38 research outputs found
Politically connected boards, ownership structure and credit risk: evidence from Chinese commercial banks
Impact of ownership structure and ownership concentration on credit risk of Chinese commercial banks
The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Purpose- The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of bank ownership structure and ownership concentration on credit risk.
Design/methodology/approach- Using panel data on a sample of 88 Chinese commercial banks with 1194 observations over a period of 2003-2018, this study employs system generalised method of moments regression to examine the impact of bank ownership structure and ownership concentration on credit risk. Two measures of credit risk, namely, non-performing loan ratio and loan loss provision ratio are used to ensure the robustness of the results.
Findings– The results show that ownership type (both government and private ownership) exert positive and significant impact on credit risk. However, our results indicate that concentration of ownership in the hands of government has negative and significant effect on credit risk while private ownership concentration positively impacts on credit risk. Overall our findings suggest that concentration of ownership in government hands reduces risk, whilst private ownership concentration exacerbates credit risks. Our results are invariant to alternative measures of credit risk and financial crisis.
Practical implications – The findings provide useful insight to guide policy decisions in Chinese banks’ lending policies and bank ownership.
Originality/value– Using hand collected data on ownership structure and governance from annual reports this study deepens our understanding on the effectiveness of Chinese banks’ corporate governance reforms on managing credit risks
Motives of mergers and acquisitions in the European public utilities: an empirical investigation of the wealth-anomaly
© 2018, Emerald Publishing Limited. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the motivation and post-merger operating performance (OP) of European utility sectors following mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Design/methodology/approach: Motives behind M&A are examined by looking into the relationships between total gains, target gains and acquirer gains. Post-merger OP is measured by comparing the sample of European utilities with a matched portfolio based on size and market to book ratio with respect to five accounting indicators: growth in turnover, growth in earnings before interest and tax, return on assets, net profit margin and growth in fixed assets. Findings: Synergy is the primary motive for M&A in the European utility firms. This study also found that post-merger OP is negative and significant across all the five accounting indicators matched by size, and market to book ratio suggesting that utility mergers underperform in the long term. The findings suggest that gains accruing to utilities involved in acquisitions are short term in nature. Practical implications: Negative post-merger OP bears important policy implications as in future antitrust/competition authorities should be more vigilant before approving utility mergers. Originality/value: Public utilities possess several characteristics that are different from industrial firms and therefore need to be examined separately. Empirical literature on M&A is very limited on utilities. This study has addressed this gap by examining the motivation and post-merger OP of the European utility firms
The impact of firm ownership, board monitoring on operating performance of Chinese mergers and acquisitions
Financial inclusion and poverty alleviation: a critical analysis in Nigeria
The study looks at the impact that the three dimensions of financial inclusion (FI) (i.e., access, usage, quality) may have on poverty alleviation. In doing so, the study relies on demand and supply-side data to measure Nigeria’s FI. The demand-side data were derived from the 2021 Global Findex data, and the supply side data were sourced from the IMF Access survey database (2004–2021). The supply-side data were analysed using the ordinary least squares regression (OLS), while the demand-side data were analysed using the probit regression model. The study outcomes revealed a negative and significant relationship between financial access and poverty rate, further indicating that those who use financial services are less likely to experience poverty. The study recommends that financial service providers tailor their financial products to align with the educational level of the target population to encourage savings
LGBTQ and finance
Recent changes in workplace and corporate board diversity policies and a series of court rulings have signalled a fundamental change in the treatment of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (henceforth LGBTQ) people in the corporate world. In this paper, we survey the burgeoning literature on the role of sexual orientation in finance. Studies show that there is a positive relationship between the adoption of LGBTQ-friendly policies and firm performance. We identify the factors that influence a firm's decision to adopt LGBTQ-friendly policies. We also provide evidence that sexual preferences play an important role in leadership styles in the household. Overall, our review suggests that LGBTQ research allows novel insights regarding how LGBTQ policies create value for the firm, insights that help us identify several directions for future research
LGBTQ and finance
Recent changes in workplace and corporate board diversity policies and a series of court rulings have signalled a fundamental change in the treatment of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (henceforth LGBTQ) people in the corporate world. In this paper, we survey the burgeoning literature on the role of sexual orientation in finance. Studies show that there is a positive relationship between the adoption of LGBTQ-friendly policies and firm performance. We identify the factors that influence a firm's decision to adopt LGBTQ-friendly policies. We also provide evidence that sexual preferences play an important role in leadership styles in the household. Overall, our review suggests that LGBTQ research allows novel insights regarding how LGBTQ policies create value for the firm, insights that help us identify several directions for future research
Financial Markets and Institutions
As you embark on your economic journey, this series of books will be your helpful companion. They are not meant to replace your lectures, textbooks, seminars or any other sources suggested by your lecturers. Rather, as you come to an exam or an assignment, they will help you to revise and prepare effectively. Whatever form your assessment might take, each book in the series will help you to build up the skills and knowledge you will need to maximise your performance. Each topic-based chapter will outline the key information and analysis, provide sample questions with responses, and give you the assessment advice and exam tips you will need to produce effective assessments based on these core topics