34 research outputs found
Perpustakaan Umum Malang Dengan Kombinasi Taman Vertikal Dan Ventilasi Untuk Perancangan Ruang Baca
Kualitas udara dalam ruang merupakan sebuah interaksi yang dapat berubah baiksecara konstan mau pun tidak yang diakibatkan oleh beberapa faktor yangmempengaruhi baik dari lingkungan luar mau pun lingkungan dalam. Salah saturuangan yang berpotensi tinggi untuk mengalami masalah polusi udara dalam ruangadalah ruang perpustakaan. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kondisi lingkungan eksternalseperti debu yang terbawa angin dan kondisi internal yaitu bakteri yang terbawa padabuku-buku lama yang dihirup oleh pelaku aktifitas perpustakaan. Dari faktor eksternal,salah satu penyebabnya ialah debu, tanah, dan polutan yang terbawa di udara masuk kedalam ruang perpustakaan. Pengoperasian sistem ventilasi bangunan berperan pentingdalam membawa udara masuk ke dalam ruangan. Salah satu strategi yang telahdisebutkan ialah penggunaan filter. Filter pada ventilasi berfungsi sebagai penyerappolusi yang terbawa angin luar masuk ke ruang dalam. Terdapat beberapa cara untukfiltrasi pada bangunan salah satunya adalah taman vertikal. Diharapkan penggunaankombinasi taman vertikal dan ventilasi dapat menjadi sumber penghawaan alami yangtetap memperhatikan kualitas udara dalam pada perpustakaan agar masalah buruknyakualitas udara ruang dalam pada perpustakaan dapat direduksi
Diketopyrrolopyrrole Amphiphile-Based Micelle-Like Fluorescent Nanoparticles for Selective and Sensitive Detection of Mercury(II) Ions in Water
A technique
for encapsulating fluorescent organic probes in a micelle
system offers an important alternative method to manufacture water-soluble
organic nanoparticles (ONPs) for use in sensing Hg<sup>2+</sup>. This
article reports on a study of a surfactant-free micelle-like ONPs
based on a 3,6-diÂ(2-thienyl)-2,5-dihydroÂpyrroloÂ[3,4-<i>c</i>]Âpyrrole-1,4-dione (TDPP) amphiphile, (2-(2-(2-methoxyÂethoxy)Âethyl)-3,6-diÂ(2-thiophyl)-2,5-dihydroÂpyrroloÂ[3,4-<i>c</i>]Âpyrrole-1,4-dione (NDPP) fabricated to monitor Hg<sup>2+</sup> in water. NDPP was synthesized through a simple one-step
modification of a commercially available dye TDPP with a flexible
and hydrophilic alkoxy. This study reports, for the first time, that
TDPP dyes can respond reversibly, sensitively, and selectively to
Hg<sup>2+</sup> through TDPP–Hg–TDPP complexation, similar
to the well-known thymineÂ(T)–Hg–thymineÂ(T) model and
the accompanying molecular aggregation. Interestingly, transmission
electron microscopy (TEM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS) confirmed
that, in water, NDPP forms loose micelle-like fluorescent ONPs with
a hydrohobic TDPP portion encapsulated inside. These micelle-like
nanoparticles offer an ideal location for TDPP–Hg complexation
with a modest molecular aggregation, thereby providing both clear
visual and spectroscopic signals for Hg<sup>2+</sup> sensing. An estimated
detection limit of 11 nM for Hg<sup>2+</sup> sensing with this NDPP
nanoparticle was obtained. In addition, NDPP ONPs show good water
solubility and high selectivity to Hg<sup>2+</sup> in neutral or alkalescent
water. It was superior to most micelle-based nanosensors, which require
a complicated process in the selection or synthesis of suitable surfactants.
