11 research outputs found


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    Disease diarrhea is endemic disease in Indonesia and also a disease with potential for frequent Extraordinary Events (KLB). accompanied with death . The Clean and Healthy Behavior (PHBS) launched by the government has been running for more than 10 years, but its success is still far from expectations. This research aims to know connection a number of PHBS indicators for housewives with the risk of diarrhea in toddlers in Gampong Blang Krueng, Aceh Besar District. This research is descriptive analytic, with a case control approach. The population in this study were housewives who had toddlers who had suffered from diarrhea as many as 28 respondents and 28 respondents who did not suffer from diarrhea with a total of 56 respondents . univariate and bivariate analysis . Result _ study This shows that there is a behavioral relationship wash hand use mother 's soap House ladder with value (P-value = 0.03), (OR=3.80) , No there is a relationship between use of clean water Mother House ladder with a value (P-value = 1.00), (OR = 1.22) and there is a management relationship rubbish Mother House ladder with value (P-value = 0.01), (OR=4.50) with incident diarrhea in toddlers in G ampong B lang K rueng , A ceh Besar District . Recommended to party as _ For can increase promotion health For prevention focused diarrhea _ on implementation of PHBS in order House stairs .Keywords: Diarrhea, Handwashing, PHBS, Housewives

    Prosedur Pemberian Kredit Personal pada Bank Nagari Cabang Payakumbuh

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    Berdasarkan Undang - Undang No.7 Tahun 1992 tentang Perbankan, fungsi utama perbankan adalah sebagai penghimpun dana dari masyarakat dalam bentuk simpanan dan penyalur dana pada masyarakat dalam bentuk kredit. Bank yang banyak memberi kemudahan dan pelayanan yang dibutu hkan oleh masyarakat. Hal ini ditegaskan pula dalam Undang - Undang Perbankan Nomor 10 Tahun 1998 bahwa dalam menghadapi perkembangan perekonomian nasional yang senantiasa bergerak cepat, kompetitif, dan terintegrasi dengan tantangan yang semakin kompleks s erta sistem keuangan yang semakin maju, diperlukan penyesuaian kebijakan di bidang ekonomi termasuk Perbankan

    The Effect of the Character of Entrepreneurship Principals on Motivation and Their Impact on Teacher Performance

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    This research intends to examine the influence of innovative, creative character, principal’s commitment on the performance of SMK teachers in Soppeng Regency where teacher motivation is an intervening variable. This study is a quantitative research with a correlational design utilizing the survey technique. The sampling approach is probability sampling with a total sample of 200 participants scattered throughout 10 vocational schools in Soppeng Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The data analysis approach is structural equation modeling using the Amos 24 program. The findings indicated that the partial hypothesis test that innovative character had no significant influence on teacher performance either directly or indirectly, creative character and commitment had a significant effect on teacher performance either directly or indirectly. Teacher motivation has a substantial influence on teacher performance. Simultaneously inventive, creative, and committed traits have a beneficial and considerable influence on teacher motivation. Innovative, creative character, dedication and motivation of instructors concurrently have a favorable and substantial influence on teacher performance

    Child Value and Gender Preference Among Konjo Tribe: A Rapid Ethnography Study in Bulukumba Rural Coast Indonesia

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    Parents' perceptions and expectations for their children are different in variousculture; it depends on how families assess the presence of children in the family and their preference for specific gender. This research aims to assess the perception of children value and gender preferences in Konjo Tribeof Bulukumba Rural Coast, in Indonesia. Using compressed design approach, through rapid etnography assessment. The subject consist of 30 informants, withspesific various couple, public figure, and health workers and assitant Family Planning Staff. The results show that value of children forKonjoTribe community divide into, 1) children are treasure, 2) children are symbol of pride, 3) children are special and precious, 4) children are symbol of family wholeness. While parents preferences of spesific gender in a single family of Konjo Tibe shows different meaning for the existance of sons and daughters, they do more prefer to have son rather than daughter for their first born. It means that in Konjo Tribe, the population will be enlivened with males more than females, considering man as a successor of their generation

    Analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kondisi financial distress pada perusahaan ritel yang terdaftar di bursa efek indonesia tahun 2014-2018

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kondisi financial distress pada perusahaan ritel yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). Faktor yang diuji dalam penelitian ini adalah leverage, profit margin dan operating capacity. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama periode 2014-2018 dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 105 pengamatan dari 21 perusahaan. Sampel ditentukan dengan metode purposive sampling yaitu berdasarkan kriteria yang ditetapkan. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekuder yang diperoleh dari laporan keuangan yang dierbitkan perusahaan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi logistik. Untuk mendapatkan jumlah perusahaan yang termasuk kategori financial distress dan non distress tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan model Zmijewski. Hasil analisis data dengan menggunakan regresi logistik membuktikan bahwa rasio leverage (debt ratio) dan rasio profit margin merupakan rasio keuangan yang paling signifikan dalam memprediksi terjadinya financial distress suatu perusahaan dengan tingkat signifikansi < 5%. Sedangkan rasio operating capacity (total asset turnover ratio) merupakan satu-satunya rasio keuangan yang tidak berpengaruh signifikan tehadap financial distress


