39 research outputs found


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    Purwodadi village is one of the village landscapes that has interesting natural and cultural potential to be developed as objects and attractions of toursim village. However the problem in Purwodadi village is not yet identified the potential of the landscape that can be developed into a tourism village object. Village tourism is one of the components between provided, accommodation and supporting facilities provided in the structure of the community with the prevailing order in the village. The purpose of this study was to identify the potential of the Purwodadi village landscape as a tourism village. The method used in the study is focus group discussion (FGD). Based on the identification results show that the village landscape of Purwodadi has 22 types of objects and potential attractions consisting of natural and cultural tourism. Natural potentials that can be developed are beaches, islands, agriculture, and animal husbandry. While the cultural potential consists of the offerings, art, carnival, and historical objects


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    Welcome area on the campus of Bogor Agricultural University is an important element in an institutional area. Evaluation of environmental aesthetics done by the method of Scenic Beauty Estimation and the Semantic Differential. The purpose of the study: a) determine and assess the environmental quality of the area based on the shape and color of the tree; b) determining the level of beauty is based on the perception of the respondents; c) determine the preferences of respondents to the arrangement of landscape design welcome area based on the shape and color of the tree; and d) evaluate the visual quality of the landscape based on the estimation of beauty. The tools used: cameras, Photoshop CS 3 software, Minitab 16, and Acer 4741G. The study includes five stages: 1) the identification and study of the literature on the welcome area of IPB, 2) determining the location of the study, 3) making the landscape point (vantage point), 4) modification of existing photos based character visual closure, 5) assessment visitors through questionnaires. The concept of landscape which has the highest value to lower the concept of landscape 3 worth 91.1, the concept of landscape 4 worth 90.9, 2 worth 89.2, the concept of landscape 5 worth 78 and the lowest landscape landscapes existing concept of value 0. The highest concept is the concept of landscape 3, shows that the respondents wanted the landscape in accordance with the theme is a memorable landscape warm, cheerful, grand or large, formal, focused, open or bright, spacious, unique, and strong character. The landscape evaluation welcome IPB campus area, is expected to be a recommendation in the planning and design of the IPB campu


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    Indonesia geographically has potential for coastal landscapes that could develop as coastal tourism. One of the potential coastal landscapes, located in Purwodadi Village, Tirtoyudo District, Malang Regency, East Java Province. Purwodadi Village has the potential for natural and cultural tourism objects that developed into a tourist village and had expected to improve the community's economy and maintain the quality of the village environment. The focus of the research was to create an interpretation of the coastal tourism landscape as a tourist village in Purwodadi Village. The method has used quantitative description while the analysis consists of path physical analysis, social analysis, object interpretation, visual analysis, tourist analysis, and social analysis. The results showed Purwodadi Village which has four routes, namely the main route, the residential route, the hill route, and the sea route. The model uses the tourist route plan in Purwodadi Village was interpreted into 4 tour packages, namely 1-day tour package, 3-day tour package, 5-day tour package, and 7 days or 1-week tour packag

    Penataan Taman Dan Fasilitas Sekolah Tk Islam Al-Ma’Un Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Minat Bermain Dan Belajar Anak, Di Kecamatan Dau, Kabupaten Malang

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    Keberadaan taman dan fasilitas sekolah seperti taman bermain, perpustakaan, dan ruang serupa sangat dibutuhkan karena dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai ajang bermain dan belajar, oleh karena itu perlu penataan yang dapat berfungsi sebagai eco-edukasi untuk meningkatkan minat bermain dan belajar siswa. Program penataan taman dan fasilitas sekolah Taman Kanak-kanan (TK) sebagai sarana proses pengenalan dan belajar siswa mengenai lingkungan juga belum menjadi perhatian untuk ditangani dengan baik. Salah satu TK yang memiliki permasalah penataan taman dan fasilitas sekolah yaitu TK Islam Al-Ma’un. Permasalahan utama pihak mitra yaitu tidak memiliki sumberdaya manusia yang kompeten dibidang penataan taman dan fasilitas sekolah yang fungsional dan estetika. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di Sekolah Tk Islam Al-Ma’Un sebagai upaya meningkatkan minat bermain dan belajar anak, di Kecamatan Dau, Kabupaten Malang. Metode pendekatan yaitu participation learning action (PLA) dan Focussed Group Discussion (FGD) yang digunakan dalam pelatihan dan pendampingan meningkatkan kapasitas mitra dalam pengelolaan taman dan fasilitas sekolah TK Islam Al-Ma’Un. Berdasarkan hasil pengabdian yang dilakukan menghasilkan karya taman dan fasilitas sekolah yang memadai dan estetika serta minat belajar dan bermain anak-anak sekolah Tk Islam Al-Ma’Un mengalami peningkatan

