5,958 research outputs found
Four Clovis Points from San Augustine County, Texas
Four surface-collected Clovis points (two complete, two fragmentary) from the northeastern valley margin of the Angelina River in San Augustine County are described. One specimen is made from Manning fused glass and is the oldest artifact known to have been made of that rock type. The others appear to be made of chert from the Edwards Plateau
An Archaeological Survey of a Pipeline Route Near Sabine Pass, Jefferson County, Texas
In May 1980, the Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio, carried out an archaeological survey of the proposed route of an eight-inch pipeline to be installed by the Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company. The pipeline will extend from the Scurlock Oil Company tank farm about one kilometer southwest of Sabine Pass to a landfall on the Gulf Coast at a point about six kilometers west of Texas Point (Fig. 1).
The survey was done under contract between the Center for Archaeological Research and the Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company (Independent Contractor-Letter Agreement of May 1980). The fieldwork was carried out by Kenneth M. Brown, Research Associate, under the supervision of Dr. Thomas R. Hester, Center Director, and Jack D. Eaton, Associate Director.
The pipeline route is about 4.6 km long; crossing the chenier plain with a north-south orientation. The chenier plain consists of long, low sand and shell ridges, or cheniers, subparallel to the present coast, alternating with saline or brackish marsh and mudflats (Fisher et ale 1973; Kane 1959; Byrne, LeRoy, and Riley 1959). The area is also dotted with many elongate to irregular ponds. Ground visibility during the survey was fair to good on the cheniers, especially on the seaward side where the coarsest sediments were exposed; sandy deflated surfaces are common there. Washovers where the cheniers have been breached during high water also offered good visibility. The marsh between the cheniers, although dry enough during the survey to walk on in most places, is heavily vegetated, with a substrate of wet silt, clay, and organic muck. Ground visibility here was very unfavorable
Archaeological Survey and Backhoe Testing for Flume No. 3 Right-of-Way at Coleto Creek Reservoir, Goliad County, Texas
During August 1983, archaeological survey and testing were conducted at Flume No.3 for the Coleto Creek power plant reservoir in Goliad County, Texas. The work included survey of the entire Flume No.3 route, testing one site (41 GD 30B) located at the flume outlet on Coleto Creek, survey and testing of an alternate fl ume route downstream, and testi ng at another site designated 41 GD 31. The right-of-way survey revealed a historic site (41 GD 48) in the proposed spoil area; no further work is recommended at this site. Testing at 41 GD 30B provided necessary additional information on the site\u27s area and depth. It was judged that the flume outflow could damage the integrity of the site, and that the site should be avoided or the impact mitigated. Survey and testing of the alternate, downstream flume route indicated this route provides the best alternative for reservoir outflow since no cultural resources were found on the surface and a possible buried component at 41 GD 31 would probably be too deeply buried to be affected
Rural Land-Use Trends in the Conterminous United States, 1950-2000.
In order to understand the magnitude, direction, and geographic distribution of land-use changes, we evaluated land-use trends in U.S. counties during the latter half of the 20th century. Our paper synthesizes the dominant spatial and temporal trends in population, agriculture, and urbanized land uses, using a variety of data sources and an ecoregion classification as a frame of reference. A combination of increasing attractiveness of nonmetropolitan areas in the period 1970–2000, decreasing household size, and decreasing density of settlement has resulted in important trends in the patterns of developed land. By 2000, the area of low-density, exurban development beyond the urban fringe occupied nearly 15 times the area of higher density urbanized development. Efficiency gains, mechanization, and agglomeration of agricultural concerns has resulted in data that show cropland area to be stable throughout the Corn Belt and parts of the West between 1950 and 2000, but decreasing by about 22% east of the Mississippi River. We use a regional case study of the Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern regions to focus in more detail on the land-cover changes resulting from these dynamics. Dominating were land-cover changes associated with the timber practices in the forested plains ecoregions and urbanization in the piedmont ecoregions. Appalachian ecoregions show the slowest rates of landcover change. The dominant trends of tremendous exurban growth, throughout the United States, and conversion and abandonment of agricultural lands, especially in the eastern United States, have important implications because they affect large areas of the country, the functioning of ecological systems, and the potential for restoratio
Forest diagrams for elements of Thompson's group F
We introduce forest diagrams to represent elements of Thompson's group F.
These diagrams relate to a certain action of F on the real line in the same way
that tree diagrams relate to the standard action of F on the unit interval.
Using forest diagrams, we give a conceptually simple length formula for
elements of F with respect to the {x_0,x_1} generating set, and we discuss the
construction of minimum-length words for positive elements. Finally, we use
forest diagrams and the length formula to examine the structure of the Cayley
graph of F.Comment: 44 pages, 70 figure
Collective Voices: Engagement of Hartford Community Residents through Participatory Action Research
The article details a Participatory Action Research (PAR) Project that partnered Latino and African and Caribbean American residents with research educators from the Institute for Community Research in Hartford, CT. PAR has been used to engage marginalized people in the process of knowledge production and take action to change the oppressive structures affecting them. Project participants worked together to design research projects on economic opportunities and trainings for Spanish speaking residents, the social, environmental and physical conditions of neighborhoods, and the educational outcomes for Hartford schoolchildren; together they conducted research, analyzed and disseminated the results, and planned and implemented action strategies. This article discusses the process of developing a PAR project with different groups over a sustained period of time, reviews the results of from the overall project, and examines the impact of PAR for the participants. The analyzed and disseminated the results, and planned and implemented action strategies. This article discusses the process of developing a PAR project with different groups over a sustained period of time, reviews the results of from the overall project, and examines the impact of PAR for the participants. The critical results were the development of individual and collective voice, cross-neighborhood understanding and collaboration, and capacity building at individual and collective levels, as well as research and action results by residents
Instrumentation for Measurement of Gas Permeability of Polymeric Membranes
A mass spectrometric 'Dynamic Delta' method for the measurement of gas permeability of polymeric membranes has been developed. The method is universally applicable for measurement of the permeability of any gas through polymeric membrane materials. The usual large sample size of more than 100 square centimeters required for other methods is not necessary for this new method which requires a size less than one square centimeter. The new method should fulfill requirements and find applicability for industrial materials such as food packaging, contact lenses and other commercial materials where gas permeability or permselectivity properties are important
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