11,814 research outputs found

    Collapse and Fragmentation of Molecular Cloud Cores. X. Magnetic Braking of Prolate and Oblate Cores

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    The collapse and fragmentation of initially prolate and oblate, magnetic molecular clouds is calculated in three dimensions with a gravitational, radiative hydrodynamics code. The code includes magnetic field effects in an approximate manner: magnetic pressure, tension, braking, and ambipolar diffusion are all modelled. The parameters varied for both the initially prolate and oblate clouds are the initial degree of central concentration of the radial density profile, the initial angular velocity, and the efficiency of magnetic braking (represented by a factor fmb=10−4f_{mb} = 10^{-4} or 10−310^{-3}). The oblate cores all collapse to form rings that might be susceptible to fragmentation into multiple systems. The outcome of the collapse of the prolate cores depends strongly on the initial density profile. Prolate cores with central densities 20 times higher than their boundary densities collapse and fragment into binary or quadruple systems, whereas cores with central densities 100 times higher collapse to form single protostars embedded in bars. The inclusion of magnetic braking is able to stifle protostellar fragmentation in the latter set of models, as when identical models were calculated without magnetic braking (Boss 2002), those cores fragmented into binary protostars. These models demonstrate the importance of including magnetic fields in studies of protostellar collapse and fragmentation, and suggest that even when magnetic fields are included, fragmentation into binary and multiple systems remains as a possible outcome of protostellar collapse.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures. Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    Giant Planet Formation by Disk Instability in Low Mass Disks?

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    Forming giant planets by disk instability requires a gaseous disk that is massive enough to become gravitationally unstable and able to cool fast enough for self-gravitating clumps to form and survive. Models with simplified disk cooling have shown the critical importance of the ratio of the cooling to the orbital timescales. Uncertainties about the proper value of this ratio can be sidestepped by including radiative transfer. Three-dimensional radiative hydrodynamics models of a disk with a mass of 0.043M⊙0.043 M_\odot from 4 to 20 AU in orbit around a 1M⊙1 M_\odot protostar show that disk instabilities are considerably less successful in producing self-gravitating clumps than in a disk with twice this mass. The results are sensitive to the assumed initial outer disk (ToT_o) temperatures. Models with ToT_o = 20 K are able to form a single self-gravitating clump, whereas models with ToT_o = 25 K form clumps that are not quite self-gravitating. These models imply that disk instability requires a disk with a mass of at least ∼0.043M⊙\sim 0.043 M_\odot inside 20 AU in order to form giant planets around solar-mass protostars with realistic disk cooling rates and outer disk temperatures. Lower mass disks around solar-mass protostars must rely upon core accretion to form inner giant planets.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, Astrophysical Journal Letters, in pres

    Giant Planet Formation by Disk Instability: A Comparison Simulation With An Improved Radiative Scheme

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    There has been disagreement currently about whether cooling in protoplanetary disks can be sufficiently fast to induce the formation of gas giant protoplanets via gravitational instabilities. Simulations by our own group and others indicate that this method of planet formation does not work for disks around young, low- mass stars inside several tens of AU, while simulations by other groups show fragmentation into protoplanetary clumps in this region. To allow direct comparison in hopes of isolating the cause of the differences, we here present a high resolution three-dimensional hydrodynamics simulation of a protoplanetary disk, where the disk model, initial perturbation, and simulation conditions are essentially identical to those used in a set of simulations by Boss. As in earlier papers by the same author, Boss (2007, hereafter B07) purports to show that cooling is fast enough to produce protoplanetary clumps. Here, we evolve the same B07 disk using an improved version of one of our own radiative schemes and find that the disk does not fragment in our code but instead quickly settles into a state with only low amplitude nonaxisymmetric structure, which persists for at least several outer disk rotations. We see no rapid radiative or convective cooling. We conclude that the differences in results are due to different treatments of regions at and above the disk photosphere, and we explain at least one way in which the scheme in B07 may lead to artificially fast cooling.Comment: accepted by ApJ Letter

    Evolution of the Solar Nebula. IX. Gradients in the Spatial Heterogeneity of the Short-Lived Radioisotopes 60^{60}Fe and 26^{26}Al and the Stable Oxygen Isotopes

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    Short-lived radioisotopes (SLRI) such as 60^{60}Fe and 26^{26}Al were likely injected into the solar nebula in a spatially and temporally heterogeneous manner. Marginally gravitationally unstable (MGU) disks, of the type required to form gas giant planets, are capable of rapid homogenization of isotopic heterogeneity as well as of rapid radial transport of dust grains and gases throughout a protoplanetary disk. Two different types of new models of a MGU disk in orbit around a solar-mass protostar are presented. The first set has variations in the number of terms in the spherical harmonic solution for the gravitational potential, effectively studying the effect of varying the spatial resolution of the gravitational torques responsible for MGU disk evolution. The second set explores the effects of varying the initial minimum value of the Toomre QQ stability parameter, from values of 1.4 to 2.5, i.e., toward increasingly less unstable disks. The new models show that the basic results are largely independent of both sets of variations. MGU disk models robustly result in rapid mixing of initially highly heterogeneous distributions of SLRIs to levels of ∼\sim 10% in both the inner ( 10 AU) disk regions, and to even lower levels (∼\sim 2%) in intermediate regions, where gravitational torques are most effective at mixing. These gradients should have cosmochemical implications for the distribution of SLRIs and stable oxygen isotopes contained in planetesimals (e.g., comets) formed in the giant planet region (∼\sim 5 to ∼\sim 10 AU) compared to those formed elsewhere.Comment: 37 pages, 1 table, 19 figures, ApJ accepte