    Similarity EVALUASI ESTETIKA LINGKUNGAN BERDASARKAN PERSEPSI DI WELCOME AREA KAMPUS IPB, BOGOR (Evaluation of Environment Aesthetics Based on Persecption in Welcome Area on the Campus of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)

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    Welcome area is an important element in an institutional area, one of which is a welcome area on the campus of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). Welcome area of the IPB campus landscape element that serves as the main circulation, landmarks, and aesthetically pleasing. The existence of the welcome area is very important, therefore it is necessary to evaluate the aesthetic. Evaluation of environmental aesthetics done by the method of Scenic Beauty Estimation (SBE) and the Semantic Differential (SD). The purpose of the study, namely: a) determine and assess the environmental quality of the area welcome IPB based on the shape and color of the tree; b) determining the level of beauty is based on the perception of the respondents; c) determine the preferences of respondents to the arrangement of landscape design welcome area based on the shape and color of the tree; and d) evaluate the visual quality of the landscape based on the estimation of beauty. The tools used during the activity, namely cameras, Photoshop CS 3 software, Minitab 16, and Acer 4741G. While the materials used are welcome photo IPB area. Studies using experimental methods related to the choice of location, respondents, data analysis and evaluation of the visual landscape. Phase of the study includes four stages, namely, 1) the identification and study of the literature on the welcome area of IPB, 2) determining the location of the study, 3) making the landscape point (vantage point), 4) modification of existing photos based character visual closure, 5) assessment visitors through questionnaires. Visual quality of the area welcome the fifth concept IPB has aesthetic qualities different. The fifth concept of landscape quality is low and high. The concept of landscape which has the highest value to lower the concept of landscape 3 worth 91.1, the concept of landscape 4 worth 90.9, 2 worth 89.2 landscape concept, the concept of landscape 5 worth 78 and the lowest landscape landscapes existing concept of value 0. The highest concept is the concept of landscape 3, this shows that the respondents wanted the landscape in accordance with the theme of the welcome area IPB is a memorable landscape warm, cheerful, grand or large, formal, focused, open or bright, spacious, unique, and strong character. With the landscape evaluation welcome IPB campus area, is expected to be a recommendation in the planning and design of the IPB campus

    Peer Review EVALUASI ESTETIKA LINGKUNGAN BERDASARKAN PERSEPSI DI WELCOME AREA KAMPUS IPB, BOGOR (Evaluation of Environment Aesthetics Based on Persecption in Welcome Area on the Campus of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)

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    Welcome area is an important element in an institutional area, one of which is a welcome area on the campus of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). Welcome area of the IPB campus landscape element that serves as the main circulation, landmarks, and aesthetically pleasing. The existence of the welcome area is very important, therefore it is necessary to evaluate the aesthetic. Evaluation of environmental aesthetics done by the method of Scenic Beauty Estimation (SBE) and the Semantic Differential (SD). The purpose of the study, namely: a) determine and assess the environmental quality of the area welcome IPB based on the shape and color of the tree; b) determining the level of beauty is based on the perception of the respondents; c) determine the preferences of respondents to the arrangement of landscape design welcome area based on the shape and color of the tree; and d) evaluate the visual quality of the landscape based on the estimation of beauty. The tools used during the activity, namely cameras, Photoshop CS 3 software, Minitab 16, and Acer 4741G. While the materials used are welcome photo IPB area. Studies using experimental methods related to the choice of location, respondents, data analysis and evaluation of the visual landscape. Phase of the study includes four stages, namely, 1) the identification and study of the literature on the welcome area of IPB, 2) determining the location of the study, 3) making the landscape point (vantage point), 4) modification of existing photos based character visual closure, 5) assessment visitors through questionnaires. Visual quality of the area welcome the fifth concept IPB has aesthetic qualities different. The fifth concept of landscape quality is low and high. The concept of landscape which has the highest value to lower the concept of landscape 3 worth 91.1, the concept of landscape 4 worth 90.9, 2 worth 89.2 landscape concept, the concept of landscape 5 worth 78 and the lowest landscape landscapes existing concept of value 0. The highest concept is the concept of landscape 3, this shows that the respondents wanted the landscape in accordance with the theme of the welcome area IPB is a memorable landscape warm, cheerful, grand or large, formal, focused, open or bright, spacious, unique, and strong character. With the landscape evaluation welcome IPB campus area, is expected to be a recommendation in the planning and design of the IPB campus


