97 research outputs found
A new div-curl result. Applications to the homogenization of elliptic systems and to the weak continuity of the Jacobian
In this paper a new div-curl result is established in an open set of
, , for the product of two sequences of vector-valued
functions which are bounded respectively in and
, with , and whose respectively
divergence and curl are compact in suitable spaces. We also assume that the
product converges weakly in . The key ingredient of the proof
is a compactness result for bounded sequences in , based on
the imbedding of into ( the
unit sphere of ) through a suitable selection of annuli on which
the gradients are not too high, in the spirit of De Giorgi and Manfredi. The
div-curl result is applied to the homogenization of equi-coercive systems whose
coefficients are equi-bounded in for some
\rho\textgreater{}{N-1\over 2} if N\textgreater{}2, or in if
. It also allows us to prove a weak continuity result for the Jacobian for
bounded sequences in satisfying an alternative assumption
to the -strong estimate of Brezis and Nguyen. Two examples show the
sharpness of the results
Realizable response matrices of multiterminal electrical, acoustic, and elastodynamic networks at a given frequency
We give a complete characterization of the possible response matrices at a
fixed frequency of n-terminal electrical networks of inductors, capacitors,
resistors and grounds, and of n-terminal discrete linear elastodynamic networks
of springs and point masses, both in the three-dimensional case and in the
two-dimensional case. Specifically we construct networks which realize any
response matrix which is compatible with the known symmetry properties and
thermodynamic constraints of response matrices. Due to a mathematical
equivalence we also obtain a characterization of the response matrices of
discrete acoustic networks.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure
Two-scale convergence for locally-periodic microstructures and homogenization of plywood structures
The introduced notion of locally-periodic two-scale convergence allows to
average a wider range of microstructures, compared to the periodic one. The
compactness theorem for the locally-periodic two-scale convergence and the
characterisation of the limit for a sequence bounded in are
proven. The underlying analysis comprises the approximation of functions, which
periodicity with respect to the fast variable depends on the slow variable, by
locally-periodic functions, periodic in subdomains smaller than the considered
domain, but larger than the size of microscopic structures. The developed
theory is applied to derive macroscopic equations for a linear elasticity
problem defined in domains with plywood structures.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure
Locally periodic unfolding method and two-scale convergence on surfaces of locally periodic microstructures
In this paper we generalize the periodic unfolding method and the notion of
two-scale convergence on surfaces of periodic microstructures to locally
periodic situations. The methods that we introduce allow us to consider a wide
range of non-periodic microstructures, especially to derive macroscopic
equations for problems posed in domains with perforations distributed
non-periodically. Using the methods of locally periodic two-scale convergence
(l-t-s) on oscillating surfaces and the locally periodic (l-p) boundary
unfolding operator, we are able to analyze differential equations defined on
boundaries of non-periodic microstructures and consider non-homogeneous Neumann
conditions on the boundaries of perforations, distributed non-periodically
Interior Regularity Estimates in High Conductivity Homogenization and Application
In this paper, uniform pointwise regularity estimates for the solutions of
conductivity equations are obtained in a unit conductivity medium reinforced by
a epsilon-periodic lattice of highly conducting thin rods. The estimates are
derived only at a distance epsilon^{1+tau} (for some tau>0) away from the
fibres. This distance constraint is rather sharp since the gradients of the
solutions are shown to be unbounded locally in L^p as soon as p>2. One key
ingredient is the derivation in dimension two of regularity estimates to the
solutions of the equations deduced from a Fourier series expansion with respect
to the fibres direction, and weighted by the high-contrast conductivity. The
dependence on powers of epsilon of these two-dimensional estimates is shown to
be sharp. The initial motivation for this work comes from imaging, and enhanced
resolution phenomena observed experimentally in the presence of
micro-structures. We use these regularity estimates to characterize the
signature of low volume fraction heterogeneities in the fibred reinforced
medium assuming that the heterogeneities stay at a distance epsilon^{1+tau}
away from the fibres
Effective macroscopic dynamics of stochastic partial differential equations in perforated domains
An effective macroscopic model for a stochastic microscopic system is
derived. The original microscopic system is modeled by a stochastic partial
differential equation defined on a domain perforated with small holes or
heterogeneities. The homogenized effective model is still a stochastic partial
differential equation but defined on a unified domain without holes. The
solutions of the microscopic model is shown to converge to those of the
effective macroscopic model in probability distribution, as the size of holes
diminishes to zero. Moreover, the long time effectivity of the macroscopic
system in the sense of \emph{convergence in probability distribution}, and the
effectivity of the macroscopic system in the sense of \emph{convergence in
energy} are also proved
A novel sodium phenylacetate-dextran derivative ester inhibits the growth and angiogenesis of MCF-7ras breast cancer xenografts
Bounds on strong field magneto-transport in three-dimensional composites
This paper deals with bounds satisfied by the effective non-symmetric
conductivity of three-dimensional composites in the presence of a strong
magnetic field. On the one hand, it is shown that for general composites the
antisymmetric part of the effective conductivity cannot be bounded solely in
terms of the antisymmetric part of the local conductivity, contrary to the
columnar case. So, a suitable rank-two laminate the conductivity of which has a
bounded antisymmetric part together with a high-contrast symmetric part, may
generate an arbitrarily large antisymmetric part of the effective conductivity.
On the other hand, bounds are provided which show that the antisymmetric part
of the effective conductivity must go to zero if the upper bound on the
antisymmetric part of the local conductivity goes to zero, and the symmetric
part of the local conductivity remains bounded below and above. Elementary
bounds on the effective moduli are derived assuming the local conductivity and
effective conductivity have transverse isotropy in the plane orthogonal to the
magnetic field. New Hashin-Shtrikman type bounds for two-phase
three-dimensional composites with a non-symmetric conductivity are provided
under geometric isotropy of the microstructure. The derivation of the bounds is
based on a particular variational principle symmetrizing the problem, and the
use of Y-tensors involving the averages of the fields in each phase.Comment: 21 page
Multiscale modelling and analysis of signalling processes in tissues with non-periodic distribution of cells
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