The determinations in real samples (river water) were made and satisfactory
results were achieved. This study provides a low-cost strategy for
fabricating small molecule-based fluorescent nanomaterials for use
in sensing Hg<sup>2+</sup>. Moreover, the NDPP nanoparticles show
potential ability in Hg<sup>2+</sup> ion adsorption and recognization
of cysteine using NDPP-Hg composite particle
Table_1_Matrix metalloproteinase Nas15 regulates the lumen formation and expansion in Ciona notochord.docx
Lumen formation, as a key process of biological tube construction, is essential in various physiological processes such as nutrient and waste transporting, gas exchanging, and structural supporting. However, the mechanisms underlying tubular lumen development are still not fully understood. In the present study, we identified a matrix metalloproteinase, Nas15, which is enriched in the apical domain of the Ciona embryonic notochord. The expression level of the Nas15 gene significantly increased during notochord lumen formation and expansion. Nas15 loss-of-function resulted in abnormal notochord lumen expansion in Ciona embryos. Besides, yeast two-hybrid screening and CO-IP results indicated a Phosphatase 2 Catalytic Subunit Alpha (PPP2CA) physically interacted with Nas15. PPP2CA also involved in notochord lumen formation via localizing Nas15. Furthermore, we investigated the distribution of laminin in Nas15 disrupted embryos. In conclusion, our results revealed a mechanisms of how notochord cells regulating lumen expansion via metalloproteinase-mediated ECM localization. This findings provide insight into the mechanisms of tubular organ lumen formation and serve as a reference for research on human abnormal lumenogenesis diseases.</p
Supplementary document for Digital image correlation-assisted phase-sensitive optical coherence tomography - 6788938.pdf
Combined experimental and computational study of Ce-doped La3Zr2Li7O12 garnet solid-state electrolyte
Li-containing garnet materials have been attracting considerable interest as potential solid-state electrolytes for Li ion batteries. In such Ln3M2LixO12 (Ln = lanthanide, alkaline earth; M = Zr, Hf, Sn, Nb, Ta, Sb, Bi, Te), the best Li ion conductivity is observed for Li contents, x, just below the maximum 7.0. The decrease in conductivity for x = 7.0 systems is related to Li ordering (cell changes from cubic to tetragonal) to prevent too short Li-Li interactions. In this work, we report a combined experimental and modeling study of Ce4+ doping in La3Zr2Li7O12. We show for the first time that Ce4+ can be doped onto the Zr4+ site in this material. This doping strategy results in a reduction in the tetragonal distortion as well as a lowering of the temperature of the tetragonal-cubic phase transition, attributed to the increase in cell size reducing Li-Li interaction strain. Coupled with these changes, the conductivity shows a significant (1.5 orders of magnitude) improvement. Furthermore, the Ce doping also reduces the interfacial resistance (388 ω cm2 for Li7La3Z1.75Ce025O12) in contact with Li metal, giving additional potential benefits to this doping strategy. The long-term cycling stability of a Li//garnet//Li symmetric cell over 190 h has been demonstrated
Supplementary document for Digital image correlation-assisted phase-sensitive optical coherence tomography - 6788938.pdf
Table_1_TikTok video as a health education source of information on heart failure in China: a content analysis.DOCX
BackgroundHeart failure (HF) is a complex and life-threatening syndrome associated with significant morbidity and mortality. While TikTok has gained popularity as a social media platform for sharing HF-related information, the quality of such content on TikTok remains unexplored.MethodsA cross-sectional analysis was conducted on TikTok videos related to HF in China. The sources of the videos were identified and analyzed. The content comprehensiveness of the videos was evaluated using six questions that covered definition, signs and symptoms, risk factors, evaluation, management, and outcomes. The reliability and quality of the videos were assessed using three standardized evaluation instruments: DISCERN, JAMA benchmarks, and the Global Quality Scale. Additionally, the correlation between video quality and video characteristics was further investigated.ResultsAmong the video sources, 92.2% were attributed to health professionals, while news agencies and non-profit organizations accounted for 5.7% and 2.1%, respectively. The content comprehensiveness score for the videos was 3.36 (SD 3.56), with news agencies receiving the highest scores of 4.06 (SD 3.31). The median DISCERN, JAMA, and GQS scores for all 141 videos were 26.50 (IQR 25.00–28.750), 2.00 (IQR 2.00–2.00), and 2.00 (IQR 2.00–2.00), respectively. Videos from health professionals had significantly higher JAMA scores compared to those from non-profit organizations (P ConclusionThe overall quality of the videos was found to be unsatisfactory, with variations in quality scores observed across different video sources. Content comprehensiveness was inadequate, the reliability and quality of the information presented in the videos was questionable. As TikTok continues to grow as a platform for health information, it is essential to prioritize accuracy and reliability to enhance patients’ self-care abilities and promote public health.</p
Pressure and Temperature Dependence of Contact Angles for CO<sub>2</sub>/Water/Silica Systems Predicted by Molecular Dynamics Simulations
controls the capillary behavior of injected CO<sub>2</sub>, including
capillary entry pressure, relative permeability,
and residual fluid saturation, and it is one of the most active topics
in geologic carbon sequestration (GCS). However, the large uncertainty
of water contact angle (CA) data and its pressure, temperature, and
salinity dependence in the literature limit our understanding on wettability.
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been performed to investigate
the pressure (<i>P</i>) and temperature (<i>T</i>) dependence of water CAs on the silica surface. Three typical molecular
surface models for silica, namely, Q<sup>2</sup>, crystalline Q<sup>3</sup>, and amorphous Q<sup>3</sup>, were selected, and simulations
were conducted at wide pressure (2.8–32.6 MPa) and temperature
(318–383 K) conditions. The results show that <i>P</i> and <i>T</i> dependence of water CAs on silica surfaces
is controlled by surface functional groups. These findings provide
new information to help with the better understanding of wettability
alteration under different GCS conditions
Observatoires ruraux à Madagascar : pourquoi, comment et que faire ? : analyse à partir des outils théoriques de l'économie des organisations
Figure S2. Validation of the interaction between csa-miR-4018a or csa-miR-4018b and Mapkk3–3′-UTR. (PDF 841 kb
Additional file 1: of Identification and characterization of microRNAs involved in ascidian larval metamorphosis
Table S1. Sequences of identified known miRNAs in C. savignyi. (DOCX 108Ă‚Â kb