    We report the discovery of the new double quasar CTQ 839. This B = 18.3, radio quiet quasar pair is separated by 2.1" in BRIH filters with magnitude differences of delta m_B = 2.5, delta m_R = delta m_I = 1.9, and delta m_H = 2.3. Spectral observations reveal both components to be z = 2.24 quasars, with relative redshifts that agree at the 100 km/s level, but exhibit pronounced differences in the equivalent widths of related emission features, as well as an enhancement of blue continuum flux in the brighter component longward of the Ly alpha emission feature. In general, similar redshift double quasars can be the result of a physical binary pair, or a single quasar multiply imaged by gravitational lensing. Empirical PSF subtraction of R and H band images of CTQ 839 reveal no indication of a lensing galaxy, and place a detection limit of R = 22.5 and H = 17.4 for a third component in the system. For an Einstein-de Sitter cosmology and SIS model, the R band detection limit constrains the characteristics of any lensing galaxy to z_lens >= 1 with a corresponding luminosity of L >~ 5 L_*, while an analysis based on the redshift probability distribution for the lensing galaxy argues against the existence of a z_lens >~ 1 lens at the 2 sigma level. A similar analysis for a Lambda dominated cosmology, however, does not significantly constrain the existence of any lensing galaxy. The broadband flux differences, spectral dissimilarities, and failure to detect a lensing galaxy make the lensing hypothesis for CTQ 839 unlikely. The similar redshifts of the two components would then argue for a physical quasar binary. At a projected separation of 8.3/h kpc (Omega_matter = 1), CTQ 839 would be the smallest projected separation binary quasar currently known.Comment: Latex, 23 pages including 5 ps figures; accepted for publication in A

    Growing Up In Scotland Study: GUS Exploring The Experience and Outcomes For Advantaged and Disadvantaged Families

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    This report draws on data from the first sweep of the Growing Up in Scotland ( GUS) study. The Sweep 1 Report highlighted the persistence of inequalities between advantaged and disadvantaged families which impact on parents and their childre

    S-Adenosyl Methionine Cofactor Modifications Enhance the Biocatalytic Repertoire of Small Molecule C-Alkylation

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    A tandem enzymatic strategy to enhance the scope of Calkylation of small molecules via the in situ formation of S-adenosyl methionine (SAM) cofactor analogues is described. A solventexposed channel present in the SAM-forming enzyme SalL tolerates 5'-chloro-5’-deoxyadenosine (ClDA) analogues modified at the 2position of the adenine nucleobase. Coupling SalL-catalyzed cofactor production with C-(m)ethyl transfer to coumarin substrates catalyzed by the methyltransferase (MTase) NovO forms C(m)ethylated coumarins in superior yield and greater substrate scope relative to that obtained using cofactors lacking nucleobase modifications. Establishing the molecular determinants which influence C-alkylation provides the basis to develop a late-stage enzymatic platform for the preparation of high value small molecule

    Occurrence des traumatismes alvéolo-dentaires aux cliniques universitaires de Kinshasa: deuxiÚme partie, étude préliminaire de 93 cas

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    Introduction: L'objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d'analyser les caractĂ©ristiques Ă©pidĂ©miologiques cliniques des fractures alvĂ©olo-dentaires aux cliniques universitaires de Kinshasa/RDC. MĂ©thodes: Étude transversale de 7 ans, rĂ©alisĂ©e dans le dĂ©partement d'odontostomatologie, service de stomatologie et de chirurgie maxillo-faciale/cliniques universitaires de Kinshasa de Janvier 2007 Ă  DĂ©cembre 2014. RĂ©sultats: Sur les 93 dossiers colligĂ©s, le sexe masculin Ă©tait prĂ©dominant (66,7%) et l'Ăąge le plus prĂ©valent se situait entre 20 ans et 29 ans. Les causes les plus frĂ©quentes ont Ă©tĂ© les agressions/rixes (52,7%) et la luxation dentaire a Ă©tĂ© le type des lĂ©sions la plus frĂ©quente avec 52,7%. La RX retro-alvĂ©olaire Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e dans 75,7%, et le blocage mono-maxillaire fut le type de traitement le plus rĂ©alisĂ© (60,2%). Conclusion: L'analyse de profil clinique des traumatismes alvĂ©olo-dentaires aux cliniques universitaires de Kinshasa est celui d'un adulte jeune de sexe masculin, prĂ©sentant des luxations dentaires des maxillaires dont les causes sont les agressions/rixes

    Biocatalytic alkylation cascades: recent advances and future opportunities for late-stage functionalization

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    This Concept article describes the latest developments in the emerging area of late-stage biocatalytic alkylation. Central to these developments is the ability to efficiently prepare S-adenosyl methionine (SAM) cofactor analogues and couple this with enzymatic alkyl transfer. Recent developments in the enzymatic synthesis of SAM cofactor analogues are summarized first, followed by their application as alkyl transfer agents catalyzed by methyltransferases (MTases). Second, innovative methods to regenerate SAM cofactors by enzymatic cascades is reported. Finally, future opportunities towards establishing a generalized platform for late-stage alkylation are described

    Spectroscopic Identification of Disordered Molecular Cations in Defect Perovskite‐like ALnLn(HCO2_2)(C2_2O4_4)1.5_{1.5} (LnLn = Tb‐Er) Phases

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    This work reports a new series of ALnLn(HCO2_2)(C2_2O4_4)1.5_{1.5} (A = [(CH3_3)2_2NH2_2]+^+ and Ln3+^{3+} = Tb3+^{3+}-Er3+^{3+}) compounds made solvothermally. These Cmce{Cmce} phases combine monovalent and divalent ligands, which enables a scarce combination of A+^+ and B3+^{3+} cations in a hybrid perovskite-like compound. The ratio of ligands leads to ordered anion vacancies, which alternate with oxalate linkers along the cc-axis. The A-site cations are disordered and cannot be identified crystallographically, likely a result of the larger pores of these frameworks compared to the recently reported AEr(HCO2_2)2_2(C2_2O4_4) phases. Neutron and infrared spectroscopy, supported by elemental composition, enables these cations to be identified as [(CH3_3)2_2NH2_2]+^+ molecules. Magnetic property measurements suggest these materials have weak antiferromagnetic interactions but remain paramagnetic to 1.8 K

    Long-range vibrational dynamics are directed by Watson-Crick base-pairing in duplex DNA

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    Ultrafast two-dimensional infrared (2D-IR) spectroscopy of a 15-mer A-T DNA duplex in solution has revealed structure-dependent vibrational coupling and energy transfer processes linking bases with the sugar-phosphate backbone. Duplex melting induces significant changes in the positions of off-diagonal peaks linking carbonyl and ring-stretching vibrational modes of the adenine and thymine bases with vibrations of the phosphate group and phosphodiester linkage. These indicate that Watson-Crick hydrogen bonding and helix formation leads to a unique vibrational coupling arrangement of base vibrational modes with those of the phosphate unit. Based on observations from time-resolved 2D-IR data, we conclude that rapid energy transfer processes occur between base and backbone, mediated by additional modes located on the deoxyribose moiety within the same nucleotide. These relaxation dynamics are insensitive to duplex melting, showing that efficient intramo-lecular energy relaxation to the solvent via the phosphate groups is the key to excess energy dissipation in both single and double-stranded DNA
