2,898 research outputs found
The q-deformed Bose gas: Integrability and thermodynamics
We investigate the exact solution of the q-deformed one-dimensional Bose gas
to derive all integrals of motion and their corresponding eigenvalues. As an
application, the thermodynamics is given and compared to an effective field
theory at low temperatures.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure
Self-consistent calculation of the coupling constant in the Gross-Pitaevskii equation
A method is proposed for a self-consistent evaluation of the coupling
constant in the Gross-Pitaevskii equation without involving a pseudopotential
replacement. A renormalization of the coupling constant occurs due to medium
effects and the trapping potential, e.g. in quasi-1D or quasi-2D systems. It is
shown that a simplified version of the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approximation
leads to a variational problem for both the condensate and a two-body wave
function describing the behaviour of a pair of bosons in the Bose-Einstein
condensate. The resulting coupled equations are free of unphysical divergences.
Particular cases of this scheme that admit analytical estimations are
considered and compared to the literature. In addition to the well-known cases
of low-dimensional trapping, cross-over regimes can be studied. The values of
the kinetic, interaction, external, and release energies in low dimensions are
also evaluated and contributions due to short-range correlations are found to
be substantial.Comment: 15 pages, ReVTEX, no figure
Universality of the one dimensional Bose gas with delta interaction
We consider several models of interacting bosons in a one dimensional
lattice. Some of them are not integrable like the Bose-Hubbard others are
integrable. At low density all of these models can be described by the Bose gas
with delta interaction. The lattice corrections corresponding to the different
models are contrasted.Comment: 6 pages, no figures; minor changes; refs. adde
On the 'Strong-Coupling' Generalization of the Bogoliubov Model
A generalized Bogoliubov model of the Bose gas in the ground state is
proposed which properly takes into account both the long-range and short-range
spatial boson correlations. It concerns equilibrium characteristics and
operates with in-medium Schrodinger equations for the pair wave functions of
bosons being the eigenfunctions of the second-order reduced density matrix. The
approach developed provides reasonable results for a dilute Bose gas with
arbitrary strong interaction between particles (the 'strong-coupling' case) and
comes to the canonical Bogoliubov model in the weak-coupling regime.Comment: 6 pages, REVTEX, no figure
Analytic perturbation theory versus 1/N expansion in the Gross-Neveu model
The 1/N expansion can be successfully used to calculate the Green functions
of the two-dimensional O(2N) Gross - Neveu model. In parallel, the methods of
analytic perturbation theory are also applied. Comparing the results of these
two calculations at leading order, we report on the surprising agreement
between them.Comment: Latex, 3 figures, 4 page
Bose-Einstein-condensed gases with arbitrary strong interactions
Bose-condensed gases are considered with an effective interaction strength
varying in the whole range of the values between zero and infinity. The
consideration is based on the usage of a representative statistical ensemble
for Bose systems with broken global gauge symmetry. Practical calculations are
illustrated for a uniform Bose gas at zero temperature, employing a
self-consistent mean-field theory, which is both conserving and gapless.Comment: Latex file, 23 pages, 4 figure
Non-perturbative solutions in the electro-weak theory with condensate and the -quark mass
We apply Bogoliubov compensation principle to the gauge electro-weak
interaction to demonstrate a spontaneous generation of anomalous three-boson
gauge invariant effective interaction. The non-trivial solution of compensation
equations uniquely defines the form-factor of the anomalous interaction and
parameters of the theory including value of gauge electro-weak coupling
in satisfactory agreement with its experimental value. A possibility
of spontaneous generation of effective four-fermion interaction of heavy quarks
is also demonstrated. This interaction defines an equation for a scalar bound
state of heavy quarks which serve as a substitute for the elementary scalar
Higgs doublet. As a result we calculate the -quark mass
in satisfactory agreement with the experimental value. The results strongly
support idea of condensate as a source of the electro-weak symmetry
breaking.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial overlap with
CDF Wjj anomaly as a non-perturbative effect of the electro-weak interaction
The recently reported CDF excess at in invariant mass
distribution of jet pairs accompanying -boson is tentatively interpreted as
a bound state of two decaying to quark-anti-quark pair. Non-perturbative
effects of EW interaction obtained by application of Bogoliubov compensation
approach lead to such bound state due to existence of anomalous three-boson
gauge-invariant effective interaction. The application of this scheme gives
satisfactory agreement with existing data without any adjusting parameter but
the bound state mass .Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure
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