378 research outputs found

    User-level performance of channel-aware scheduling algorithms in wireless data networks

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    Channel-aware scheduling strategies, such as the Proportional Fair algorithm for the CDMA 1xEV-DO system, provide an effective mechanism for improving throughput performance in wireless data networks by exploiting channel fluctuations. The performance of channel-aware scheduling algorithms has mostly been explored at the packet level for a static user population, often assuming infinite backlogs. In the present paper, we focus on the performance at the flow level in a dynamic setting with random finite-size service demands. We show that in certain cases the user-level performance may be evaluated by means of a multi-class Processor-Sharing model where the total service rate varies with the total number of users. The latter model provides explicit formulas for the distribution of the number of active users of the various classes, the mean response times, the blocking probabilities, and the mean throughput. In addition we show that, in the presence of channel variations, greedy, myopic strategies which maximize throughput in a static scenario, may result in sub-optimal throughput performance for a dynamic user configuration and cause potential instability effects

    Polling systems with multiple coupled servers

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    A globally gated polling system with a dormant server

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    Interacting queues in heavy traffic

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    We consider a system of parallel queues with Poisson arrivals and exponentially distributed service requirements. The various queues are coupled through their service rates, causing a complex dynamic interaction. Specifically, the system consists of one primary queue and several secondary queues whose service rates depend on whether the primary queue is empty or not. Conversely, the service rate of the primary queue depends on which of the secondary queues are empty. An important special case arises when the service rates satisfy a specific relationship so that the various queues form a work-conserving system. This case is, in fact, equivalent to a so-called Generalized Processor Sharing (GPS) system. GPS-based scheduling algorithms have emerged as popular mechanisms for achieving service differentiation while providing statistical multiplexing gains. We consider a heavy-traffic scenario, and assume that each of the secondary queues is underloaded when the primary queue is busy. Using a perturbation procedure, we derive the lowest-order asymptotic approximation to the joint stationary distribution of the queue lengths, in terms of a small positive parameter measuring the closeness of the system to instability. Heuristic derivations of these results are presented. We also pursue two extensions: (i) the more general work-conserving case where the service rate of a secondary queue may depend on its own length, and is a slowly varying function of the length of the primary queue; and (ii) the non-work-conserving case where the service rate of a secondary queue may depend on its own length, but not on the length of the primary queue

    Dynamic rate control algorithms for HDR throughput optimization

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    The relative delay tolerance of data applications, together with the bursty traffic characteristics, opens up the possibility for scheduling transmissions so as to optimize throughput. A particularly attractive approach, in fading environments, is to exploit the variations in the channel conditions, and transmit to the user with the currently `best' channel. We show that the `best' user may be identified as the maximum-rate user when the feasible rates are weighed with some appropriately determined coefficients. Interpreting the coefficients as shadow prices, or reward values, the optimal strategy may thus be viewed as a revenue-based policy, which always assigns the transmission slot to the user yielding the maximum revenue. Calculating the optimal revenue vector directly is a formidable task, requiring detailed information on the channel statistics. Instead, we present adaptive algorithms for determining the optimal revenue vector on-line in an iterative fashion, without the need for explicit knowledge of the channel behavior. Starting from an arbitrary initial vector, the algorithms iteratively adjust the reward values to compensate for observed deviations from the target throughput ratios. The algorithms are validated through extensive numerical experiments. Besides verifying long-run convergence, we also examine the transient performance, in particular the rate of convergence to the optimal revenue vector. The results show that the target throughput ratios are tightly maintained, and that the algorithms are well able to track sudden changes in the channel conditions or throughput targets

    Generalized processor sharing with long-tailed traffic sources

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    We analyze the queueing behavior of longtailed traffic sources under the Generalized Processor Sharing (GPS) discipline. GPS-based scheduling algorithms, such as Weighted Fair Queueing, have emerged as important mechanisms for accommodating heterogeneous quality-of-service requirements in integrated-services networks. Under mild stability conditions, we show that the tail behavior of the buffer content of an individual source with long-tailed traffic characteristics is equivalent to the tail behavior when that source is served in isolation at a constant rate which is equal to the link rate minus the aggregate average rate of all other sources. Thus, asymptotically, the buffer content of the source is only affected by the traffic characteristics of the other sources through their aggregate average rate. In particular, the source is essentially immune from excessive activity of sources with 'heavier'-tailed traffic characteristics. This suggests that GPS-based scheduling algorithms provide an effective mechanism for extracting high multiplexing gains, while protecting individual connections

    Exact asymptotics for fluid queues fed by multiple heavy-tailed on-off flows

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    Lingering issues in distributed scheduling

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    Recent advances have resulted in queue-based algorithms for medium access control which operate in a distributed fashion, and yet achieve the optimal throughput performance of centralized scheduling algorithms. However, fundamental performance bounds reveal that the "cautious" activation rules involved in establishing throughput optimality tend to produce extremely large delays, typically growing exponentially in 1/(1-r), with r the load of the system, in contrast to the usual linear growth. Motivated by that issue, we explore to what extent more "aggressive" schemes can improve the delay performance. Our main finding is that aggressive activation rules induce a lingering effect, where individual nodes retain possession of a shared resource for excessive lengths of time even while a majority of other nodes idle. Using central limit theorem type arguments, we prove that the idleness induced by the lingering effect may cause the delays to grow with 1/(1-r) at a quadratic rate. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first mathematical results illuminating the lingering effect and quantifying the performance impact. In addition extensive simulation experiments are conducted to illustrate and validate the various analytical results

    Subexponential asymptotics of hybrid fluid and ruin models

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