101 research outputs found
Orbital evolution for extreme mass-ratio binaries: conservative self forces
The conservative dephasing effects of gravitational self forces for extreme
mass-ratio inspirals are studied. Both secular and non-secular conservative
effects may have a significant effect on LISA waveforms that is independent of
the mass ratio of the system. Such effects need to be included in generated
waveforms to allow for accurate gravitational wave astronomy that requires
integration times as long as a year.Comment: 3 figures, in Proceedings of the Sixth International LISA Symposium
(AIP, 2006
A Piecewise-Conserved Constant of Motion for a Dissipative System
We discuss a piecewise-conserved constant of motion for a simple dissipative
oscillatory mechanical system. The system is a harmonic oscillator with sliding
(dry) friction. The piecewise-conserved constant of motion corresponds to the
time average of the energy of the system during one half-period of the motion,
and changes abruptly at the turning points of the motion. At late times the
piecewise-conserved constant of motion degenerates to a constant of motion in
the usual sense.Comment: 8 pages, 6 Encapsulated PostScript figure
Self-force approach to synchrotron radiation
We analyze radiation reaction for synchrotron radiation by computing, via a multipole expansion, the near field and derive from it the Lorentz four-force, which we evaluate on the world-line of the charge. We find that the temporal component of the self four-force agrees with the radiated power, which one calculates in the radiation zone. This is the case for each mode in the multipole decomposition. We also find agreement with the Abraham–Lorentz–Dirac equation
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