2,421 research outputs found
Chiral symmetry breaking in the Wegner-Houghton approach
The Wegner-Houghton formulation of the exact renormalization group evolution
equation is used in order to study the chiral symmetry breaking of the linear
sigma model coupled to an isospin doublet of quarks. A numerical investigation
for a particular truncation of the equation which includes the scalar field
renormalization function is presented.Comment: 4 pages,4 eps figures. Contribution to CRIS2000, Catania, May 200
Dynamical System Analysis of Cosmologies with Running Cosmological Constant from Quantum Einstein Gravity
We discuss a mechanism that induces a time-dependent vacuum energy on
cosmological scales. It is based on the instability induced renormalization
triggered by the low energy quantum fluctuations in a Universe with a positive
cosmological constant. We employ the dynamical systems approach to study the
qualitative behavior of Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmologies where the
cosmological constant is dynamically evolving according with this
nonperturbative scaling at low energies. It will be shown that it is possible
to realize a "two regimes" dark energy phases, where an unstable early phase of
power-law evolution of the scale factor is followed by an accelerated expansion
era at late times.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures. To appear in New Journal of Physic
Role of Noise in a Market Model with Stochastic Volatility
We study a generalization of the Heston model, which consists of two coupled
stochastic differential equations, one for the stock price and the other one
for the volatility. We consider a cubic nonlinearity in the first equation and
a correlation between the two Wiener processes, which model the two white noise
sources. This model can be useful to describe the market dynamics characterized
by different regimes corresponding to normal and extreme days. We analyze the
effect of the noise on the statistical properties of the escape time with
reference to the noise enhanced stability (NES) phenomenon, that is the noise
induced enhancement of the lifetime of a metastable state. We observe NES
effect in our model with stochastic volatility. We investigate the role of the
correlation between the two noise sources on the NES effect.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, Eur. Phys. J. B, in pres
Cosmological Perturbations in Renormalization Group Derived Cosmologies
A linear cosmological perturbation theory of an almost homogeneous and
isotropic perfect fluid Universe with dynamically evolving Newton constant
and cosmological constant is presented. A gauge-invariant formalism
is developed by means of the covariant approach, and the acoustic propagation
equations governing the evolution of the comoving fractional spatial gradients
of the matter density, , and are thus obtained. Explicit solutions
are discussed in cosmologies where both and vary according to
renormalization group equations in the vicinity of a fixed point.Comment: 22 pages, revtex, subeqn.sty, to appear on IJMP
Quantum Gravity effects near the null black hole singularity
The structure of the Cauchy Horizon singularity of a black hole formed in a
generic collapse is studied by means of a renormalization group equation for
quantum gravity. It is shown that during the early evolution of the Cauchy
Horizon the increase of the mass function is damped when quantum fluctuations
of the metric are taken into account.Comment: 15 Pages, one figure. Minor changes in the presentation, to appear on
Prosperare al di lĂ del merito: il senso della nemesis in Aristotele tra giustizia distributiva e giustizia correttiva
L’articolo prende in esame quella particolare forma di indignazione che
Aristotele indica, nel secondo libro della Retorica, con l’infinito sostantivato to
nemesan, derivato dal termine nemesis. Si tratta della reazione che si genera in un
animo nobile contro chi prospera al di lĂ del merito. Il sostantivo e i suoi derivati
risultano poco usati in età classica e ricorre più frequentemente nell’epica omerica
e in Esiodo. Aristotele sembra recuperarlo proprio dalla tradizione poetica arcaica,
assegnandogli un ruolo nella sua riflessione sulla giustizia e in particolare nella
differenza tra la forma distributiva e quella correttiva. Egli individua così in
questa forma di indignazione, un’emozione da coltivare e sollecitare in quei
giudici che, come accadeva nell’Atene classica, erano chiamati a formulare una
sentenza, non solo sulla base della legge ma anche secondo un principio di equitĂ .The article examines a particular form of indignation indicated by Aristotle,
in the second book of the Rhetoric, with the infinitive to nemesan, derived from the
noun nemesis. It describes the reaction of a noble mind towards people who
prosper beyond merit. The noun and its derivatives are scarcely used in the
classical age, but occur more frequently in the Homeric epics and in Hesiod.
Aristotle retrieves them from the archaic poetic tradition and uses them in his
general reflection about justice. He identifies nemesis as a useful emotion to be
cultivated in the judges acting in contexts where they were called upon to
formulate a judgement, not only according to the law but also following a
principle of equity
Softening of the equation of state of matter at large densities and temperatures: chiral symmetry restoration vs. quark deconfinement
We discuss two models for describing the behavior of matter at large
densities and intermediate temperatures. In both models a softening of the
equation of state takes place due to the appearance of new degrees of freedom.
The first is a hadronic model in which the softening is due to chiral symmetry
restoration. In the second model the softening is associated with the formation
of clusters of quarks in the mixed phase. We show that both models allow a
significant softening but, in the first case the bulk modulus is mainly
dependent on the density, while in the mixed phase model it also strongly
depends on the temperature. We also show that the bulk modulus is not vanishing
in the mixed phase due to the presence of two conserved charges, the baryon and
the isospin one. Only in a small region of densities and temperatures the
incompressibility becomes extremely small. Finally we compare our results with
recent analysis of heavy ion collisions at intermediate energies.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, editorially accepted versio
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