891 research outputs found

    Assessing the long term viability of leasehold rural land in Queensland

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    Rural land holdings in a number of states in Australia can be freehold or leasehold. The actual type and tenure of the leasehold varies according to each state, but the underlying principles of ownership, transferability and farming and grazing rights are reasonably similar. There are rural areas that are all leasehold title such as the western lands in NSW, while rural land in some states and areas can be a mix of both freehold and lease hold rural property. Over the years many rural farming areas that were originally developed or granted as leasehold land have been converted to freehold title. In many instances the cost of purchasing perpetual leasehold property is similar to the equivalent freehold property despite the fact that an additional rental charge is applied to this form of ownership. Many of the current leasehold rural holdings are located in the more arid regions of the state and the prevailing agricultural farming system is either cattle or sheep grazing

    Valuers' Liability: the impact of torts reform in Queensland

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    Historically there has been a correlation between the economic cycles and litigation in the area of professional negligence relating to valuers. Negligence actions have principally been instigated by financiers for valuations prepared during more buoyant economic times but where there has been a subsequent loss due to a reduction in property value. More specifically during periods of economic downturn such as 1982 to 1983 and 1990 to 1998 there has been an increased focus by academic writers on professional negligence as it relates to property valuers. Based on historical trends it is anticipated that the end of an extended period of economic prosperity such as has been experienced in Australia, will once again be marked by an increase in litigation against valuers for professional negligence. However, the context of valuers liability has become increasingly complex as a result of statutory reforms introduced in response to the Review of the Law of Negligence Final Report 2002 (“the IPP Report”), in particular the introduction of Civil Liability Acts introducing proportionate liability provisions. This paper looks at valuers’ liability for professional negligence in the context of statutory reforms in Queensland and recent case law to determine the most significant impacts of recent statutory reform on property valuers

    Quantifying angular clustering in wide-area radio surveys

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    We quantify the angular clustering of radio galaxies in the NVSS and FIRST radio surveys using the two-point correlation function and the moments of counts-in-cells - both important points of comparison with theory. These investigations consistently demonstrate that the slope of the correlation function for radio galaxies agrees with that for optically-selected galaxies, gamma = 1.8. We describe how to disentangle the imprint of galaxy clustering from the two observational problems: resolution of radio galaxies into multiple components and gradients in source surface density induced by difficulties in processing "snapshot" radio observations (significant in both surveys below 15 mJy). This study disagrees in some respects with previous analyses of the angular clustering of radio galaxies.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Assessing the long term viability of leasehold rural land in Queensland

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    Rural land holdings in a number of states in Australia can be freehold or leasehold. The actual type and tenure of the leasehold varies according to each state, but the underlying principles of ownership, transferability and farming and grazing rights are reasonably similar. There are rural areas that are all leasehold title such as the western lands in NSW, while rural land in some states and areas can be a mix of both freehold and lease hold rural property. Over the years many rural farming areas that were originally developed or granted as leasehold land have been converted to freehold title. In many instances the cost of purchasing perpetual leasehold property is similar to the equivalent freehold property despite the fact that an additional rental charge is applied to this form of ownership. Many of the current leasehold rural holdings are located in the more arid regions of the state and the prevailing agricultural farming system is either cattle or sheep grazing

    Cosmology with photometric redshift surveys

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    We explore the utility of future photometric redshift imaging surveys for delineating the large-scale structure of the Universe, and assess the resulting constraints on the cosmological model. We perform two complementary types of analysis: (1) We quantify the statistical confidence and the accuracy with which such surveys will be able to detect and measure characteristic features in the clustering power spectrum such as the acoustic oscillations and the turnover, in a 'model-independent' fashion. We show for example that a 10,000 deg^2 imaging survey with depth r = 22.5 and photometric redshift accuracy dz/(1+z) = 0.03 will detect the acoustic oscillations with 99.9% confidence, measuring the associated preferred cosmological scale with 2% precision. Such a survey will also detect the turnover with 95% confidence, determining the corresponding scale with 20% accuracy. (2) By assuming a Lambda-CDM model power spectrum we calculate the confidence with which a non-zero baryon fraction can be deduced from such future galaxy surveys. We quantify 'wiggle detection' by calculating the number of standard deviations by which the baryon fraction is measured, after marginalizing over the shape parameter. This is typically a factor of four more significant (in terms of number of standard deviations) than the 'model-independent' result. We conclude that the precision with which the clustering pattern may be inferred from future photometric redshift surveys will be competitive with contemporaneous spectroscopic redshift surveys, assuming that systematic effects can be controlled. We also note that an analysis of Luminous Red Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey may yield a marginal detection of acoustic oscillations in the imaging survey, in addition to that recently reported for the spectroscopic component.Comment: 23 pages, 22 figures, version accepted by MNRA

    Improving reconstruction of the baryon acoustic peak : the effect of local environment

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    Precise measurements of the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) scale as a standard ruler in the clustering pattern of large-scale structure is a central goal of current and future galaxy surveys. The BAO peak may be sharpened using the technique of density-field reconstruction, in which the bulk displacements of galaxies are estimated using a Zel'dovitch approximation. We use numerical simulations to demonstrate how the accuracy of this approximation depends strongly on local environment, and how this information may be used to construct an improved BAO measurement through environmental re-weighting and using higher-order perturbation theory. We outline further applications of the displacement field for testing cosmological models.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figure

    Measuring H0 from the 6dF Galaxy Survey and future low-redshift surveys

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    Baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) at low redshift provide a precise and largely model-independent way to measure the Hubble constant, H0. The 6dF Galaxy Survey measurement of the BAO scale gives a value of H0 = 67 +/- 3.2 km/s/Mpc, achieving a 1-sigma precision of 5%. With improved analysis techniques, the planned WALLABY (HI) and TAIPAN (optical) redshift surveys are predicted to measure H0 to 1-3% precision.Comment: Proceedings of IAU Symposium 289, "Advancing the Physics of Cosmic Distances", Richard de Grijs & Giuseppe Bono (eds), 2012, 4p

    Power spectrum multipoles on the curved sky: an application to the 6-degree Field Galaxy Survey

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    The peculiar velocities of galaxies cause their redshift-space clustering to depend on the angle to the line-of-sight, providing a key test of gravitational physics on cosmological scales. These effects may be described using a multipole expansion of the clustering measurements. Focussing on Fourier-space statistics, we present a new analysis of the effect of the survey window function, and the variation of the line-of-sight across a survey, on the modelling of power spectrum multipoles. We determine the joint covariance of the Fourier-space multipoles in a Gaussian approximation, and indicate how these techniques may be extended to studies of overlapping galaxy populations via multipole cross-power spectra. We apply our methodology to one of the widest-area galaxy redshift surveys currently available, the 6-degree Field Galaxy Survey, deducing a normalized growth rate f*sigma_8(z=0.06) = 0.38 +/- 0.12 in the low-redshift Universe, in agreement with previous analyses of this dataset using different techniques. Our framework should be useful for processing future wide-angle galaxy redshift surveys.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, version accepted by MNRA
