76 research outputs found

    Ab initio prediction of the high-pressure phase diagram of BaBiO3

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    BaBiO3 is a well-known example of a 3D charge density wave (CDW) compound, in which the CDW behavior is induced by charge disproportionation at the Bi site. At ambient pressure, this compound is a charge-ordered insulator, but little is known about its high-pressure behavior. In this work, we study from first principles the high-pressure phase diagram of BaBiO3 using phonon mode analysis and evolutionary crystal structure prediction. We show that charge disproportionation is very robust in this compound and persists up to 100 GPa. This causes the system to remain insulating up to the highest pressure we studied

    Electron-phonon superconductivity in AAPt3_3P compounds: from weak to strong coupling

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    We study the newly discovered Pt phosphides AAPt3_3P (AA=Sr, Ca, La) [ T. Takayama et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 237001 (2012)] using first-principles calculations and Migdal-Eliashberg theory. Given the remarkable agreement with the experiment, we exclude the charge-density wave scenario proposed by previous first-principles calculations, and give conclusive answers concerning the superconducting state in these materials. The pairing increases from La to Ca and Sr due to changes in the electron-phonon matrix elements and low-frequency phonons. Although we find that all three compounds are well described by conventional s-wave superconductivity and spin-orbit coupling of Pt plays a marginal role, we show that it could be possible to tune the structure from centrosymmetric to noncentrosymmetric opening new perspectives towards the understanding of unconventional superconductivity.Comment: updated Journal referenc

    Ab-initio\textit{Ab-initio} study of ABiO3\textit{A}BiO_3 (AA=Ba, Sr, Ca) under high pressure

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    Using ab-initio\textit{ab-initio} crystal structure prediction we study the high-pressure phase diagram of ABiO3\textit{A}BiO_3 bismuthates (AA=Ba, Sr, Ca) in a pressure range up to 100 ~GPa. All compounds show a transition from the low-pressure perovskite structure to highly distorted, low-symmetry phases at high pressures (PD transition), and remain charge disproportionated and insulating up to the highest pressure studied. The PD transition at high pressures in bismuthates can be understood as a combined effect of steric arguments and of the strong tendency of bismuth to charge-disproportionation. In fact, distorted structures permit to achieve a very efficient atomic packing, and at the same time, to have Bi-O bonds of different lengths. The shift of the PD transition to higher pressures with increasing cation size within the ABiO3\textit{A}BiO_3 series can be explained in terms of chemical pressure

    Absence of superconductivity in iron polyhydrides at high pressures

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    Recently, C. M. Pépin et al. [Science 357, 382 (2017)] reported the formation of several new iron polyhydrides FeHx at pressures in the megabar range and spotted FeH5, which forms above 130 GPa, as a potential high-Tc superconductor because of an alleged layer of dense metallic hydrogen. Shortly after, two studies by A. Majumdar et al. [Phys. Rev. B 96, 201107 (2017)] and A. G. Kvashnin et al. [J. Phys. Chem. C 122, 4731 (2018)] based on ab initio Migdal-Eliashberg theory seemed to independently confirm such a conjecture. We conversely find, on the same theoretical-numerical basis, that neither FeH5 nor its precursor, FeH3, shows any conventional superconductivity and explain why this is the case. We also show that superconductivity may be attained by transition-metal polyhydrides in the FeH3 structure type by adding more electrons to partially fill one of the Fe-H hybrid bands (as, e.g., in NiH3). Critical temperatures, however, will remain low because the d-metal bonding, and not the metallic hydrogen, dominates the behavior of electrons and phonons involved in the superconducting pairing in these compounds

    Prediction of high-Tc conventional superconductivity in the ternary lithium borohydride system

