17 research outputs found
SEM images showing preservation of the morphological and structural integrity of the sample before conversion (a,b and c) and after conversion (d, e and f).
<p>The images also detail the uniform distribution of surface pores.</p
Assignment of experimental groups and treatments.
*<p>Special diet refers to calcium, vitamin D, magnesium and zinc deficient diet.</p
The XRD pattern corresponding to <i>foraminifera,</i> β-TCP and Zn-TCP showing peaks matching calcium carbonate (JCPDS 5-0586) and tricalcium phosphate (JCPDS 9-169).
<p>The XRD pattern corresponding to <i>foraminifera,</i> β-TCP and Zn-TCP showing peaks matching calcium carbonate (JCPDS 5-0586) and tricalcium phosphate (JCPDS 9-169).</p
The <i>in-vitro</i> dissolution profile in SBF solution showing the release of (a) calcium and (b) magnesium with and without the apatite coating.
<p>The result shows slower release of both ions with the apatite coating.</p
From these results a close relationship between the (a) the mice body weight and (b) plasma zinc level was observed.
<p>Zn-TCP group showed a significantly higher body weight with increased plasma zinc level.</p
The <i>in-vitro</i> release profile of simvastatin with and without the apatite coating showing controlled and slower release of the drug by 20% over 7 days.
<p>The <i>in-vitro</i> release profile of simvastatin with and without the apatite coating showing controlled and slower release of the drug by 20% over 7 days.</p
XRD spectra showing before and after hydrothermal conversion of sample with matching peaks corresponding to calcium carbonate and β-TCP.
<p>XRD spectra showing before and after hydrothermal conversion of sample with matching peaks corresponding to calcium carbonate and β-TCP.</p
Image showing the difference from macroscopic observation between (a) implanted Zn-TCP and (b) direct injection of zinc exhibiting severe muscle deterioration.
<p>Computer reconstruction of the femur bone showed (c) the Zn-TCP placed near the femur bone and (d) the inhibition of bone extension due to the muscle breakdown.</p
SEM images showing the morphological structure of Zn-TCP (a) before, (c) after and β-TCP (b) before, (d) after 4 week implantation in OVX mice.
<p>From the images there is no significant structural change to the surface morphology with the exception of tissue growth around the sample material.</p
SEM images showing simvastatin loaded β-TCP sample [(a), (b)] and with apatite coating [(c), (d)] showing a spherical coating around the sample material.
<p>SEM images showing simvastatin loaded β-TCP sample [(a), (b)] and with apatite coating [(c), (d)] showing a spherical coating around the sample material.</p