    Cosmochemical Consequences of Particle Trajectories During FU Orionis Outbursts by the Early Sun

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    The solar nebula is thought to have undergone a number of episodes of FU Orionis outbursts during its early evolution. We present here the first calculations of the trajectories of particles in a marginally gravitationally unstable solar nebula during an FU Orionis outburst, which show that 0.1 to 10 cm-sized particles traverse radial distances of 10 AU or more, inward and outward, in less than 200 yrs, exposing the particles to temperatures from ∼\sim 60 K to ∼\sim 1500 K. Such trajectories can thus account for the discovery of refractory particles in comets. Refractory particles should acquire Wark-Lovering-like rims as they leave the highest temperature regions of the disk, and these rims should have significant variations in their stable oxygen isotope ratios. Particles are likely to be heavily modified or destroyed if they pass within 1 AU of the Sun, and so are only likely to survive if they formed in the final few FU Orionis outbursts, or were transported to the outer reaches of the solar system. Calcium, aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) from primitive meteorites are the oldest known solar system objects and have a very narrow age range. Most CAIs may have formed at the end of the FU Orionis outbursts phase, with an age range reflecting the period between the last few outbursts.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figures, in press, EPS

    Mixing in the Solar Nebula: Implications for Isotopic Heterogeneity and Large-Scale Transport of Refractory Grains

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    The discovery of refractory grains amongst the particles collected from Comet 81P/Wild 2 by the Stardust spacecraft (Brownlee et al. 2006) provides the ground truth for large-scale transport of materials formed in high temperature regions close to the protosun outward to the comet-forming regions of the solar nebula. While accretion disk models driven by a generic turbulent viscosity have been invoked as a means to explain such large-scale transport, the detailed physics behind such an ``alpha'' viscosity remains unclear. We present here an alternative physical mechanism for large-scale transport in the solar nebula: gravitational torques associated with the transient spiral arms in a marginally gravitationally unstable disk, of the type that appears to be necessary to form gas giant planets. Three dimensional models are presented of the time evolution of self-gravitating disks, including radiative transfer and detailed equations of state, showing that small dust grains will be transported upstream and downstream (with respect to the mean inward flow of gas and dust being accreted by the central protostar) inside the disk on time scales of less than 1000 yr inside 10 AU. These models furthermore show that any initial spatial heterogeneities present (e.g., in short-lived isotopes such as 26Al) will be homogenized by disk mixing down to a level of ~10%, preserving the use of short-lived isotopes as accurate nebular chronometers, while simultaneously allowing for the spread of stable oxygen isotope ratios. This finite level of nebular spatial heterogeneity appears to be related to the coarse mixing achieved by spiral arms, with radial widths of order 1 AU, over time scales of ~1000 yrs.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures. Earth & Planetary Science Letters, accepte

    Do it Right or Not at All: A Longitudinal Evaluation of a Conflict Managment System Implementation

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    We analyzed an eight-year multi-source longitudinal data set that followed a healthcare system in the Eastern United States as it implemented a major conflict management initiative to encourage line managers to consistently perform Personal Management Interviews (or PMIs) with their employees. PMIs are interviews held between two individuals, designed to prevent or quickly resolve interpersonal problems before they escalate to formal grievances. This initiative provided us a unique opportunity to empirically test key predictions of Integrated Conflict Management System (or ICMS) theory. Analyzing survey and personnel file data from 5,449 individuals from 2003 to 2010, we found that employees whose managers provided high-quality interviews perceived significantly higher participative work climates and had lower turnover rates. However, retention was worse when managers provided poor-quality interviews than when they conducted no interviews at all. Together these findings highlight the critical role that line mangers play in the success of conflict management systems

    On the Formation of Gas Giant Planets on Wide Orbits

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    A new suite of three dimensional radiative, gravitational hydrodynamical models is used to show that gas giant planets are unlikely to form by the disk instability mechanism at distances of ~100 AU to ~200 AU from young stars. A similar result seems to hold for the core accretion mechanism. These results appear to be consistent with the paucity of detections of gas giant planets on wide orbits by infrared imaging surveys, and also imply that if the object orbiting GQ Lupus is a gas giant planet, it most likely did not form at a separation of ~100 AU. Instead, a wide planet around GQ Lup must have undergone a close encounter with a third body that tossed the planet outward to its present distance from its protostar. If it exists, the third body may be detectable by NASA's Space Interferometry Mission.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures. in press, ApJ Letter
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