104 research outputs found

    Groebner-Shirshov basis for HNN extensions of groups and for the alternating group

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    In this paper, we generalize the Shirshov's Composition Lemma by replacing the monomial order for others. By using Groebner-Shirshov bases, the normal forms of HNN extension of a group and the alternating group are obtained

    Groebner-Shirshov basis for the braid group in the Artin-Garside generators

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    In this paper, we give a Groebner-Shirshov basis of the braid group Bn+1B_{n+1} in the Artin--Garside generators. As results, we obtain a new algorithm for getting the Garside normal form, and a new proof that the braid semigroup B+n+1B^+{n+1} is the subsemigroup in Bn+1B_{n+1}

    Gr\"obner-Shirshov bases for LL-algebras

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    In this paper, we firstly establish Composition-Diamond lemma for Ω\Omega-algebras. We give a Gr\"{o}bner-Shirshov basis of the free LL-algebra as a quotient algebra of a free Ω\Omega-algebra, and then the normal form of the free LL-algebra is obtained. We secondly establish Composition-Diamond lemma for LL-algebras. As applications, we give Gr\"{o}bner-Shirshov bases of the free dialgebra and the free product of two LL-algebras, and then we show four embedding theorems of LL-algebras: 1) Every countably generated LL-algebra can be embedded into a two-generated LL-algebra. 2) Every LL-algebra can be embedded into a simple LL-algebra. 3) Every countably generated LL-algebra over a countable field can be embedded into a simple two-generated LL-algebra. 4) Three arbitrary LL-algebras AA, BB, CC over a field kk can be embedded into a simple LL-algebra generated by BB and CC if kdim(BC)|k|\leq \dim(B*C) and ABC|A|\leq|B*C|, where BCB*C is the free product of BB and CC.Comment: 22 page

    Gr\"obner-Shirshov bases for categories

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    In this paper we establish Composition-Diamond lemma for small categories. We give Gr\"obner-Shirshov bases for simplicial category and cyclic category.Comment: 20 page