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    We investigate the superconducting ternary lithium borohydride phase diagram at pressures of 0 and 200 GPa using methods for evolutionary crystal structure prediction and linear-response calculations for the electron-phonon coupling. Our calculations show that the ground state phase at ambient pressure, LiBH4, stays in the Pnma space group and remains a wide band-gap insulator at all pressures investigated. Other phases along the 1:1:x Li:B:H line are also insulating. However, a full search of the ternary phase diagram at 200 GPa revealed a metallic Li2BH6 phase, which is thermodynamically stable down to 100 GPa. This superhydride phase, crystallizing in a Fm¯3m space group, is characterized by sixfold hydrogen-coordinated boron atoms occupying the fcc sites of the unit cell. Due to strong hydrogen-boron bonding this phase displays a critical temperature of ∼100K between 100 and 200 GPa. Our investigations confirm that ternary compounds used in hydrogen-storage applications should exhibit high-Tc conventional superconductivity in diamond anvil cell experiments, and suggest a viable route to optimize the superconducting behavior of high-pressure hydrides, exploiting metallic covalent bonds

    Metal Borohydrides as high-TcT_{c} ambient pressure superconductors

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    The extreme pressures required to stabilize the recently discovered superhydrides represent a major obstacle to their practical application. In this paper, we propose a novel route to attain high-temperature superconductivity in hydrides at ambient pressure, by doping commercial metal borohydrides. Using first-principles calculations based on Density Functional Theory and Migdal-Eliashberg theory, we demonstrate that in Ca(BH4_4)2_2 a moderate hole doping of 0.03 holes per formula unit, obtained through a partial replacement of Ca with monovalent K, is sufficient to achieve TcT_c's as high as 110 K. The high-TcT_c arises because of the strong electron-phonon coupling between the B-H σ\sigma molecular orbitals and bond-stretching phonons. Using a random sampling of large supercells to estimate the local effects of doping, we show that the required doping can be achieved without significant disruption of the electronic structure and at moderate energetic cost. Given the wide commercial availability of metal borohydrides, the ideas presented here can find prompt experimental confirmation. If successful, the synthesis of high-TcT_c doped borohydrides will represent a formidable advancement towards technological exploitation of conventional superconductors.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, submitted to APS. Supplemental material will be available upon publicatio

    The road to room-temperature conventional superconductivity

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    It is a honor to write a contribution on this memorial for Sandro Massidda. For both of us, at different stages of our life, Sandro was first and foremost a friend. We both admired his humble, playful and profound approach to life and physics. In this contribution we describe the route which permitted to meet a long-standing challenge in solid state physics, i.e. room temperature superconductivity. In less than 20 years the Tc of conventional superconductors, which in the last century had been widely believed to be limited to 25 K, was raised from 40 K in MgB2 to 265 K in LaH10. This discovery was enabled by the development and application of computational methods for superconductors, a field in which Sandro Massidda played a major role.Comment: Viewpoint submitted for JPCM Sandro Massidda's memoria

    Effect of the iron valence in the two types of layers in LiFeO2_2Fe2_2Se2_2

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    We perform electronic structure calculations for the recently synthesized iron-based superconductor LiFeO2_2Fe2_2Se2_2. In contrast to other iron-based superconductors, this material comprises two different iron atoms in 3d5d^5 and 3d6d^6 configurations. In band theory, both contribute to the low-energy electronic structure. Spin-polarized density functional theory calculations predict an antiferromagnetic metallic ground state with different moments on the two Fe sites. However, several other almost degenerate magnetic configurations exist. Due to their different valences, the two iron atoms behave very differently when local quantum correlations are included through the dynamical mean-field theory. The contributions from the half-filled 3d5d^5 atoms in the LiFeO2_2 layer are suppressed and the 3d6d^6 states from the FeSe layer restore the standard iron-based superconductor fermiology.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    Electron-phonon interaction in Graphite Intercalation Compounds

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    Motivated by the recent discovery of superconductivity in Ca- and Yb-intercalated graphite (CaC6_{6} and YbC6_{6}) and from the ongoing debate on the nature and role of the interlayer state in this class of compounds, in this work we critically study the electron-phonon properties of a simple model based on primitive graphite. We show that this model captures an essential feature of the electron-phonon properties of the Graphite Intercalation Compounds (GICs), namely, the existence of a strong dormant electron-phonon interaction between interlayer and π∗\pi ^{\ast} electrons, for which we provide a simple geometrical explanation in terms of NMTO Wannier-like functions. Our findings correct the oversimplified view that nearly-free-electron states cannot interact with the surrounding lattice, and explain the empirical correlation between the filling of the interlayer band and the occurrence of superconductivity in Graphite-Intercalation Compounds.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
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