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    Abstrak— Transportasi air di Indonesia terutama di Makassar merupakan salah satu yang diandalkan untuk bepergian antar pulau. Sarana penunjang di Pelabuhan Makassar masih kurang sehingga masyarakat hanya memanfaatkan tempat yang tersedia untuk menunggu waktu keberangkatan sambil istrahat. Tujuan perancangan ini adalah untuk merancang museum transportasi air Indonesia di Makassar dan memperhatikan ketentuan yang terdapat pada arsitektur kinetik dari segi fasad bangunan yang mendasari perwujudan kebutuhan dan fungsi museum sebagai tempat informasi, edukasi, dan rekreasi. Hasil dari perancangan meninjau hal-hal teknis bangunan yaitu penentuan site atau lokasi, tata massa bangunan, kebutuhan dan hubungan ruang, sirkulasi ruang, sistem fasad bangunan, konsep bentuk (penentuan suasana pada interior bangunan), sistem struktur, utilitas, dan material bangunan, penggunaan sistem teknologi bangunan (secondary skin).  Kata kunci: Museum, Tranpotasi Air, Makassar, Arsitektur Kinetik


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    Abstrak Pertumbuhan zakat, infaq dan sedekah pada Dompet Dhuafa menjadi subjek utama dalam penelitian ini. Pendekatan penelitian ini mengumpulkan data melalui studi literatur, yang melibatkan pembacaan literatur dari berbagai sumber termasuk buku, jurnal dan laporan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan deduktif. Temuan penelitian ini bahwa pertumbuhan zakat, infaq dan sedekah di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan dan sedikit penurunan baik secara keseluruhan maupun ZIS yang masuk di Dompet Dhuafa. Dengan adanya sistem pembayaran ZIS online di Dompet Dhuafa dapat memudahkan para muzakki atau donatur dalam melakukan ZIS. Hal tersebut juga dapat memberikan dampak positif baik bagi pertumbuhan ZIS maupun dalam mengentaskan kemiskinan di Indonesia. Kata Kunci: Pertumbuhan ZIS, Platform Digital, Dompet Dhuaf

    Risk Factors Related to Pneumonia in Toddlers in the Jeuram Health Center Work Area, Nagan Raya Aceh Regency

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    Background: Pneumonia has several risk factors, including low exclusive breastfeeding for infants, immunization status, smoking parents, and mother's level of knowledge related to pneumonia. This study aims to analyze the relationship between risk factors and pneumonia in toddlers in the work area of ​​the Jeuram Health Center, Seunagan District, Nagan Raya Regency. Methods: This research is an observational study with a cross-sectional design. The participants in this study were all mothers with toddlers in the working area of ​​the Jeuram Health Center, with a total sample of 99 mothers. The sampling technique used was total sampling. Data analysis using SPSS. Results: Based on the results of statistical tests, it was concluded that the factors related to the incidence of pneumonia in toddlers in the working area of ​​the Jeuram Health Center, Nagan Raya Regency, namely knowledge (p-value 0.017), immunization status (p-value 0.041), exposure to cigarette smoke (p-value 0.033). Conclusion: Knowledge, immunization status, and exposure to cigarette smoke are associated with the incidence of pneumonia in toddlers


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    Introduction: Several studies have shown that most of the obstacles for mothers when doing lactation management are due to the lack of knowledge about breastfeeding, especially exclusive breastfeeding, which can affect the attitudes and actions/implementation of mothers towards lactation management behavior. One study showed by Ibrahim, et al. (2014) showed that respondents had poor knowledge, attitudes and practices of lactation management (77.2%). The study aimed to describe the lactation management behavior among breastfeeding mothers 0-6 months in Sudiang Raya Health Care Center City of Makassar. Methods: This research was descriptive with 89 sample size mothers 0-6 months chosen by simple random sampling using questionnaire (google form). Data analysis was performed univariate using the SPSS program in frequency distribution from each variable. Result: The results showed that out of 89 respondents, 58 respondents (65.2%) had a good knowledge of lactation management, 28 respondents (31.5%) were in the sufficient category and 3 respondents (3.4%) were in the poor category. And then, from 89 respondents, all respondents had a positive attitude in terms of lactation management (100%). For the practices/actions out of 89 respondents, 58 respondents (65.2%) had good lactation management practices, 30 respondents (33.7%) were in the sufficient category and 1 respondent (1.1%) was in the poor category. Conclusions: The knowledge, attitudes and practices of lactation management among breastfeeding mothers in the work area of the Sudiang Raya Health Care Center City of Makassar in 2020 are mostly in the good category (&gt;60%) Recommendation: Increase knowledge by adding some information about how to do lactation management in a proper way, especially in terms of techniques and breastfeeding positions, which is in practice we found there are still many mothers whose poor category in that part. &nbsp; Keywords: lactation management, breastfeeding mother, knowledge, attitude, practic

    Romanticism in WS Rendra's Surat Cinta

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    Poetry is a literary work of two different worlds, the ideal world and the factual world. This research describes the ideal world and the factual world, gap/opposition or equivalent. The method is descriptive qualitative. The research results showed an equivalent and opposition in the poetry of Surat Cinta (love letter) by WS Rendra. The equivalent is seen in the aspects of romance leading to: (1) passion, (2) love, (3) remembered and thought in the heart, (4) restless, (5) worried, and (6) sad. Whereas, the opposition is seen in the aspect of expression in the form of: (1) thoughts with feelings, (2) men with women, (3) love with grief, and (4) sweetly with bitterly. The equivalent and opposition in the poetry of Surat Cinta by WS Rendra as a whole build the integrity of meaning in poetry