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    Pandansari Lor Village is one of the tourist villages in the District of Jabung, Malang. Pandansari Lor has the potential for agro-tourism so that tourist visits have increased every year. With the level of agro-tourism activities increasing the volume of visitors is increasing. In addition, the level of understanding of the local community towards agro-tourism is low so it needs to be socialized about agro-tourism. The purpose of this study is to examine the potential of agrotourism in Pandansari Lor village. The research was conducted in November to December 2019, using the inventory method or field survey, and SWOT analysis. Data collection is carried out by means of field observations, calculations, interviews and literature studies. Based on the results of the feasibility assessment of the agro-tourism area, Tegir Hamlet is a hamlet that has the potential to be developed into an agrotourism area because it is ranked first with a total weight of 3.85. Begawan and shadow hamlets have the same number of weights, which is 3.75, which has the potential to be developed as an agro-tourism area while Kedawung Hamlet is the least potential because it is ranked the lowest at 2.85. The main alternative strategies are, optimizing existing agrotourism activities and other supporting agro-tourism objects and attractions, providing training and socialization related to agro-tourism and agriculture through collaboration with many related parties to expand the network on agro-tourism


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    Most of Indonesia's area is rural with various potentials and production resources. The dominant rural characteristics in Indonesia are agriculture resources based, as land resources, cultivation, processing, post-harvest, marketing, and tourism. The tourism sector has synergistic strength and is closely linked with various other development sectors. Pandansari Lor Village is one of the villages in Jabung District, Malang Regency, where most of the land used as agricultural land which has the potential to be developed into an agro-tourism village. The research objectives are to find out how the agrotourism development strategy in Pandansari Lor Village, Jabung District and make recommendations for agrotourism development in Pandansari Lor Village. Based on the SWOT analysis, the most important development strategy is to optimize existing agrotourism activities and other supporting agrotourism objects/attractions

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dalam Penataan Taman Rumah Tinggal RW 09 Kelurahan Merjosari, Kota Malang

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    Taman merupakan bentuk Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) yang memiliki fungsi ekologis, fisik, sosial budaya, dan ekonomi serta estetika. Taman rumah tinggal RW 09 Kelurahan Merjosari, Kota Malang merupakan kawasan yang memiliki potensi pengembangan taman sebagai RTH. Namun permasalahan yang dijumpai adalah masayarakat masih banyak yang belum memahami bagaimana penataan taman rumah tinggal yang fungsional dan estetika. Tim pengabdi melalui program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat bertujuan untuk melakukan transfer ilmu dan teknologi tentang penataan taman rumah tinggal sehingga masyarakat dapat mengaplikasikan pada halaman rumah. Metode yang digunakan adalah presentasi dan diskusi antara tim pengabdi dan warga masayarakat RW 09 Kelurahan Merjosari, Kota Malang. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan yaitu bentuk pemberdayaan yang diikuti oleh perangkat kelurahan dan Ibu-ibu PKK. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang telah dilakukan berlangsung lancar dan semua peserta sangat antusias untuk mengetahui penataan taman rumah tinggal yang fungsional dan estetika. 


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    Malang Regency is an area that has many historical relics. One of the relics whose existence is preserved and can be visited is the temple landscape of the heritage of the Singosari kingdom which has the character and identity of the characteristics of the heritage of the Singosari kingdom. The Singosari Kingdom has several temples including Singosari Temple, Kidal Temple, Jago Temple, and Sumberawan Temple which are Hindu Buddhist temples based on the function, shape, and reliefs that exist in these temples. The purpose of this study is to analyze the potential of the temple landscape from the Singosari kingdom in the hope that it can be developed as a historical tourist attraction in Malang Regency, there are actions to preserve the temple landscape, and improve the economy of the local community around the temple. The research method used is descriptive quantitative. Based on the results of the analysis of existing path aspects, historical aspects, objects and attractions aspects, and visual aspects of the landscape in the landscape of the Singosari Temple, Kidal Temple, Jago Temple, and Sumberawan Temple, it shows that the four temples have the potential to be developed as historical tourism relics of the Singosari Kingdom in Malang Regency