177 research outputs found
The Primordial Abundance of Li and be
Light element (Li, Li and Be) depletion isochrones for halo stars
have been calculated with standard stellar evolution models. These models
include the latest available opacities and are computed through the sub-giant
branch. If Li is not produced in appreciable amounts by stellar flares,
then the detection of Li in HD 84937 by Smith, Lambert \& Nissen (1993) is
compatible with standard stellar evolution and standard big bang
nucleosynthesis only if HD 84937 is a sub-giant. The present parallax is
inconsistent with HD 84937 being a sub-giant star at the level.
The most metal poor star with a measured Be abundance is HD 140283, which
is a relatively cool sub-giant. Standard stellar evolution predict that Be
will have been depleted in this star by dex (for K). Revising the abundance upward changes the oxygen-beryllium relation,
suggesting incompatible with standard comic ray production models, and hence,
standard big bang nucleosynthesis. However, an increase in the derived
temperature of HD 140283 to 5740 K would result in no depletion of Be and
agreement with standard big bang nucleosynthesis.Comment: 6 pages, AAS LaTeX, complete postscript file available via anonymous
ftp from: ftp.cita.utoronto.ca in /cita/brian/papers/primord.p
The OPAL Equation of State and Low Metallicity Isochrones
The Yale stellar evolution code has been modified to use the OPAL equation of
state tables (Rogers 1994). Stellar models and isochrones were constructed for
low metallicity systems (). Above M\sim 0.7\,\msun,
the isochrones are very similar to those which are constructed using an
equation of state which includes the analytical Debye-Huckel correction at high
temperatures. The absolute magnitude of the main sequence turn-off (\mvto) with
the OPAL or Debye-Huckel isochrones is about 0.06 magnitudes fainter, at a
given age, than \mvto derived from isochrones which do not include the
Debye-Huckel correction. As a consequence, globular clusters ages derived using
\mvto are reduced by 6 -- 7\% as compared to the ages determined from the
standard isochrones. Below M\sim 0.7\,\msun, the OPAL isochrones are
systematically hotter (by approximately 0.04 in B-V) at a given magnitude as
compared to the standard, or Debye-Huckel isochrones. However, the lower mass
models fall out of the OPAL table range, and this could be the cause of the
differences in the location of the lower main-sequences.Comment: to appear in ApJ, 8 pages LaTeX, uses aaspptwo.sty. Complete
uuencoded postscript file (including figures) available from:
Theoretical Uncertainties in the Subgiant--Mass Age Relation and the Absolute Age of Omega Cen
The theoretical uncertainties in the calibration of the relationship between
the subgiant mass and age in metal-poor stars are investigated using a Monte
Carlo approach. Assuming that the mass and iron abundance of a subgiant star
are known exactly, uncertainties in the input physics used to construct stellar
evolution models and isochrones lead to a Gaussian 1-sigma uncertainty of
+/-2.9% in the derived ages. The theoretical error budget is dominated by the
uncertainties in the calculated opacities.
Observations of detached double lined eclipsing binary OGLEGC-17 in the
globular cluster Omega Cen have found that the primary is on the subgiant
branch with a mass of M = 0.809+/-0.012 M_sun and [Fe/H]= -2.29+/-0.15 (Kaluzny
et al. 2001). Combining the theoretical uncertainties with the observational
errors leads to an age for OGLEGC-17 of 11.10+/-0.67 Gyr. The one-sided, 95%
lower limit to the age of OGLEGC-17 is 10.06 Gyr, while the one-sided, 95%
upper limit is 12.27 Gyr.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in ApJ
Self-Consistent Magnetic Stellar Evolution Models of the Detached, Solar-Type Eclipsing Binary EF Aquarii
We introduce a new one-dimensional stellar evolution code, based on the
existing Dartmouth code, that self-consistently accounts for the presence of a
globally pervasive magnetic field. The methods involved in perturbing the
equations of stellar structure, the equation of state, and the mixing-length
theory of convection are presented and discussed. As a first test of the code's
viability, stellar evolution models are computed for the components of a
solar-type, detached eclipsing binary (DEB) system, EF Aquarii, shown to
exhibit large disagreements with stellar models. The addition of the magnetic
perturbation corrects the radius and effective temperature discrepancies
observed in EF Aquarii. Furthermore, the required magnetic field strength at
the model photosphere is within a factor of two of the magnetic field strengths
estimated from the stellar X-ray luminosities measured by ROSAT and those
predicted from Ca II K line core emission. These models provide firm evidence
that the suppression of thermal convection arising from the presence of a
magnetic field is sufficient to significantly alter the structure of solar-type
stars, producing noticeably inflated radii and cooler effective temperatures.
The inclusion of magnetic effects within a stellar evolution model has a wide
range of applications, from DEBs and exoplanet host stars to the donor stars of
cataclysmic variables.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 15 pages, 3 figures; Misprints are
corrected in version
Magnetic Inhibition of Convection and the Fundamental Properties of Low-Mass Stars. II. Fully Convective Main Sequence Stars
We examine the hypothesis that magnetic fields are inflating the radii of
fully convective main sequence stars in detached eclipsing binaries (DEBs). The
magnetic Dartmouth stellar evolution code is used to analyze two systems in
particular: Kepler-16 and CM Draconis. Magneto-convection is treated assuming
stabilization of convection and also by assuming reductions in convective
efficiency due to a turbulent dynamo. We find that magnetic stellar models are
unable to reproduce the properties of inflated fully convective main sequence
stars, unless strong interior magnetic fields in excess of 10 MG are present.
Validation of the magnetic field hypothesis given the current generation of
magnetic stellar evolution models therefore depends critically on whether the
generation and maintenance of strong interior magnetic fields is physically
possible. An examination of this requirement is provided. Additionally, an
analysis of previous studies invoking the influence of star spots is presented
to assess the suggestion that star spots are inflating stars and biasing light
curve analyses toward larger radii. From our analysis, we find that there is
not yet sufficient evidence to definitively support the hypothesis that
magnetic fields are responsible for the observed inflation among fully
convective main sequence stars in DEBs.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 17 pages, 11 figures, 2 table
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