44,485 research outputs found
Repository Steering Groups
A well-chosen, well-informed and committed Steering
Group can make an important contribution to the
sustained success of a repository. This Briefing Paper
highlights some of the issues for consideration when
planning the role, remit and composition of a repository
Steering Group
Reaching out to culturally and linguistically diverse families: strategies and challenges reported by parent training and information center staff
Within special education policy and practice, parents are expected to advocate for their children to receive appropriate special education and related services. However, the majority of parents report feeling disempowered to advocate; families from culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) backgrounds may feel especially disempowered. Federally funded Parent Training and Information Centers (PTIs) exist in each state to empower historically underserved (including CLD) parents of children with disabilities. In this study, we examined how PTIs educate and empower CLD families through semi-structured interviews with 13 PTI staff members who work with CLD families across five states. The participants emphasized the importance of strategies such as conducting outreach in local communities and developing parent leaders among the CLD families they support. The findings also indicated that PTIs struggle with addressing external, systemic barriers which influence CLD families. Implications for research, policy, and practice are discussed.Accepted manuscrip
Microdosimetric concepts relevant to HZE-particles
The biological effectiveness of HZE-particles
i s determined by the extreme microscopic concentrations
of energy transfer in the vicinity
of the particle tracks. The concept of linear
energy transfer fails to describe this situation
adequately. The more rigorous microdosimetric
concepts are presented. A simplified
treatment, based on the radial distribution
of energy around the track core, is then considered
Old Remedies in the Biotechnology Age: Moore v. Regents
The California Supreme Court, by excluding a potential remedy, has eliminated many concerns generated by a lower court decision resolving rights to the cell line derived from John Moore\u27s spleen. Yet, the Supreme Court gave little attention to remedies that remain. The authors argue that a constructive trust, a remedy of considerable vintage and great flexibility, could be applied to achieve a just result in such circumstances without affecting the biotechnology world at large
Increasing demand for water in the environment has increased the cost of irrigation water in agriculture leading to the adoption of water saving irrigation technologies, reducing agricultural return flows. However, when agricultural return flows are a source of environmental supply 'savings' soon disappear because of the reduced agricultural return flowsResource /Energy Economics and Policy,
Absorption and Screening in Phycomyces
In vivo absorption measurements were made through the photosensitive zones of Phycomyces sporangiophores and absorption spectra are presented for various growth media and for wavelengths between 400 and 580 mµ. As in mycelia, ß-carotene was the major pigment ordinarily found. The addition of diphenylamine to the growth media caused a decrease in ß-carotene and an increase in certain other carotenoids. Growth in the dark substantially reduced the amount of ß-carotene in the photosensitive zone; however, growth on a lactate medium failed to suppress ß-carotene in the growing zone although the mycelia appeared almost colorless. Also when diphenylamine was added to the medium the absorption in the growing zone at 460 mµ was not diminished although the colored carotenoids in the bulk of the sporangiophore were drastically reduced. Absorption which is characteristic of the action spectra was not found. Sporangiophores immersed in fluids with a critical refractive index show neither positive nor negative tropism. Measurements were made of the critical refractive indices for light at 495 and 510 mµ. The critical indices differed only slightly. Assuming primary photoreceptors at the cell wall, the change in screening due to absorption appears too large to be counterbalanced solely by a simple effect of the focusing change. The possibility is therefore advanced that the receptors are internal to most of the cytoplasm; i.e., near the vacuole
Rules for Minimal Atomic Multipole Expansion of Molecular Fields
A non-empirical minimal atomic multipole expansion (MAME) defines atomic
charges or higher multipoles that reproduce electrostatic potential outside
molecules. MAME eliminates problems associated with redundancy and with
statistical sampling, and produces atomic multipoles in line with chemical
intuition.Comment: 3.5 pages, 3 color PS figures embedde
Snakes and ladders: localized solutions of plane Couette flow
We demonstrate the existence of a large number of exact solutions of plane
Couette flow, which share the topology of known periodic solutions but are
localized in space. Solutions of different size are organized in a
snakes-and-ladders structure strikingly similar to that observed for simpler
pattern-forming PDE systems. These new solutions are a step towards extending
the dynamical systems view of transitional turbulence to spatially extended
flows.Comment: submitted to Physics Review Letter
Suicide substrate reaction-diffusion equations: varying the source
The suicide substrate reaction is a model for certain enzyme-inhibiting drugs. This reaction system is examined assuming that the substrate diffuses freely while the enzyme remains fixed. Two sets of initial and boundary conditions are examined: one modelling an instantaneous point source, akin to an injection of substrate, the other, a continuous point source, akin to a continuing influx, or intravenous drip, of substrate. The quasi-steady-state assumption is applied to obtain analytical solutions for a limited parameter space. Finally, further applications of numerical and analytical experimentation on pharmaceutical mechanisms are described
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