1 research outputs found

    River linear inversion to assess drainage base-level fall history in North-western Apennines and implications on the Alessandria Basin tectonic activity

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    Drainage network systems are responsive elements to recent active tectonics from among all the topographic features. In geodynamically active areas, fluvial landscapes can record different processes through the formation and current presence of features related to spatial-temporal variation in base-level fall and vertical incision of stream channels. This study focuses on the tectonic evolution of the Alessandria Basin, a synorogenic tectonic basin located at the junction between the Alps and the Apennines, that experienced progressive subsidence during the overthrusting of the Monferrato Thrust Front (the westernmost outer arc of the Apennine belt) onto the Po Foreland Basin. Even though several studies have assessed the Neogene tectonic evolution at a regional scale, rates and timing of the Quaternary activity are still poorly understood in terms of both Alps/Apennines uplift and activity of the compressive front of the Monferrato Arc. In this paper, we applied the method of the river profile linear inversions to reconstruct the base-level fall history of 6 catchments that drain into the Alessandria Basin. We used nine 10Be-derived basin-average denudation rates to constrain the erodibility parameter needed to infer base-level fall rates from χ-transformed river profiles. The results describe the tectonic history of the area in the last ∼5 Ma, documenting increases in base-level fall rate with an initial peak between 3 and 2.5 Ma, and a second between 2 and 1.5 Ma. While the first peak is coeval with the uplift phase that involved most of the northern-central Apennine, the second one suggests an acceleration in subsidence of the Alessandria Basin concurrently with the uplift of the Monferrato Thrust Front