1,129 research outputs found
Research in extreme ultraviolet and far ultraviolet astronomy
The Far Ultraviolet imager (FUVI) was flown on the Aries class sounding rocket 24.015, producing outstanding results. The diffuse extreme ultraviolet (EUV) background spectrometer which is under construction is described. It will be launched on the Black Brant sounding rocket flight number 27.086. Ongoing design studies of a high resolution spectrometer are discussed. This instrument incorporates a one meter normal incidence mirror and will be suitable for an advanced Spartan mission
Research in extreme ultraviolet and far ultraviolet astronomy
Analysis and interpretation continued on data generated by the flight of 27.086 in April of 1986 and by the successful UVX mission. Optical and mechanical design of the 1 meter EUV telescope, planned for launch with the large SPARTAN type carrier, ASTRO-SPAS, was also continued. The major effort centered on the preparation of flight 27.106, scheduled to launch in September, 1986. Work which was performed included: design of the skins and bulkheads; completion of the optical, mechanical, and electrical design; purchase of the major components of the instruments; assemblage of the electrical components; and performance of theoretical work, to support the data interpretation
Apollo-Soyuz test project Extreme Ultraviolet Telescope MA-083
Follow-on studies to the Apollo-Soyuz Extreme Ultraviolet Telescope experiment (MA-083) include analyses of individual target stars or classes of stars, not only with regard to the EUV data but also in connection with theoretical models and observations in other parts of the spectrum. Topics discussed include: observations of SS Cygni, Proxima Centauri, HZ 43, and Feige 24; computer searches for new EUV sources; Sirius: models and inferences; EUV emission from a hot gas; and the diffuse EUV background
Study of X-ray emission from selected regions of the Southern Hemisphere sky Summary report
Acquisition and processing of X ray data from Southern Hemisphere sk
Complete fabrication of rocket payload hardware Final report
Aerobee payload and other instrumentation for studies in galactic X ray astronom
Completion of design and fabrication of a rocket payload for search of the Southern Hemisphere sky for galactic X-ray sources Final report
Design and fabrication of rocket payload for search for galactic X ray source
Simultaneous X-ray and optical observations of the flaring X-ray source, Aquila A-1
During the summer of 1978 the recurrent transient X-ray source, Aquila X-1, underwent its first major outburst in two years. The results of extensive observations at X-ray and optical wavelengths throughout this event, which lasted for approximately two months are presented. The peak X-ray luminosity was approximately 1.3 times that of the Crab and exhibited spectral dependent flickering on timescales approximately 5 minutes. The observations are interpreted in terms of a standard accretion disk model withparticular emphasis on the similarities to Sco X-1 and other dward X-ray systems, although the transient nature of the system remains unexplained. It was found that Aquila X-1 can be described adequately by the semi-detached Roche lobe model and yields a mass ratio of less than or approximate to 3.5
Long term X-ray observations of systems with unusual optical counterparts and modulation measurement of selected astronomical sources
The OAO-3 satellite was used for several months' observation of the loss mass X-ray binary sources 2A18822-371 and 4U2129+47 in a search for variability similar to the 35 day on-off cycle observed in Her X-1. The related system Cyg X-2 was observed both optically and in X-rays covering one complete binary cycle of 9.8 days. The UCL X-ray telescope observations revealed no periodities nor obvious variability other than the known orbital periods; however, the ground-based optical spectroscopy supports the interpretation of the photometry periodicities as representing orbital motion in 2A1822-371 and detected radial velocity motions on the photometric period in 4U2129+47. The shape and the length of the 4.8 hour periodicity in the X-ray emission from Cyg X-3 was also studied. The quality OAO-3 data obtained to measure the light curve and look for a change in the period and/or obtain improved measurement of the slope of the light curve was insufficient
Study of an astronomical extreme ultraviolet rocket spectrometer for use on shuttle missions
The adaptation of an extreme ultraviolet astronomy rocket payload for flight on the shuttle was studied. A sample payload for determining integration and flight procedures for experiments which may typically be flown on shuttle missions was provided. The electrical, mechanical, thermal, and operational interface requirements between the payload and the orbiter were examined. Of particular concern was establishing a baseline payload accommodation which utilizes proven common hardware for electrical, data, command, and possibly real time monitoring functions. The instrument integration and checkout procedures necessary to assure satisfactory in-orbit instrument performance were defined and those procedures which can be implemented in such a way as to minimize their impact on orbiter integration schedules were identified
Helium glow detector experiment, MA-088
Of the two 584 A channels in the helium glow detector, channel #1 appeared to provide data with erratic count rates and undue susceptibility to dayglow and solar contamination possibly because of filter fatigue or failure. Channel #3 data appear normal and of high quality. For this reason only data from this last channel was analyzed and used for detailed comparison with theory. Reduction and fitting techniques are described, as well as applications of the data in the study of nighttime and daytime Hel 584 A emission. A hot model of the interstellar medium is presented. Topics covered in the appendix include: observations of interstellar helium with a gas absorption cell: implications for the structure of the local interstellar medium; EUV dayglow observations with a helium gas absorption cell; and EUV scattering from local interstellar helium at nonzero temperatures: implications for the derivations of interstellar medium parameters
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